Using new Trend to Make money on YouTube Shorts

Introduction to the New Trend

This new trend started recently and people made anywhere from five thousand dollars to over ten thousand dollars using this new trend and this trend is picking up again so you can also make over ten thousand dollars on YouTube Shorts using this trend. All you need is a laptop or a smartphone with an internet connection.

Step One: Using Google Trends

So step number one is come over to Google and search for Google Trends. Select the first website and click on it. It will take you to the Google Trends home page and here you can see what’s trending in your country, what’s trending in other countries, and even what is trending all over the world right now. You can just search any term or topic in this box and Google will show you how much traction the topic is getting right now.

Finding a Trending Topic

So I want you to search for Andrew Tate in the search bar and once you press enter it will take you to this page where you can see that Andrew Tate was trending very high in August and now his search has increased again and this can help you to make a lot of money. Now I know that some of you don’t like him and some of you like Andrew Tate but in both scenarios, you can make a lot of money. And if you search Andrew Tate on VidIQ which is a keyword research tool, you will see that he was searched 25 million times in the last month only so there is a huge untapped market to make money with this trend.

Step Two: Utilizing YouTube Shorts

Okay, so step number two is to come to YouTube. Now I want you to search for Andrew Tate in the search box and as you will see that the first result is actually a YouTube Shorts video. It was just posted 20 hours ago and it is ranking number one for this keyword. This is the power of YouTube Shorts. Even if you scroll down a little bit, you will find another Shorts video ranking on this keyword and if you keep scrolling, you will find many Shorts videos ranking on this keyword.

Analyzing YouTube Shorts Performance

Most of these long videos are getting over millions of views – over 1 million views, over 2 million views, over 6 million views, and so on and so forth. Just like this, YouTube Shorts are also getting over 2 million views, over 3 million views, and even over 7 million views. But if you notice carefully, you will find that the long-form content was getting millions of views because the channels who posted these videos are actually established channels with over 400,000 subscribers, over half a million subscribers, and even over 3 million subscribers. On the other side, the Shorts getting over millions of views were posted on a channel with just 40,000 subscribers, 60,000 subscribers, and on even a 6,000 subscribers channel. So this clearly shows the power and the potential of YouTube Shorts.

Optimizing Your YouTube Shorts

In this article, I will reveal to you the secrets to optimize your Shorts and to get millions of views using them. So step number three is to open up these YouTube Shorts channels that are ranking on this keyword “Andrew Tate” like “Creator Tate” and “Tate Society”. You can open them up and I want you to watch some of the Shorts videos from these channels so that you can get the idea of how they are working, which tags they use in their Shorts, what titles they write, and which of the Shorts videos are performing very well and bringing in millions of views.

Downloading and Analyzing Popular Shorts

Once you watch these Shorts, I want you to go over to the Shorts section again and click on the popular option right here. You will find the most popular Shorts from channel. Now simply open these Shorts one by one, click on the share button and copy the URL of the Shorts from there. After that just come over to This website will help you to download Shorts from YouTube. So just paste your copied URL in box and click on the get link next to it. Then click on the download button to start downloading the video to your device.

Step Four: Using ClickBank for Affiliate Marketing

Step number four is to come over to and register for a free account if you don’t have one already. ClickBank is an affiliate marketplace from where you can get affiliate links for different digital and physical products which you can then promote and make money. But don’t worry if ClickBank doesn’t work in your country because I will show you another affiliate marketplace in a minute. But if you already have an account on ClickBank then just log into it and I want you to come over to the affiliate marketplace. Here on the affiliate marketplace, you can choose many different digital and physical products to promote which will give you money every time someone buys those products through your affiliate link.

Choosing the Right Product to Promote

But I have already researched the best product for you, so just search for “paid social media jobs” in the search box and press enter and you will see this “Get Paid to Use Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube”. This is one of the best offers to promote on your Shorts YouTube channel. As you can see this offer has 300 gravity and gravity here defines how many people are promoting this product and getting results. Generally, gravity over 30 is considered to be good. This offer is here for more than 12 years and it is still very popular. I have seen many creators promoting this offer and making over thousands of dollars every month. This offer will provide you $23 in the initial conversion which doesn’t seem interesting but if you click on its affiliate page you will be taken to its official affiliate page.

Understanding Affiliate Earnings

If you scroll down a little bit until you see this upsell flow chart, here you can see that once the person buys this product they will be shown another offer that is the upsell of $97.67. Either the person declines the offer or accepts it, they will be shown three other upsell offers of $57, $37, and again either the person accepts or declines the offer, he will be shown the last upsell offer of $37. In all of these scenarios, you will get a 75% commission on the price of each upsell mentioned in the flow in addition to the initial commission of $23. This earns you the recurring commission of $48 per person who buys this product through your affiliate link. So just click on the affiliate button, enter your ClickBank nickname, and create your hop link or also known as an affiliate link for this offer.

Alternative Affiliate Marketplace: WarriorPlus

Now the second affiliate marketplace is This is also one of the best affiliate marketplaces and it is available in most of the countries so if ClickBank doesn’t work in your country, you can use WarriorPlus. So just sign up here for free by clicking on this free sign-up button on the top right corner and once you log into your account this is how your dashboard will look like. Now I want you to hover your mouse over the affiliate section and select offers from there. On the next page, if you scroll down you will see different offers with their release date and other stats. Here you can choose any product you want to promote but make sure that the product you choose must have more than a 12% conversion rate and the refund rate must be below 5% and the average sale must be above $15.

Choosing the Right Offer on WarriorPlus

So the product I choose for this method is “TV Profits” over here. This offer was released on the 7th of November 2022 and more than one thousand people have already bought this product. It has a 29% conversion rate and only a 3% refund rate which is really very awesome. The average sale of this offer is $45 and it has a visitor value of more than $9 which means that for every person we sent to this offer, we can make 984 cents per person we send to it and the gravity of this offer is 74 which again is a good factor. Now to start promoting this offer you must send a request to the owner of this offer explaining to them why you are a good fit for promoting this offer. You can include something like you have an email list of 15,000 people interested in making money online and you want to promote it to them or you can say that you have a YouTube channel with an audience interested in making money online, something like that.

Step Five: Creating and Growing Your YouTube Channel

Step number five is to create a YouTube channel with a name related to Andrew Tate. For example, you can name the channel as “Tate Speech” or “Tate’s Formula” etc. Then just start downloading the Shorts from other channels and post them daily to your channel. But don’t forget to give them credit in the description of each Shorts video. This helps you in two ways: first, they will never send you a copyright strike and second, after some time, YouTube will start recommending your Shorts videos to their audience too. This will help you to grow quickly.

Including Affiliate Links in Your Videos

The most important thing is to include your affiliate link in the description and in the comments section of each and every Shorts you post on your channel. Use the same title and tags that they use in their Shorts so that when any one of your YouTube Shorts goes viral, it will have a snowball effect and your other Shorts will also start to get views. This will lead to more subscribers and more people clicking on your affiliate link in the description of your videos and you will earn your ten thousand dollars very fast. That’s it for today.

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