Unlock Google’s Hidden Money-Making Secrets -Earn $100 Daily

Discovering Google’s Money-Making Potential

So when I first found out that Google was the most visited website in the entire world, instantly I wanted to find a way to use it when it comes to making money online because wherever there’s traffic, wherever there’s people, there’s money to be made. And I’m here today to tell you that I’ve been able to figure it out because over the years I’ve generated millions of dollars on Google and in today’s video I want to go through five of the best ways that you can do it as a complete beginner from the comfort of your own home. So make sure that you stick around for this entire article from start to finish because you’re definitely going to learn something that’s going to change your financial situation.

Lead Generation with Google and AI

But jumping straight into one of the first ways that you can use Google search to make money is with lead generation. Now some of you may not even know what lead generation is but if you’re thinking about starting a service-based business where you’re going to reach out to businesses or anyone on the internet when it comes to finding their email address to offer them that service then there’s a certain way that you’re going to be able to use Google in combination with an AI bot like chat GPT. And the reason why knowing how to use Google when it comes to doing lead generation is so powerful is because if you’re able to build up 100 different emails, 500 different emails, a thousand different emails for people that are most likely going to be interested in whatever service you’re offering then the potential to make a lot of money is definitely high.

Step-by-Step Guide to Lead Generation

But let me quickly show you exactly how this works. So if I just jump onto Google search what I’m going to do is just type this in and this might look a little bit confusing but let me quickly explain exactly what it says. So I’m asking Google to scan the facebook.com site for any business that has the word tattoo in their name and I wanted to show me their Gmail, their Outlook, their Hotmail or their Yahoo. Now of course you can change tattoo to whatever you want – mechanics, barber shops, you know any type of business that you’re trying to contact, any type of business that you’re trying to offer a service to you’re going to be able to replace it over here and simply all you need to do is click on Google Search.

And as you can see Google has now come back with all of these different results so it’s specifically showing me the name of the business and it’s also showing me the email of the business too. And the best part about it is that it’s going to go on for page one, page two, page three and give you somewhat of an endless list when it comes to the leads that you’re trying to build up. Now of course you do need to organize the data so what you can do is just go over to a Google doc and then you’re simply going to copy and paste as many pages that you can so page one just highlight everything copy it paste it into the Google Doc you’re going to repeat that process over and over again for as long as you can.

And what you’re then going to do is go over to chat GPT. The purpose for chat GPT is that it’s going to help you when it comes to organizing the data because literally all you got to do is just copy everything just like this from your Google doc enter this prompt over here where you’re asking chat GPT to format the data into two columns company name and email address. Then what you’re going to do is just paste all of the data over here just like this and click on submit and as you can see instantly chat GPT has been able to organize all of these different leads in a neat and tidy way. And as I said earlier you’re going to be able to repeat this process as many times that you want for as many businesses that you want for completely free and the more leads that you’re able to build up for whatever service you’re offering the more money that you’re potentially going to be able to make.

Creating a Search-Based YouTube Channel

But swiftly moving on to one of the second ways that you can make money with Google search which is by starting a search based YouTube channel. Now most of you probably don’t even realize that majority of the views that YouTube channels get isn’t necessarily from people going directly onto YouTube to search for it but instead it’s from people that go onto Google type in a search term and then from there Google shows that person a YouTube video. And of course when it comes to earning money from YouTube channels there’s so many different ways that you can monetize from it but I’m going to explain that in a moment. Let me just show you exactly what I’m talking about.

So when someone goes onto Google search like this they might type in a search term I’m just going to type in a random one that just came to the top of my head which is how to invest for beginners and then from there they’re going to click on search. From this point of course they’re going to get all of these different website results but the person can also click on this video tab at the top and then from this point they’re going to get all of these different YouTube videos that they can watch. And of course if they click into any of these videos it’s going to put the person that owns the YouTube channel in a position where they’re going to be able to monetize from Google AdSense, affiliate links, sponsorships. So in my opinion for those of you that are thinking about starting a YouTube channel starting a search-based one could be your best option.]

