Unveiling the Real Deal: Cash and Clicks

You need belief if you don’t have belief then no money can be made

So on this website I publish a lot of article when it comes to the technical side of being able to make money online but from the comments that I get as well as my Instagram DMs I’ve noticed that so many people do not have the right mindset when it comes to the fundamentals of being able to earn an online source of income so I thought you know what in today’s article let me go through five facts five truths that I’ve learned over my years of generating multiple millions of dollars on the internet so that by the end of this article any beginner out there that’s also looking to make money online is going to be able to have a understanding of the reality of what goes into it so jumping straight into one of the first facts that I want to talk about which is that You need belief if you don’t have belief then no money can be made.

How I got my belief to start an online business

Now I get so many comments on my article with proven methods that I’ve used myself to generate a source of income online from people that say this doesn’t work I’m not going to be able to do it I don’t believe I can do it and one thing that I’ve learned over my years of building various different online businesses is that money only comes after you have a true belief that you can make it happen there’s never been a time that I’ve not believed that I’m going to be able to succeed with a particular side hustle and it’s managed to work I’ve always needed to have a level of belief for it to succeed and I’m not saying that it’s completely easy for you to automatically have all the belief in the world that it’s going to work because I was in that same situation myself when I was a complete beginner back when I was working at 9 to 5 job I really wanted to start an online business so that I could live a life of pure freedom and I had to get belief from somewhere and the way that I got my belief was by looking at other people that was doing exactly what I wanted to do and made sure that they were making money from it.

Example of how I got belief for my eBay business

So to give you a real life example of what I did the side hustle that I started back when I was working my 9 to-5 job was selling products on eBay so what I did is figure out exactly how I could spy on how much money those eBay sellers were making on a monthly basis there’s certain ways that you can figure this out for example looking at exactly how many sales there making on all of their different listings or what you can do is use a tool at Zeke analytics and it’s going to show you how much they’re bringing in every single month so once I was able to see certain numbers that eBay sellers were making automatically I had the belief that I was going to be able to do it as well because the moment I saw certain eBay sellers bringing in let’s say $100,000 every month then there was no reason why I couldn’t believe that I could bring in $5,000 a month $10,000 a month $20,000 a month and this is the same principle that I now applied to every single method of making money online I always like to do research and see exactly how much someone is making with a particular online business and once I can see certain numbers that will now give me the faith and the belief to know that I can accomplish it myself and this is the method that worked for me and I’m sure that it’s going to work for you too but whatever the case is you just need to make sure that you figure out how you can increase your belief before you get started with whatever sad hustle you’re thinking about doing because if you go into it with a negative or pessimistic mindset then you’re going to be telling yourself that it’s not going to work you’re going to miss out on opportunities and you’re not going to take the action that’s necessary when it comes to making it happen.

Most methods work but you need to pick one that excites you

But moving on to the second truth that I’ve learned over my years of making hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit on the internet which is that most methods out there work but you need to pick one that excites you so we live Most methods work in a day and age right now with so many different opportunities when it comes to being able to earn money online for example we’ve got things like e-commerce Drop Shipping Amazon FBA selling on eBay affiliate marketing content creation you know doing some sort of freelance or work from home job there’s a wide variety of different options out there when it comes to making money online and from my own experience I’ve seen that all of these different methods work but for you to succeed with any one of them you need to pick one that you’re excited about so that every day that you wake up you’re going to be looking forward to doing that side hustle and building that on online business because if you end up picking a method of making money online that you don’t really care about maybe you picked it because someone else is doing it but it doesn’t really match your skill set or your personality the minute you hit your first obstacle you’re going to tell yourself that it’s not worth it and you’re going to bounce around from side hustle to side hustle.

Pick something you’re excited about

So this is definitely something that I’ve learned on my own Journey with all of the different methods of making money online that I’ve been successful with is that I’ve picked something that I’m excited about because if I pick something that I know that I want to do then I’m going to be able to do it to the best of my ability every single time that I’ve personally picked something that I saw someone else doing and maybe they were driving in some sort of car that I wanted to drive but I didn’t really care about the actual thing that they were doing on a day-to-day basis and I tried to copy them I ended up giving up I ended up wasting a lot of time energy and money and to give you an example of what I’m talking about back when I started making money online the first business as I said that I started was an eBay business but I came across someone that bought a Lamborghini and he wrapped in Gold he had a lot of money but what he was doing was trading Forex so I completely put my eBay business on hold back then for me to start trade in Forex you know I did it for maybe a year maybe a year and a half and I was making decent money from it but it wasn’t something that I was really passionate about and I only did it because someone else was doing it and they were making money from it so this is definitely something that you need to bear in mind that don’t just pick something because you see someone doing it try and understand what goes into that You always need money particular side hustle try and understand what you’re going to be doing on a day-to-day basis and if you’re able to fully understand what goes into that method of making money online and it matches with your skill set and your personality that’s when you’re going to be able to increase your chances of being successful.

