Unlock Hidden Profits: How Google Search Can Boost Your Daily Income

Google Search Blueprint for Generating Income

So this blueprint that you can see on the screen is what I’ve personally used to generate thousands of dollars with Google search and in this article what I want to do is break down this blueprint, explain the steps that goes into it so that you can also put yourself in a position where you can start generating an extra $50 per day, $100 per day using the number one most visited website in the entire world which is Google. So make sure you stick around for this entire article from start to finish because I’m going to go through each one of these different steps, everything that I wish I knew from day one because it would have saved me a lot of time, energy and money.

Understanding the Business Model

Understand the Business Model. So jumping straight into the first step which is that you need to understand the business model. So I’m sure right now most of you that are new to the world of making money online are probably thinking “Sam, how exactly can one make money with Google search? Isn’t it just a search engine that people go onto?” Now the business model behind it is that of course it’s just a search engine but when you go on to Google you type something in what’s going to pop up is various different websites and those websites are built by people like me and you and because Google is the most visited platform in the entire world, billions of people go onto it on a weekly basis.

Deciding Your Website’s Focus

If you’re able to build your own website and understand exactly how to do it in the right way you’re going to be able to get thousands of people coming onto your website and hopefully one day millions and it goes about saying that when it comes to making money online generally speaking if you got a lot of traffic you got a lot of eyeballs you’re going to be able to monetize in a number of different ways which I’m going to explain a little bit later on in this video. So now that you understand the business model behind it this now brings me on to step number two which is that you need to decide on what your website is going to be about.

Choosing a Niche

So if you think about the searches that you personally do yourself you’re going to realize that when it comes to building a website it’s always good to make sure that it’s focused on a specific Niche. This is because it’s going to be clearer for the people that are coming onto your website, they’re going to trust that your site is an expert in the information that it’s going to give and that’s going to allow you to get more visitors, more traffic. Google is going to ultimately show you to more and more people. The mistake that you want to avoid is having a general website that talks about a whole bunch of different things from a whole bunch of different categories.

The Three P’s of Niche Selection

The way that I like to do it is that I like to focus my website on a specific topic because it’s going to be easier for me to manage and again it’s also going to be easier for the visitors that land on my site. Now when it comes to deciding on a niche there’s three things that you need to consider and I call them the free P’s. Now this is something that I’ve spoken about on my channel before but I’m just going to quickly explain exactly what I’m talking about.

Popularity, Profitability, and Passion

So the first P is popularity, you want to make sure that whatever niche you pick there’s millions of people searching for information about that topic because if there’s only a couple thousand maybe tens of thousands of people all around the world searching about that topic every month then the likelihood of you making money is extremely low which now brings me on to the second P which is profitability. You don’t want to pick a niche that no one’s spending money on, you know people that are maybe searching for information about that Niche don’t have money.

Profitable Niches and Passion

With all of the websites that I’ve built over the years that I’ve been able to get ranked on Google search I always like to make sure that the demographic of people that are searching for that Niche have money to spend and this is going to be things like travel, personal finance, online business, social media, you know education, there’s a number of different ones out there that you can choose from. So you just need to make sure that you have a little think about it and decide on what’s going to be best for you which now brings me on to the third P which is Passion.

Creating a Branding Plan

You want to make sure that you’re passionate about whatever your website is going to be about because there’s no point picking one that’s popular, there’s no point picking a topic that makes a lot of money but when it comes down to it you don’t actually care about that topic because all you’re going to do is just end up wasting your energy. So make sure that you consider those three P’s when it comes time for you to start the process of building your website and before you start building your website step number three is that you need to come up with a branding plan and when I say branding plan what this means is that you need to Envision what you want your website to look like once it’s all said and done.

