The Lazy Person’s Guide to $100 Daily -Effortless Online Income:

Laziest AI Side Hustle Blueprint

So I received a comment the other day from one of you guys that asked me, “Sam, I want to start a side hustle using AI Bots. Which one would you consider to be the laziest one or the easiest one for me to start since I’m working a full-time job?” And I had a little think about it and I considered all of the different options that are out there and I realized that the laziest AI side hustle that someone can start consists of this blueprint that you can see on the screen over here. If you’re able to understand the elements of this blueprint that’s right in front of you, then you’re going to be in a position where you’re going to be able to make money even when you’re fast asleep and I’m going to break down exactly what you need to be aware of, the steps that goes into the side hustle so that by the end of this article you’re going to be able to potentially receive payments into your PayPal account.

Choosing Your Niche

So let’s not waste any more time, let’s jump straight into one of the first steps that you need to take which is that you need to pick a niche. So this is a common thing with most side hustles out there, whatever you’re considering to do when it comes to making money you need to first and foremost decide on what your Niche is going to be and when I say Niche, for anyone out there that might be confused, this is going to be what the central theme of what your digital system is going to be about and to give you an idea of some of the popular niches that are out there, it’s going to be things like personal finance, it’s going to be things like Social Media, Tech, Health and Wellness, spirituality, there’s so many different niches out there that you can pick.

Niche Selection Strategy

So it’s going to be down to you to decide on which one you believe you’re going to be able to stick with, which one you have passion about, which one you know that you’ve got some sort of common knowledge because if you’re able to pick one that you know that you have a little bit more knowledge than the common person then you’re going to be in a position when it comes to increasing your chances of succeeding but to give you an example of the type of Niche that I would pick, I would want to do something that centers around personal finance maybe money online business. This is something that I’m interested in, this is something that I know other people are interested in so when it comes to building a digital system just like this by me picking something like personal finance I know that I’ve got a higher chance of being able to earn a passive source of income so that’s the one that I’m going to use as an example throughout the rest of this video but during the stage of you picking whatever Niche you want to focus on you also need to have an idea of the business structure that you’re going to build in the sense of having a solid plan and before I move any more forward just to kind of give you guys some insight into what this entire side hustle consists of, essentially what you’re going to be doing is building a digital system that allows you to earn money in a number of different ways and one of the main ways you’re going to be able to earn money is with something called commissions.

Leveraging Google and YouTube Traffic

So the aim of the game when it comes to building a system just like this is that you’re going to utilize the traffic on Google as well as YouTube when it comes to being able to earn commissions and the reason why I believe this to be one of the laziest ways of making money online is because when it comes to building a system just like this you’re not responsible for shipping out any products, you’re not responsible for dealing with any refunds, you’re not responsible for managing any customer service whatsoever, literally all you’re going to be doing is driving traffic to Unique links and if you’re able to do that successfully again you’re going to be able to make money even when you’re fast asleep but one of the first practical steps that you’re going to need to take once you’ve decided on whatever Niche that you want to move forward with is that you need to find at least one to five different affiliate links for you to put out there on the internet and there’s a number of different ways that you can sign up to affiliate programs for you to get your unique links for you to make money but I would say that these are some of the main websites or the main networks that are out there.

Affiliate Networks and Marketplaces

We’ve got sites like, partner stack, you can also go onto Amazon Associates, sign up for that and that’s going to give you the ability to promote any product that’s available on Amazon right now so this is a great option if you want to focus on promoting physical products. Another Marketplace that you can go on to is ClickBank, you’re going to find various different info products, supplements and just general products that are out there that you’re going to be able to sign up to and promote or what you can do instead of going onto any Marketplace or network that I’ve mentioned is that you can go directly onto a company’s website, scroll down to the bottom and nine times out of 10 you’re going to be able to see an affiliate program that you’re going to be able to sign up to but why I would recommend that you do if you are a complete beginner is to sign up to a Marketplace and there’s so many different reasons for this as you can see I’ve just logged into my account and there’s so many different options, so many different companies that you can sign up to and things are going to be a little bit more regulated, things are going to be a little bit more tracked and it’s just going to give you the Assurance to know that every single click that you’re getting you’re going to get the conversions and the commissions that you owed and it also makes it a little bit easier when it comes to finding affiliate products in your Niche because as you can see I’ve just typed in finance over here and it’s going to show me all of these different products and services that I’m going to be able to sign up to literally I’m going to be able to scroll through I’m going to see companies that I’m aware of you know companies like coinbase, there’s companies here that I might have not have heard of but when whatever the case is I’m going to be able to have so many different options when it comes to me building up my affiliate links which is ultimately going to help me when it comes to making money online but moving on to the next part of this blueprint which is the fact that you need to understand that you’re going to eventually put your affiliate links on both Google and YouTube.

Building a Blog and YouTube Channel

Now when I say Google this is going to come in the form of you building a Blog website and when I say YouTube this is going to come in the form of you building a faceless YouTube channel and the key is that you want to make sure that you have the exact same branding on both the website as well as your channel so that the traffic that you’re getting on your YouTube channel you’re going to be able to feed that traffic back to your blog website and it’s going to be somewhat of a cycle that’s going to be operating in the back end. Now the reason why I recommend building a Blog website as well as a faceless YouTube channel is because you’re of course going to be able to use AI when it comes to building these two different things and you’re also going to be able to place your affiliate links throughout your articles on your website as well as in the YouTube video descriptions not only that Google and YouTube are the two most visited websites in the entire world billions of people go onto these sites every single day so if you’re able to build a solid brand in a solid Niche and you’re also promoting solid companies that people are actively searching for information about them you’re going to be able to of course build up a steady stream of income and I would say that a bonus when it comes to building up a Blog website and a YouTube channel is that you’ve got the option to also earn Google AdSense.

