The Ultimate Work-From-Home Gig for Beginners

Fast Money Online for Beginners

So when it comes to making money online in the fastest way possible, I would say that if you’re a beginner, your best bet is to start some sort of a work from home job using the DTI method. DTI simply stands for Direct To Inbox, and all this means is that you’re going to find a business owner that needs a particular service done. Instead of you completing that service yourself, you’re going to use AI when it comes to fulfilling on that service.

Real-Life Example of DTI Success

In this article, I want to walk you through all of the steps that you need to be aware of when it comes to starting a work from home job using DTI in the best possible way. Just to give you an idea of how quick it is when it comes to making money with this method, as you can see from this back and forth email chain, there’s this company that I was able to find that didn’t have a website up and running. I send them an email letting them know that I’ll be able to build them a website. They got back to me, I told them exactly what is going to be involved and the cost to build the website.

From Offer to Payment in a Week

They said that they were completely happy with that. I built the website, showed them an example of what it looked like, they let me know about any revisions that they had at the time. I did the revisions, they now sent me the money. They told me that they sent it to my PayPal account. All of this happened within the space of a week, and if I just go over to my PayPal account, as you can see the money has been sent and I’m going to be able to transfer the funds to my bank account.

Instant Bank Transfer

Let me just do that right now. I’m just going to click on transfer over here and just like that, the money has now been sent to my bank account ready for me to spend on whatever I want. As I said in this video, I’m going to walk you through all of the steps that you need to be aware of. There’s six different steps that I’m going to talk about when it comes to starting this work from home job that any of you are going to be able to do anywhere around the world.

Finding Business Email Addresses

All right, so jumping straight into step number one, which is knowing exactly how to find the email addresses for the businesses that you’re going to contact. So what you’re going to need to do first and foremost is to go over to Google search, and when you go over to Google search, you’re going to have to paste this information that you can see on the screen. Let me just copy it and paste it into Google just like this, and all I’m asking Google to do is scan the site for a particular type of business and show me all of the different profiles that have their Gmail, Outlook, hotmail or Yahoo listed.

Facebook as a Business Directory

Facebook is one of the biggest directories when it comes to businesses that are on there, and a lot of them have their email address listed. A lot of the businesses that are on there as well do not currently have a website. This creates a good opportunity for those of you that are looking to start a work from home job because all you need to do is build up a list of different email addresses and you’re going to have to contact them one by one and be consistent when it comes to doing so. But there’s a certain way that you can speed up the process when it comes to finding those email addresses, and I’m going to show you exactly how it works right now.

Searching for Specific Businesses

Now the type of business that I’m going to use in today’s example is an electrician, so I’m just going to put electrician in there just like that. You can put whatever type of business that you want – mechanic, barber shop, nail shop, teacher, tutor, dog walker, whatever it is, but in this example I’m going to be using electricians. Then I’m going to click on enter and just like that, as you can see Google has now come back with all of these different results for all of these different Facebook profiles that meet the criteria that I set.

Endless Business Opportunities

The best thing about using this particular strategy is that there’s an endless amount of businesses that you’re going to be able to reach out to. As you can see, it goes on to page two, page three, up until page 10, and there’s even more pages than that as well. There’s also various different types of businesses All Around The World in various different locations. But this now brings me on to the second thing that you need to do once you’ve gotten to this point, which is that you need to paste all of the information on as many of the pages on the Google search results into a Google doc.

Copying Data to a Document

Now you don’t need to use a Google doc, you can use Microsoft Word, you can use a standard note on your computer, whatever it is. You just need to copy all of the information and let me show exactly how I would do that. So literally I’m just going to come back on here to page one and copy all the information just like this. I’m going to come over to a Google doc. To find it, all you need to do is type it in just like this and click on the first one. Then all you need to do is just paste it in here just like this.

Organizing Raw Data

Now as you can see, it looks a bit unorganized, it looks a bit messy, but at this stage it doesn’t matter. All you’re going to do is repeat that exact same process for page one, page two, page three, as many pages that you can do. Okay, so I’ve just done that up until page 14. I’ve pasted it all into the Google Doc, which actually now brings me on to the next thing that you need to do, which is that you now need to move over to Step number three, which is to go over to Google Gemini and clean the data.

Using Google Gemini for Data Cleaning

Now when I say Google Gemini, all this means is that you’re going to go over to Google just like this, type in Gemini and then click on this first option. For those of you that’s never heard of Gemini before, it’s simply Google’s AI bot that you’re going to be able to have a conversation with, and you can use it when it comes to doing so many different things. But specifically in this case, we’re going to be using it when it comes to organizing all of this data so that we can clearly see the email addresses.