Website Branding Example

E.g. what’s the name going to be? What’s the domain going to be? Is it going to be about you? Is it going to be a baseless brand? What’s the color scheme going to be? You know there’s all of these different factors that goes into a website that’s why it’s good for you to look at your competition, you know big websites in your Niche for you to get an idea of the structure and The Branding of your website so that you’re going to be able to go into it knowing what you want your website to look like and to give you a quick idea as to how I like to Brand my website here is one of my sites over here that could be found at successwithbus.com.

Importance of Clear Branding

With the site I’ve been able to get multiple different articles ranked on the first page of Google and as you can see it’s a faceless brand it’s not necessarily about me and the reason why it’s important for you to have a solid branding plan is because of what I said at the start of this video is that it’s going to make things a lot clearer for the people that land on your site. Automatically when people land on this website they’re going to know what it’s about straight away even when it comes to the domain alone successwithbus.com that automatically tells them that the site is about helping them achieve success with their business.

Building Your Website

So having a solid branding plan is super important but this now brings me on to the fourth step which is that you now need to start the process of building your website. So when it comes to building a website there is a couple different things that goes into it but it could also be done in a very simplistic way as well. Now one of the first things that you’re going to need is a hosting plan. There’s so many different hosting companies out there, some of them are good some of them are not but the one that I recommend that you use is Hostinger.

Hostinger for Website Hosting and Building

I personally use it myself and the reason why I recommend it is for so many different reasons and I’m going to explain them as we go along and you’re going to be able to use Hostinger when it comes to actually designing your website as well. So it’s not just a hosting plan you’re going to be able to use it from start to finish because as you can see over here I’ve just logged into my Hostinger account and you can use it when it comes to building a WordPress website. So you’ve got these different options online store, portfolio but of course the one that we want to build is a Blog and as you can see they’ve got all of these pre-built templates that you can use and from here you’re going to be able to switch things around to whatever brand that you’re looking to build and creating a WordPress website is as simple as that.

Using Hostinger’s AI Builder

It’s just going to take a couple minutes for them to install everything make sure that everything is done accurately or if you would rather use their AI Builder this is also a great option too because literally as you can see you’re just going to have to come onto it select your website type select your brand name type in a short description it could just be a couple sentences just like this and once you’ve done that you’re going to be able to get a fully built website up and running within a few minutes literally just like that. I’ve now got this unique built website that of course I’m going to be able to make changes to but everything has been built using AI all of these different pages I didn’t need to do anything that you can see on the screen and if you did want to make any changes all you need to do is click on edit site over here and if you wanted to move anything around you’re going to be able to do that if you want to change the text if you wanted to change any of the images all you got to do is just replace the image and they’ve got a library of free images that you can use it’s really really simple when it comes to using their AI website builder as well and this is going to be a great start when it comes to getting your newly built website off the ground because you’re not going to have to put in too much work there’s not going to be too much headache and you’re going to be able to easily do it as a complete beginner and I would say that the ultimate best part about using Hostinger is that it’s not even expensive because as you can see if you use the link in my description down below you’re going to be able to get 75% off you’re also going to be able to get a free domain 24/7 Live Customer Support no Tech skills are needed and if you’re not happy for whatever reason within 30 days you’re going to be able to utilize their money back G.

Hostinger Pricing and Coupon Code

So all you got to do is click on claim deal then click on choose plan and then from here you’ve got all of these different options I have a 1 month 12 months 24 months or 48 months but why I would recommend that you do whatever package that you’re deciding to go with I would recommend that you come down here to coupon code and use this one over here which is Success With Sam because this is going to allow you to save even more money which is going to keep more money in your pocket that you can use to reinvest back into your website. So make sure that when you get to the step over here for you to start building your website you use Hostinger and you also make sure to use the discounted Link in my description down below but swiftly moving on to the next step that you’re going to need to take once you’ve built your site which is that you need to connect it to the Google search console.

