Two Surprising Ways to Earn $500 Daily with Just Your Phone in 2024

Make Money Online as a Beginner

So there’s a number of different ways that you can make money online as a complete beginner, but if you’re someone that doesn’t have access to a laptop or computer then there’s going to be a handful of ways that you can use your smartphone when it comes to turning it into a money-making device. Now in this article I want to go through two of the most realistic and the best ways of making money online with your smartphone, ways that I’ve used myself to generate thousands of dollars in profit.

Realistic Ways to Generate Income

This article is not going to be any sort of get-rich quick scheme or one of those gimmick videos when it comes to downloading some sort of app that’s going to pay you when it comes to watching some sort of article or anything like that, it’s going to be realistic ways that you can either build online businesses using your smartphone or ways that you can generate real passive sources of income. So make sure you stick around for this entire video from start to finish because you’re definitely going to learn something that’s going to change your financial situation.

Starting an AI-Generated YouTube Channel

Now jumping straight into one of the first methods of using your smartphone to make money online which is simply by starting an AI generated YouTube channel. So a quick fun fact for those of you that are new to this channel, the way that I started this channel was with an iPhone 11 Pro. So what I would do is that I would record all of my videos, at least the first 50 to 100 videos on this channel with the iPhone 11 Pro. I would edit all of the videos on that same phone and then I would use the YouTube studio app when it came to uploading the article.

Creating Videos Without Face or Voice

So I never really needed to use a computer or a Macbook but the times that we’re living in right now are amazing because there’s ways that you can actually generate full-length YouTube videos where you don’t need to show your face, you don’t even need to use your own voice and you’re going to be able to make these videos directly from a specific app and upload those videos from your iPhone as well. But let me quickly show you exactly what I would personally do if I was looking to start a brand new faceless YouTube channel right now directly from my phone.

Choosing a Niche for Your Channel

So one of the first things that I would need to decide on is what exactly is the channel going to be about. Now of course you can think about this yourself and skip the step but if you’re someone that’s confused on what Niche that you want your videos to be about, you know a niche that’s going to allow you to generate views and of course allow you to get to the point of being monetized on YouTube, what you can do is download the Google Gemini app.

Using Google Gemini for Topic Ideas

So Gemini for those of you that’s never heard of it is Google’s AI bot, you’re going to be able to have a one-on-one conversation with it and because Gemini is connected to Google and YouTube is connected to Google as well this is definitely a good app when it comes to getting information on the best type of videos to make because for example what I’m going to do is just quickly type in “I want to start a YouTube channel and I want my first few videos to be trending topics to give me a higher chance of being successful what are the 10 niches trending right now” something like that and then I’m just going to click on send and instantly as you can see it’s now come back with all of these trending niches that I’m going to be able to choose from, you know things like cryptocurrency, AI, podcasting, sustainability, e-commerce, so on and so forth.

Researching Video Ideas

Now the one that I’m going to do a little bit more research into is artificial intelligence, this is a topic that I’m interested in myself and I’m using AI right now as we speak and I’m also going to be using AI when it comes to making the video so I’m going to use this as an example for a brand new faceless YouTube channel that I’m going to start directly from my iPhone but now that I know exactly what the niche is going to be about for the YouTube channel why I’m going to do now is quickly ask Google Gemini what are the best 10 videos for me to make for this brand new channel. So I’m just going to type in another prompt something like this and then click on submit once again.

Generating Specific Video Titles

Okay so it’s now come back with all of these different types of videos that I can make that are trending right now. Now it has come back with you know General types of videos but I want it to be a little bit more specific so let’s say if I wanted to make a video about AI for beginners I’m just going to type in another prompt “can you give me 10 specific video titles for AI for beginners that will do well” let’s see what it comes back with now and as you can see it’s now come back with all of these different ideas.

Setting Up Your YouTube Channel

So this is definitely a great place to start when it comes to coming up with the niche, the idea for your channel, you know video ideas and once you do have a general idea of what your channel is going to be about of course what you need to do from this point is download the YouTube app, you’re going to be able to sign up directly from the YouTube app, you’re going to be able to also create your account as well and you’re also going to be able to upload a profile picture and customize your YouTube channel directly from your phone as well.