Gemini Data Organization Process

So the first thing that you need to do once you’ve opened up Google Gemini is to first and foremost paste this into it. So I’m just going to copy this. So you’re just going to paste that prompt in there just like that. You can pause the screen and see exactly what it says. You’re going to also need to put a couple spaces under it just like that and go back over to your Google doc and then copy all the data by selecting all and then pasting it in here just like this.

Exporting Cleaned Data

And just like that, as you can see Gemini has instantly come back with the information in a better presentation, you know, with the company name, with the email address. And from here we’re now going to be able to click on export to sheets and once you get to this point, it’s just going to be a case of cleaning up the data even more. For example, you can sort the data just like this, remove all of the ones that it wasn’t able to get the email address. So I’m just going to remove all of these ones just like this, and we’re going to be left with some more accurate email addresses that we’re going to be able to reach out to.

Creating Email Sequences with AI

Which now brings me on to step number four, which is using Gemini to create the email sequences. So if you’re not really good at writing the emails, you’re going to be able to use Gemini to give you an idea of how to structure the emails. You know, whatever business that you’re trying to reach out to, you can ask Gemini to write the first email that you’re going to send, the second one, and even when the company now sends you an email, you can use Gemini to give you an idea of what type of reply email to send back to them.

Importance of Quality Emails

The point that I’m trying to make with step four is that you just want to have the mindset of sending out the best quality email. If you’re not good with punctuation, you’re not good with spelling, you’re not good with grammar, then using AI to write the email on your behalf is going to be a smarter decision to make. Because it’s going to be the emails that you’re going to send out that’s either going to convince the person to give you money or to not give you money. But once you’ve started sending emails out, this now brings me on to step number five, which is you need to understand how to build a website using AI.

Building Websites with Hostinger

Now my recommendation to any of you guys that are looking to build websites for all of these different businesses that you’re going to contact is to use hostinger. Now I’m going to leave a direct sign up link to them in my description down below. The reason why I recommend them is for so many different reasons. As you can see, you’re going to be able to offer a free domain to the business. It also comes with 24/7 Live customer support if you face any issues and you don’t need any technical skills whatsoever.

Hostinger Account Setup

So once you’ve clicked on claim deal, you’re going to be able to follow through the process of creating your account. And for whatever reason, if the company doesn’t pay you within the time frame that you’ve agreed upon, you’ve also got a 30-day money back guarantee. And to show you an example of exactly how the AI website builder Works, let’s assume that this electrician company got back to me and they wanted me to build their website. Literally all I’m going to need to do is create my account with hostinger. It’s then going to take me to this page once I’ve logged in and all I need to do is select the website type, the brand name. This is the name of the business and all you got to do is just enter a couple sentences for the description and the AI website builder is going to be able to take care of the rest.

AI Website Builder in Action

So I’m just going to leave it like this. You can pause the screen right now, read exactly what it says and then I’m just going to click on create a website. And just like that, as you can see within maybe 15 seconds, it’s now come back with this fully built website that if I had to do myself, I would have been here for maybe the next 2, 3, 4 days. But this is a fully optimized, fully functional website for both desktop and mobile phone. And it’s not like you have to use the website as it is, you’re going to be able to of make any changes to it by clicking on edit site over here.

Customizing the AI-Generated Website

And if you want to change any images, if you want to remove any videos, for example I don’t really like this video in the background over here. So what I’m going to be able to do is click on edit section and then click on replace video and then I’m just going to type in electrician just like this. And it’s going to be all of these free videos that I’m going to be able to choose from. So I’m just going to change it to a random one. Let’s change it to this one over here. Okay, so that looks much better than the other one and that’s all you’re going to need to do realistically is to go through all of the images, all of the text, make any changes to it, do a screen recording, send it to the business that you’re working with and once they’re completely happy with it, of course from that point that’s when you’re now going to receive the money.

Scaling Your Work-from-Home Business

You need to switch the account over to them and you’re going to be able to repeat this process with multiple different businesses over and over again. Now the best thing about starting this work from home job is that there’s so many different upsells that you’re going to be able to offer to the businesses that you’re working with. For example, you can charge them a monthly fee when it comes to monitoring and maintaining the website, or you’re going to be able to charge them a monthly fee when it comes to publishing blog articles. There’s so many different options when it comes to you being able to continuously keep generating a source of income from all of these different businesses that you’re contacting.

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