Faceless YouTube Channel Creation

Now the best part about starting a YouTube channel is that there’s a number of different ways that you can do it and you don’t even need to show your face on camera if you don’t want to because there’s various different AI Bots out there that you can use when it comes to making videos where you don’t need to show your face and you don’t even need to use your own voice. And for those of you that may be thinking about starting a highly searched for faceless YouTube channel there’s so many different ways that you can do it but I’m just going to show you one of the methods.

So what you can do first and foremost is just head over to Google Gemini. Gemini is Google’s AI bot it’s the directly connected to Google’s database so there’s so much information you’re going to be able to get from it but what you can do is just type in a prompt just like this. So I’m going to say “I want to start a new faceless informative YouTube channel can you give me 10 niches that have a high chance of Performing well” as you can see it’s now come back with all of these different ideas that I can choose from. Now my recommendation is to pick one that you’re passionate about pick one that you’ve got some sort of knowledge about because it’s going to make it much easier when you face all of the different obstacles that are going to come your way.

Now the one that I’m interested in in terms of this list over here is going to be financial literacy so what I’m going to be able to do from this point is now enter this prompt that says “can you give me 10 video ideas for financial literacy” click on submit again and just like that I’ve now got all of these different ideas that I’m going to be able to choose from ideas like budgeting Basics, building credit, investing 101, tax planning, insurance coverage so on and so forth. But let’s assume that I wanted to make a faceless YouTube video about emergency fund Essentials I’m just going to copy it just like this then I’m going to head over to Google Trends paste emergency fund in there just like that change it to worldwide change this one to the past 10 years or so then I’m going to change it from web search to YouTube search.

And as you guys can see ever since 2017 more and more people have been going onto YouTube to search for information about emergency funds. So now that I’ve got this information I’m going to be able to go over to this other AI box over here called nid AI that I’m going to be able to use when it comes to instantly making a fully edited video. If you want to sign up for nid for completely free I’m going to leave a direct sign up link down below and once you’ve logged in all you’re going to need to do is enter a very simple prompt and it’s going to be able to take care of the rest. So I’m just going to leave it like this keep it super simple tell it to make a article about emergency fund and then click on generate a video and just like that as you can see it’s now come back with this fully edited video that I’m going to be able to EXport and upload directly to my new YouTube channel.

Starting a Software Review Website

But moving on to one of the next ways that you can make money with Google search from the comfort of your own home which is by starting a software review website. Now the way that this works is that you’re going to build a website and you’re going to review various different softwares and the reason why you’re going to review them is because it’s going to give you the opportunity when it comes to earning affiliate commissions because if you’re able to produce highly search for SEO friendly articles you’re going to be able to link to various different affiliate products throughout your website which is going to put you in a position where you’re earning money even when you’re fast asleep because you’re not going to have to deal with any customers you’re not going to have to deal with refunds or even fulfilling the product your only job is to find highly searched for softwares that you trust that you know are going to offer a really good service and do everything in your power when it comes to driving traffic to those articles.

And one of the best ways that you can do that is with Google search but let me quickly show you exactly how I’ve been able to do that. So if I just jump onto Google I’m going to type in a search term for an article that me and my team produced recently for one of my websites I’m just going to type in how to sell low content box then I’m going to click on search and if I just scroll down slightly as you can see this is my website over here for this article that me and my team produced not too long ago. If I just click into the link because me and my team have done everything possible when it comes to getting this article ranked on Google making sure to put the right keywords making sure to structure the article in the best possible way that’s the reason why we’ve been able to earn money from this particular article as well as the hundreds of other articles that we published.