Creating Videos with Invid AI

Now I’m not going to bore you with all of those steps because it’s fairly straightforward if you wanted me to make a detailed video and how to set up a YouTube channel from your phone then put in the comments down below “do the YouTube video” and I’ll do the ASAP but what I want to do now is fast forward to how exactly are you going to make the videos, this is something that so many people are stuck on because they believe that they need some sort of fancy editing software, they believe that they need you know expensive equipment when that isn’t true because there’s this app over here called Invid AI and I’m going to leave a link to it in my description down below you’re going to be able to sign up for completely free, you’re going to be able to install it I believe only on iOS but the reason why I recommend it is because it’s going to be able to create full edited videos for you by you literally just typing in a simple prompt into this box over here and I want to quickly show you exactly how it works.

Generating a Video with AI

So let’s assume that I’ve already set up my brand new YouTube channel, you know it’s got something to do with AI and I want to make my first ever YouTube video, I’m going to be able to type in a simple prompt just like this “make a YouTube video with the title AI explained for beginners make it educational make it fun make it simple” you know you can be a little bit more descriptive maybe if you want to make the video a certain length you can also put that there too a certain voice, you’ve got up to 300 or 3,600 characters when it comes to the prompt that you can enter into this box but because I want the video to be super simple and I just want to show you exactly how it works I’m just going to leave it like this and then I’m going to click on generate a video and literally just within maybe 1 minute or so it was able to come back with this fully edited video and it’s currently at 3 minutes.

Reviewing and Editing the Generated Video

I recommend uploading a YouTube video that’s minimum 10 minutes, it’s completely up to you but of course this is just an example and I’m just going to play a little bit for you just so you can see exactly how it sounds how it looks so that you know what type of video you’re going to be able to go away and make yourself. “Have you ever wondered how generative AI works or perhaps you found yourself pondering over what exactly is generative AI? If you have then you’re in the right place. Welcome to a journey into the fascinating world of generative artificial intelligence. First off what is generative AI? It’s like a virtual artist, a composer, a writer or a scientist all rolled into one.”

Finalizing and Exporting the Video

And just like that as you can see that’s the video that it was able to make, it’s a completely unique video, unique voice, you know I’m sure that you can’t even tell that it’s AI generated, it’s amazing if you ask me that we’re able to make videos just like this where we don’t need to show our face, we don’t need to use our own voice and we can make videos like this within a matter of minutes. Now of course what you want to do is watch the entire video from start to finish, you know make sure that there’s no errors there’s no mistakes and if you did want to make any changes you’re going to be able to easily do that by clicking on edit over here if you want to remove a certain scene you want to change a sentence you don’t have any limits when it comes to how creative you want to be when it comes to amending the video that it was able to make for you.

Monetizing Your YouTube Channel

Now once you’re happy with it all you’re going to need to do is click on export and I do have to let you know that if you do want to export the video with no watermark and you also want to be able to do it in the highest quality you need to upgrade to one of their paid plans, it’s not really expensive I’m also going to leave a discount code in the description down below as well. So once you’ve clicked on export from there you’re going to be able to use the YouTube Studio when it comes to uploading it again all of this can be done directly from your phone and when it comes to you being able to make money with all of this the more long-term strategy is to reach the threshold for Google AdSense.

Reaching YouTube Monetization Threshold

So I believe that you need 1,000 subscribers and around 4,000 watch hours that might have changed slightly but that’s what I believe it to be and literally all you got to do is be consistent when it comes to uploading videos just like this, you’re going to be able to use Invid AI when it comes to making whatever videos that you want to make and as long as you’ve got a consistent schedule being able to reach that threshold being able to generate income from your YouTube channel from your phone is going to happen in no time but swiftly moving on to one of my next favorite ways of being able to earn a passive income from a smartphone just like this which all comes down to installing an investment app and using that app to buy into an index fund and this definitely sounds a lot more complicated than what it is, it’s really simple because all you’re going to do is install an app just like this and as you can see in this one I’ve got a total balance of around £61,000 and from the money that I’ve already invested into specific index funds I’ve been able to get back a 15% return on my money and the reason why like this so much is because I haven’t had to do anything when it came to earning this money, I’m going to be able to withdraw it right now so if I wanted this money in my bank account for me to spend it I’m going to be able to instantly do that and of course if I was to leave my money sitting in here I’m going to be able to grow it over time.

Investing in Index Funds

Now of course everything I’m saying now shouldn’t be taken as Financial advice all I’m doing is sharing what I’m personally doing myself but this definitely has to be the most passive way of being able to earn money online out of all of the different methods that are out there. Now when it comes to which specific app you should download there’s so many different ones out there it’s going to depend on the country that you’re living in but the ones that I would recommend are things like Trading 212 maybe things like Invest Engine if you’re from the UK, Mumu is another good one as well because when you sign up you’re going to be able to get a bonus I believe up to 15 free stocks depending on how much you invest into all of these different index funds.

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