Your 2024 Guide to Online Side Hustles -From Zero to $150 a Day

Easy Money-Making Method for Beginners

I believe to be one of the easiest ways to earn money on the internet as a complete beginner, and I’m going to explain exactly what this is and how you can get started in a moment. Now there’s a number of different reasons why I believe this to be an easy way to start a side hustle. One of the first reasons is that doing something very similar to this allowed me to quit my 9-to-5 job because I understood exactly how this worked. I was able to hand in my notice, leave my 9-to-5 job, travel around the world to various different beautiful locations, live in the houses that I want to live in, drive the cars that I want to drive while still being able to make money and not have a boss tell me what to do.

Accessible Side Hustle for Everyone

Another reason why I believe this to be an easy side hustle is because any of you that are reading this article are going to be able to get started with it. It doesn’t require you to show your face on camera, you don’t need to use your voice, you don’t even need to speak to anyone. Literally if you’re able to understand how to set this up maybe within a couple days, a week, a couple weeks, you’re going to start generating money and from there you’re going to be able to build it up.

How This Side Hustle Works

And just to quickly give you an overview of exactly how all of this stuff works, basically what you’re going to do is find winning products that are proven that you know people on the internet are willing to buy. From there you’re going to make those products available to customers to buy using various different softwares and when it comes to getting potential customers onto your product pages, there’s a number of different ways that you can do that. I recommend using social media platforms forms in the form of short form content as well as using something like Google shopping but I’m going to explain that a little bit later on.

Hands-Off Order Fulfillment Process

And once you’ve built the foundation of the side hustle and you start getting sales from there your supplier is going to receive the orders, they’re going to receive your buyer’s name, address and what item they ordered and they’re going to ship it out directly to them so you never even have to see any products, you don’t have to pack any orders, you don’t have to go to the post office or anything like that. You’re going to be able to sit back, run the side hustle and start earning revenues and profits and my main goal with today’s article is to walk you guys through how you can do this in the easiest way possible.

Building Your Online Store

Now first things first what you’re going to need to do is start the process of building out your store. There’s two main ways that you can build a store you can either do it yourself and kind of do things manually but that might be a little bit difficult if you’re complete beginner. The second option is that you can use some sort of AI store Builder to speed up the process and the main reason why I recommend using some sort of an AI store Builder is because it’s going to make sure that things are optimized, it’s going to make sure that it’s going to work on desktop and mobile phone, it’s going to create all of these sales Pages for you and most importantly it’s going to load it with winning products and the AI store Builder that I tend to recommend is this one over here.

Setting Up Your Store

So all you got to do from this point is insert your full name, email address and password and once you get to this page over here it’s going to ask you to pick a niche into terms of the types of products that you want to sell. Now when it comes to doing this side hustle generally speaking I would have said normally that you would have needed to have found a wining product first reason being is that the wining product that you find is going to determine what type of store you’re going to build. Now because we’re using this AI store Builder and they’re going to load it with winning products you could just select whatever store that you feel passionate about when it comes to putting your effort into growing it over the next couple weeks, months, maybe even over the next year.

Choosing Your Niche

This side hustle is not a get-rich quick scheme, it’s something that you’re going to need to build up so because of that it’s important for you to pick a niche that you care about and you believe that you’re going to be able to sell those products to the best of your ability and to give you an example of what I’m talking about I wouldn’t necessarily pick a store let’s say around fashion and apparel. Yes I like to dress well, yes I look amazing but I wouldn’t necessarily say that I’m passionate about it and I want to sell you know items to do with clothing and stuff like that. Maybe I’ll be a little bit more interested in electronics and gadgets because I use these type of items on a daily basis. But whichever one that you decide even if you change your mind after you’ve built your store you can always come back and build another store you know there’s no limits to the amount of stores that you can build but for the purpose of this article I’m going to select this one over here and then I’m going to click on done.

Customizing Your Store’s Appearance

On this stage you now need to select two out of these six images they’re going to be used on your website in a number of different places so I’m just going to select let’s say this one and this one over here and then click on done. On this stage over here you’re going to need to create your Shopify account so what you need to do is just click on access Shopify, it’s going to take you directly over to Shopify just like this and bear in mind that the reason why it’s taking us over here is because Shopify is what we’re going to use when it comes to hosting or Drop Shipping Store. The AI store Builder is only there to help us when it comes to designing it but everything you’re going to do is going to be on the back end of Shopify.

Creating Your Shopify Account

So once you get to a page that looks like this it might look slightly different by the time that you watch this video but whatever it is you just need to insert your email address into this section over here and then click on start trial. Shopify is then going to ask you a series of different questions you can go through them if you want you don’t have to. I don’t go through them whenever I create a new store I just click on skip all. Okay perfect so it’s now started the process of creating my account and once it’s done that you’re going to need to go back over to the AI store Builder and then let them know that you’ve done it so I’m just going to click on done.