But when it comes to being able to monetize from articles just like this as you can see there’s this link over here for a software called book b this software helps people when it comes to selling LW content books which is what this article is about. So if I just click into this link it’s going to take the person directly to the affiliate landing page if they sign up and they purchase it of course I’m going to be able to earn a commission and even though I only recently started promoting this product and I haven’t really put too much energy into it I’ve already started making money from it because if I just log into my affiliate dashboard as you guys can see over here the total that I’ve been able to earn today is $816.

And of course this isn’t life-changing but because I’ve got various different affiliate links to various different softwares on multiple different websites that’s the reason why I’ve been able to earn a passive source of income and you’re going to be able to do the exact same thing as well as long as you’re aware of what goes into building a website step by step and if you wanted a little bit more information on this be sure to click the first link in my description down below for completely free Master Class where I’m going to explain exactly how you can do this as a complete beginner.

Promoting Physical Products through Affiliate Marketing

Now if you’re someone that’s not really interested in promoting softwares there’s so many different options out there that are available to you for example you can promote physical products that you don’t need to own yourself you don’t need to buy any inventory because as you can see over here if I just jump onto Google search I’m just going to type in best camera to buy this is a search term that millions of people are going onto Google to type in every single day and as you can see all of these different websites pop up and there’s websites like this one over here that has been built by a normal person just like you where what they’re doing is reviewing various different cameras as you can see they’ve got all of these different cameras that they are ranking from the best to the least.

But the interesting thing about sites just like this is that they’re able to make money in so many different ways all of these different ads that you can see on the right hand side and below if someone clicks into any one of these different ads the person that owns this money is going to be able to earn an income and they’re also able to earn money from all of these different links over here. So let’s assume that I wanted to buy this camera over here and I clicked into this link it’s going to take me directly to the product page currently I’m in Dubai that’s why the currency is just like this but if I did purchase this camera for this amount the person that owns this website is going to be able to earn a portion of this Revenue.

So doing Amazon affiliate marketing with a website is definitely a great option when it comes to promoting physical products that you don’t need to ship out yourself as long as you’re doing everything in your power when it comes to optimizing the articles for the Google search results literally all you need to do from that point is be as consistent as possible when it comes to publishing articles and before you know it you’re going to be able to build up enough momentum where you’re going to start to see the commissions and the income coming in.

Building a Shopify Dropshipping Website with Free Traffic

But moving on to the fifth and final way that you can make money with Google search which is by building a Shopify Drop Shipping website and getting traffic onto your site using free methods EG by publishing blog articles. Now most people out there that want to start Drop Shipping don’t realize that you can actually get traffic onto your website by publishing articles within Shopify and again if you’re able to publish the articles in an SEO friendly way you’re going to be able to get those articles ranked on Google which means that you’re going to be able to now redirect the traffic that lands on your blog articles directly back to the products that you’re selling.

And when it comes to drop shipping you don’t need to ship out any products yourself there’s various different softwares out there various different automations that you can use when it comes to connecting your Drop Shipping supplier to your Shopify store so that you can just sit back and watch the sales come in and of course I’m going to show you an example of exactly someone that’s doing this right now. So as you can see I’ve just typed in this search term over here best dog lead to buy and there’s this article over here titled how to choose the best leash for your dog so it’s a normal article just like any other article but as you can see they’ve got these dog leashes or dog leads whatever you call them within the middle of the article when someone clicks into it it takes the person directly to the product page that’s on their website.

And if I was to buy this right now if this person is Drop Shipping they’re not going to need to ship out the orders and they’ve essentially got a somewhat Automated Business on their hands and the way that I was able to find this website wasn’t through paid ads so there’s not going to be any marketing expenses literally all they’re doing is publishing blog articles on a consistent basis which allows them to get free traffic onto their site for them to keep their profits high and there’s actually a way that you can utilize the power of AI when it comes to building a Shopify Drop Shipping Store just like this so that you’re not going to have to learn how to code you don’t need to build the website yourself you’re going to be able to use the AI bot to build the website and you’re going to be able to use specific softwares when it comes to automating in the entire process.

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