You always need to have some sort of money when it comes to getting started

But swiftly moving on to one of the third truths that I’ve seen when it comes to making money online which is that you always need to have some sort of money when it comes to getting started now of course most people out there want to be able to receive money without giving anything when that just isn’t the reality and I’m not saying saying that you can’t start a side hustle with 0 there might be some out there but the ones that I’ve seen that you don’t need to invest any sort of money whatsoever they don’t really work out over the long term so my advice to any beginner out there that is looking to take their side hustle super serious is to have some sort of a budget so that you’re going to be able to do it to the best of your ability now I’m not saying that you need thousands and thousands of dollars when it comes to starting side hustles because it all depends on which one you pick some side hustles require more money than others but from my own experience even the side hustles that don’t require you to invest a large amount of money you’re always going to need to invest something when it comes to softwares when it comes to apps when it comes to paying for Freelancers to help you with certain things so the main point that I’m trying to make right now is that don’t go into a side hustle expecting to not pay anything it’s always good to have let’s say $100 even $500 $1,000 for you to kind of increase your chances of being able to get that side hustle off the ground.

Understanding the need for investment in your side hustle

Around and to give you a deeper understanding of what I’m talking about when it comes to this particular topic of needing money to invest in your side hustle of course we’ve got methods of starting an online business EG and e-commerce business where you need to buy the inventory up front let’s say if you’re looking to sell on Amazon or Ebay or even Shopify of course with this you might need a couple thousand but even when it comes to a side hustle like affiliate marketing or Drop Shipping where you don’t need to buy inventory up front people go into it thinking that they don’t need any money whatsoever but as I said a couple hundred will definitely get you far because you’re going to be able to pay for apps you’re going to be able to pay for ads you’re going to be able to pay for certain things that’s going to speed up the process and this now brings me on to one of the next facts about making money online which is that real money cannot be made overnight.

Real money cannot be made overnight

Now Real money cannot be made overnight we live in a day and age right now where so many people are trying to chase get rich quick schemes but from my own experience of being able to start all of these different online sources of income is that it’s not going to happen overnight now of course there’s some methods that are quicker than others but you can’t expect to start a side hustle on a Monday and then make $10,000 on a Tuesday if you’re a complete beginner when it comes to making internet money you need to give yourself some time to understand the different processes there’s going to be a learning curve of course and just generally speaking you can’t expect to receive money ASAP and if anything going into it with that mindset is only going to things making money online requires a certain level of consistency patience and Massive Action with every single online business that I’ve ever built ranging from e-commerce Drop Shipping affiliate marketing content creation nothing’s happened overnight it hasn’t happened in the first month the first two months for me to have gotten to the point.


where I started bringing in $10,000 in profit every month $20,000 every month it took me working at it every single day and it’s going to be a slow buildup as well you know you might start off earning your first $1,000 profit in a single month which is amazing if you are a complete beginner and then after that you’re going to make maybe $3,000 $5,000 but as long as you’re focused on the work you’re focused on the most important things that you need to do on a day-to-day basis that’s when you’re going to see your money building up on a monthly basis over time.


And this now brings me on to the fifth fact about being able to successfully make money online that I’ve seen hold a lot of people back and it also hold me back as well which is distraction now in my Distraction opinion I would say that distraction is one of the number one reasons as to why a lot of people end up not making serious money online and by Distraction I’m talking about being distracted with your personal life I’m also talking about being distracted with other business ideas there’s so many different distractions around us that end up delaying us from being able to accomplish our Highest Potential distraction is something that I kind of touched on earlier with the concept of shiny object syndrome this is something that’s probably affecting you right now you’re starting one side hustle you’re doing it maybe for a week maybe two weeks at the start you’re really excited about it it’s something that you really want to do and maybe you’ve hit your first obstacle maybe you just got bored of it and now you’ve jumped over to another side hustle this is the cycle that I see so many people being affected by they start something quit it go back to it start something else and they just keep doing that year after year after year with every single online business that I’ve been able to earn over a million dollar from it took taught me being laser focused on that business over a prolonged period of time and I do have to admit it’s not easy not giving into distraction even with myself till now I have to hold myself back from wanting to try so many different things because there’s so many different opportunities out there but once you found something that you know works you found something that you know that you’re going to be able to stick with and you found something that you know that over the next year 2 years 3 years it can turn into something big it only makes sense for you to stick with that thing rather than you trying to do multiple different things all at the same time.

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