Google AdSense and Additional Income

Now Google AdSense is what you’re going to be paid every single month when it comes to the people that are reading through all of your articles clicking onto your website as well as the ads that you’re going to be able to put on your YouTube videos there’s a certain threshold that you need to meet when it comes to you being able to earn Google AdSense payments but it’s definitely a great additional stream of income in combination with the affiliate links that you’re going to be promoting and when it comes to building a website and a YouTube channel it’s not really difficult for example if you wanted to build a YouTube Channel literally all you got to do is go over to and you simply need a Gmail email address and after you signed up to YouTube all you’re going to need to do is head over to canva and you’re going to need to get a channel Banner as well as a profile image as you can see this is what I’ve been able to do with a brand new channel that I’m going to start publishing on and the name of the channel is invest in hero because as I said I’m going to be using personal finance as an example throughout this video so this channel is going to specifically upload educational videos when it comes to giving people tips and tricks to help them manage their personal finances a lot better so literally within about 5 minutes you’re going to be able to get your YouTube channel ready for you to start uploading videos I would say the hardest part during this stage is coming up with a name because you don’t want to pick a name on day one and then end up changing it on day 10 changing it again that’s something that might affect your channel.

so you need to think long and hard when it comes to what name you want to consistently use over the long term and this is the same thing that you need to do when it comes to building a website you’re going to need to use the exact same name and you’re going to need to make sure that you’ve used the exact same branding so as I said earlier building a website isn’t difficult you’re going to be able to go over to hostinger I’m going to leave a direct link in my description down below once you’ve clicked that link and you’ve created your account all you’re going to need to do is click on start creating then fill out this information so for website type I’m going to select a Blog for brand name of course it’s going to be invest in hero and for the description I’m just going to write a couple sentences you know keep it straight to the point and then click on create a website and within maybe 30 seconds or so as you can see it was able to come back with this fully built fully optimized website that I’m going to be able to start using straight away and when it comes to producing the articles that I’m going to upload onto the website that’s not really difficult to do as well because you’re going to be able to use tools like chat GPT so if I wanted my first article to be about how to start investing as a beginner and I also wanted to promote a affiliate offer that I found on called acorns all I need to do is just type in a simple prompt just like this and literally within 5 Seconds as you can see it’s now come back with a fully written article that I would recommend that you make changes to you know switch some words up maybe switch some sentences up as well so that it’s not exactly the same but something like chat GPT is going to be able to take away the bulk of the work and then all you’re going to need to do is just go over to the back end of the website that you built using hosting guard and from here you’re going to be able to Now link to the affiliate offers and you’re going to be able to repeat that process over and over again and build up a bunch of different articles that are going to be able to produce passive income for you when you’re fast asleep so just heading back over to the blueprint when it comes to building a website that you’re eventually going to get ranked on Google you’re going to use hostinger and when it comes to creating YouTube videos using AI what you’re going to do is use this tool over here called invid AI so I’m going to leave a direct sign up link that’s going to allow you to create a free account with Enid in my description down below so click that link then what you’re going to need to do is come over here to where it says nid Ai and then click on sign up and once you’ve created your account all you’re going to need to do when it comes to producing fully edited YouTube videos is to enter a simple prompt into this section over here so if I wanted to make a video about how to start Investing For Beginners all I’m going to need to do is just type in something similar to this and you know add in some extra bits keep it fun make it educational use a male American Voice you’re going to be able to tailor it as you want then click on generate a video and again within a matter of minutes this AI bot was able to produce a fully edited video so you don’t need to edit you don’t need to even script the video you don’t need to come up with what’s going to be said within the video all you’re going to need to do is enter a simple prompt and it’s going to be able to take care of all of it for you.

Consistency and Optimization

Now of course when it comes to executing this blueprint in the best possible way there is going to be some work on your part things are not going to happen overnight you’re going to have to be creative you’re going to have to make sure that you’re monitoring the clicks and the conversions that you’re getting so that you can optimize things in the best way but the reason why I consider this to be one of the laziest AI side hustles is because you don’t need to build a website you don’t need to produce the YouTube videos yourself you don’t need to write the Articles yourself you don’t even need to handle any inventory or fulfill any service or any order because you’re going to be doing something called affiliate marketing so the majority of the work has been taken care of and for any of you out there that might be thinking, “Sam, everything that you show me so far makes sense you show me the basics you show me the foundations but how am I going to receive money into my actual bank account?” Well the way that you’re going to receive money into your bank account is really obvious whenever someone clicks on one of your affiliate links that you’ve put on your blog website and your channel every month the companies that you’re promoting are going to pay you into your bank account or your PayPal account and you’re also going to be able to earn money directly into your bank account through Google AdSense as well so again your only job is to be as consistent as possible when it comes to putting in the work necessary to build up this system build up your brand and if you are able to be consistent after 1 month 2 months 3 months 6 months even up to a year all the work that you put in isn’t going to go in vain because you’re always going to be able to generate traffic you’re always going to be able to generate clicks and conversions from all of the previous articles and videos that you put out year after year so make sure that you try and be as consistent as possible when it comes to building up your brand building up whatever Niche that you’re focused on and before you know it you’re going to realize that your financial situation has completely changed.

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