Connecting to Google Search Console

Now most of you have probably never even heard of the search console before but it’s very important for you to connect your website to it because this is the only way that Google is going to know that your website exists. So if you don’t do it then you’re going to end up publishing articles and building your website and none of them are going to ever end up in the Google searches results. It’s a very simple thing for you to do it’s probably going to take less than 5 to 10 minutes but again it’s really important for you to do it so that you’re going to be able to earn money from the Google search results but swiftly moving on to the sixth step which is that you need to start writing SEO focused articles.

Writing SEO-Focused Articles

So once you’ve gotten to the point where you’ve built your website you’ve connected it to the search console the only thing left for you to do and it’s the main thing that you’re going to continue to do is start publishing articles on your site. Articles is the way that you’re going to be able to build up traffic to your website and of course traffic turns into money and when I say that you need to make sure that you write SEO focused articles this is where you’re going to write articles that you know people are actively searching for on Google. There’s a number of different ways that you can figure this out there’s so many different tools out there that you can use you can even use tools like chat GPT and Google Gemini not only can you use these tools when it comes to doing SEO research but you can also use them when it comes to writing the actual article and then from there you’re going to be able to change things up but the number one goal that you have when it comes to building this online business or starting the side hustle is publishing articles on a consistent basis.

Article Publishing Frequency and Structure

Now my recommendation is that you want to publish at least three minimum articles per week if you could do more than that then that’s going to be much better but remember that this is the most important thing that you need to do when it comes to starting this side hustle because this is going to be the number one thing that’s going to help you earn money and there is a lot that goes into it when it comes to making sure that you’ve structured the best article possible. E.g. making sure that you’ve used the right amount of words ideally you want to use 1,000 words minimum you need to make sure that you use images in the article itself and you also need to make sure that you’re putting the right keywords in the right places and if you wanted me to make a detailed video showing you exactly how to do it Click by click step by step and how you can use AI as well then put in the comments down below do the Google SEO video and I’ll get onto it ASAP but moving on to the seventh step which is that you need to start implementing monetization Strategies.

Implementing Monetization Strategies

So one of the things that I love about building websites and getting these articles ranked on Google is that there’s a number of different ways that you’re going to be able to build up income sources from just one website alone there’s probably about five to six different income streams that you can have for example you can build a digital product and sell it on your website the more traffic you get the more sales you’re going to get another way that you can make money from websites just like this is that you can contact businesses or companies to charge them for sponsored posts once you get your daily traffic to a certain number from there companies are going to be more than happy to pay you to write about them and one of the next ways that you can make money from websites just like this is with affiliate marketing this is where you’re going to be able to place various different affiliate links throughout your entire website throughout your entire article and when someone clicks into that website you’re going to be able to earn something called an affiliate commission and the list goes on and on when it comes to all of the different monetization strategies that are out there.

Free Masterclass Offer

Now if you wanted a little bit more information on this part of the process I’ve got a completely free masterclass I’m going to link it down below in that masterclass I’m going to share all of the secrets that allowed me to go from zero to over $100,000 in pure profit with some of the monetization strategies that I mentioned earlier but my advice to you is that you don’t want to think about making money straight away when it comes to building a website of course you want to have an idea of how you’re going to monetize from it but in my opinion it’s always good for you to start implementing the monetization strategies once you’ve gone through all of these other steps over here which now brings me on to the final step that I want to talk about which is the importance of being consistent.

Importance of Consistency

Now this method of making money online is not a get-rich quick scheme it’s not going to happen overnight you need to be consistent you need to be passionate about it you need to put effort into it and the more consistent that you can be over a period of let’s say 1 month 2 months 3 months that’s when you’re going to start to see the profit coming in if you’re looking to make quick money then I would advise that you do something else but the main benefit to utilizing Google search to drive traffic to a website is that not only are you going to be able to make money when it comes to building up the website after a few months but the more energy that you put into building the website you’re going to build an asset that you’re eventually going to be able to sell but I’d say that these are definitely some of the most important things that you need to be aware of when it comes to starting the side hustle.

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