Linking Shopify to AI Store Builder

You now need to link your Shopify store to the AI store Builder so I’m just going to come over here get the URL just like that and paste it in there and then click on Save. What you now need to do is activate your Shopify trial. Now just to give you a quick understanding of how this works Shopify is completely free for you to use it for the first 30 days. Now it’s not completely free you just need to pay $1 when it comes to activating your 30-day trial with Shopify and the reason why this is a powerful thing is because you’re going to be able to have unlimited access to all of the features of Shopify which means that within those first 30 days you’re going to be able to use it to start generating revenues and profits and the reason why this is important to know is because when you do start your 30-day trial you don’t want to wait till month two month three for you to start doing anything you want to start putting in the work from day one so that you can maximize all of the 30 days that you have for completely free.

Activating Your Shopify Trial

So what you need to do when it comes to accessing the trial is that you need to click on access Shopify over here it’s then going to take you to this page where you need to enter your first name, last name, card number details and you can also use a PayPal account if you wanted to but I’m just going to use my card. Then you need to click on subscribe so I’m going to do that now and I’m going to be back in a minute. Okay perfect so the subscription has been successful this is the page that you’re going to see once you’ve completed that and once you have done that you need to go back to the store Builder and click on done.

Installing Necessary Apps

If you have done it correctly it’s going to allow you to move over to the next step and what you now need to do is install this app so click on this button over here and by the way guys we’re coming up to the final stages of this process just click on install and it’s going to take you over to this page and once you get to this page what you now need to do is add the winning products from the niche that you selected. So to do that you’re going to need to sign up to a tool called autod DS everything is integrated so you don’t need to go over to autod DS you can click on this button over here and simply follow through with the registration process you’re not going to have to pay anything when you first register.

Setting Up AutoDS

I’ve already created my account as you can see autods is going to be used for so many different parts of the side hustle it’s going to be used when it comes to the winning products as I just mentioned it’s also going to be used when it comes to linking the product to your store and it’s most importantly going to be used when it comes to sending the information to your supplier automatically so that you don’t have to copy and paste your buyers details every single time that you make a sell. So once you’ve completed the registration with autod Ds from there the products are now going to be loaded onto your store so this is a very important step to complete and just click on done once you’ve done that.

Unlocking and Viewing Your Store

Okay great so the store has now been built and all we need to do is unlock it so that we can gain access to it so once you click on that button you need to select this overhead and click on Save and if you want to view your store you’re going to be able to do that by clicking on view store over here and here you go this is the store that it was able to build fully optimized fully completed with all of these different pages if I just click on new arrivals as you can see it loaded the store with these winning products. Ignore this currency it’s only because I’m in Dubai that’s the reason why it’s in this particular currency but if the customer clicked onto this store in the US it’s obviously going to show them dollars in the UK it’s going to show them pounds so on and so forth but but as you can see it’s done an amazing job to build this website if I was to do this myself it would have taken me maybe 2 3 days for me to do it.

Customizing Your Store’s Content

All of these different pages that you can see about us frequently ask questions contact us there’s information in all of this of course you do need to go through everything and make sure that it’s customized to your particular brand so all of this information as you can see it’s just a placeholder and you need to go through where it has all of these different sections over here and insert the information that’s unique to you but nevertheless it’s still taking off a lot of work off your hands and if I just click into a product listing let’s click into this one even the actual product page it was able to do so as you can see everything has been formatted all of the key features of the product all of the different images of the product as well has also been loaded onto the store and just to make you aware as well when it comes to all of these different products you don’t have to sell them if you don’t want to you can remove one you can remove all of them you’ve got complete flexibility when it comes to the product section as well if you did want to add any other winning products you can just simply go back over to your autods account and click on the correct niche in terms of what your store is about in this case it is electronics and gadgets.

Finding Winning Products

From here I’m going to be able to look at all of these different items that are currently doing well according to autod DS and because autods is one of the biggest Drop Shipping softwares out there they’ve got data when it comes to what’s performing well and what’s not so you can somewhat trust the information on this page but if I just click into this item over here on this page you’re going to be able to get a lot of useful information about Whatever item you’re looking at in terms of the potential profit how much is the item being sold for as well as information about the target audience of that particular product and various different Tik toks that people have made when it comes to promoting the product and you’re also going to be able to see people that are selling it right now on their own Shopify stores and I can hear most of you right now probably saying but Sam everything you shown us is amazing but how exactly am I going to get customers onto my store once I’ve built it.

Marketing Your Store

Now there’s so many different ways that you can do this but I would say that the best ways is to use social media platforms specifically short form content and also consider using something like Google shopping and I’m going to explain exactly how this works. So if I just go back onto the store that you saw me build and I use let’s say this 4K drone over here I’m just going to go onto Google I’m going to type in the name of the product so let’s type in 4k drone and then what I’m going to do is click on Google shopping. Instantly we’re going to be able to see all of these different people that are selling a very similar product to the one that was loaded on our store and as you can see over here there’s this seller that has been able to get their product on Google shopping which isn’t a hard thing to do as long as you’re aware of the steps that goes into it and it looks like they’re also selling a very similar drone and they may even be dropshipping it so Google shopping is definitely something that you might want to look into I’ve been able to generate hundreds of thousands of dollars with Google shopping it’s a powerful tool because people go onto Google they type in the item that they’re thinking about buying and then from there your store is going to be presented to them so it’s something that you might want to consider but let me quickly show you someone that’s selling a similar product or the exact same product on Tik Tok and the item that I’m going to use from our store is this projector over here.

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