“Sleep Your Way to Success: 4 Passive Income Strategies for 2024”

Amazing Times for Building Online Income Streams

So right now we’re living in amazing times, why? Because there’s an abundance of ways that you can use the internet when it comes to building various different streams of income. But better yet, there’s automated ways where if you put the work in up front and you’re able to be consistent with it over time, you’re going to be able to streamline things and automate things so that you don’t necessarily have to do things on a daily basis but yet you’re still going to be able to earn money on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. And I know that this is true because I’m currently doing it myself.

Personal Success Story

I’ve built up a couple different streams of income that have enabled me to quit my 9-to-5 job, live a life of Pure Freedom, Travel to beautiful locations and more importantly not have a boss tell me what to do. And as you can see from just one of my PayPal accounts over here I’ve been able to bring in over $159,000 which is maybe $180,000 and bear in mind that this is just a portion of my income.

Introduction to Automated Income Methods

So in today’s article I’m going to go through six maybe five different ways that you can earn an automated stream of income as a complete beginner so make sure that you stick around from start to finish because you’re definitely going to learn something that’s going to change your financial future. So jumping straight into one of the first automated ways that you can earn money on the internet as a beginner which is by Drop Shipping products using Auto DS.

Understanding Drop Shipping

Now I’m sure by now everyone that’s reading this article probably already knows exactly what Drop Shipping is but for those of you that don’t know and you’re not really sure on the business model behind it essentially what you’re going to be doing is finding products that you know people are interested in buying on the internet, you’re going to list it for sale and from there your Drop Shipping supplier is going to send it out to your customer. So at no point do you ever have to buy or hold any inventory because that’s going to be the full responsibility of your supplier as long as you’ve made sure to find a reliable and trusted supplier of course.

Multi-Channel Drop Shipping Strategy

Now my advice to anyone out there that is thinking about Drop Shipping is to try and build a multi-channel Drop Shipping Store from day one and all this means is that you’re going to find Drop Shipping products and try and list them on multiple different channels so that this way you’re going to be able to number one build up multiple different streams of income and number two you’re going to be able to see what works, maybe one platform might perform better than the other and the two platforms that I’d recommend that you use when it comes to drop shipping is eBay and Shopify.

Benefits of eBay and Shopify for Drop Shipping

eBay is great because it’s a Marketplace, you’re going to be able to have access to the millions of potential customers that go onto eBay on a daily basis worldwide and Shopify is great because it allows you to build your own website with no limitations when it comes to what products you’re allowed to sell, what products you’re allowed to list and the best way to build a multi-Channel Drop Shipping Store is to try and do things under the same brand, try and focus on a specific Niche because this is going to increase your chances of being able to generate sales and I’m sure right now most of you are probably thinking but Sam once I do start getting sales and orders start coming through the door isn’t it going to be time consuming when it comes to me monitoring the stock on my suppliers website, me making sure that the orders are being shipped out, aren’t I going to have to sit there and copy and paste all of my buyer information send it over to my supplier on a daily basis and the answer to that is no and that’s the reason why I recommend using something like auto DS when it comes to building up a Drop Shipping Store wherever you’re thinking about using Shopify wherever you’re thinking about using eBay and to show you exactly what I’m talking about if you want to create an account with auto DS I’ve got a 30-day trial link in my description.

Auto DS Platform Features

I’m just going to click this icon and click on ad store as you can see these are the different platforms that are compatible with auto DS so you’re going to be able to connect to your Shopify store of course eBay, you’re going to be able to use auto DS if you want to drop ship on Amazon, Facebook, Wix, WooCommerce, Etsy and also TikTok shop as well so it’s a great place for you to come on to when it comes to finding all of these different trending products that are currently doing well right now when it comes to people all around the world that are Drop Shipping them and you’re also going to be able to use it when it comes to setting up all of the automation that I mentioned earlier.

Automation Features of Auto DS

You’re going to be able to set up automations e.g. automatically listing products from your suppliers website onto all of your different channels at the same time, you’re also going to be able to use it when it comes to automatic order fulfillment and you’re going to be able to use it when it comes to stock monitoring and price monitoring on your suppliers website as well but swiftly moving on to the second automated way that you can make money online that I’m going to talk about that I’m personally doing myself which is to build an affiliate income website.

Introduction to Affiliate Income Websites

Now this might sound a little bit confusing and more complicated than what it is but it’s really simple an affiliate income website is where you’re going to build a site with the sole purpose of you providing some form of Education or information ideally you want to make sure that you center the website around a specific topic so that that way it’s going to be a lot easier when it comes to you knowing exactly who your target audience is from there you’re going to start publishing articles for that target audience you’re going to build up traffic every day and you’re going to automate the process when it comes to publishing all of these different articles that’s going to drive the traffic to your website to which you’re going to be able to monetize those articles by putting affiliate links in them and if you’re still confused as to how this works let me quickly show you exactly what I’m talking about.

Example of an Affiliate Income Website

So I recently got a new house in Dubai and I was looking for a new TV for me to buy for my house so what I could have done is come on to Google just like this and type in best TV to buy and as you can see there’s this website that’s at the top of the search results so I could have clicked into this one and from here there’s going to be a list of different TVs now of course the person that owns this website is ranking these different TVs to what they believe is the best one but the point of this website is when people come onto it if the reader now decides to click into let’s say this one over here if I now decided to buy this new TV for my house add it to my cart check out the person that owns the website is going to earn a payment from Amazon a portion of this amount is going to be paid to the owner of this website and this is all an affiliate income website is.

Benefits of Affiliate Income Websites

You’re going to post articles, you’re going to post reviews on different products on different Services, you do need to make sure that you sign up to the affiliate program for whatever you’re going to promote but as long as you’re able to be consistent when it comes to publishing all of these different articles on your site from there you’re going to be able to earn a passive source of income. Now I’m currently running a couple different websites just like this where I’m promoting in different companies and there’s so many different benefits to doing it number one you’re not limited to the amount of products that you can promote at this present moment in time I’m promoting probably over 30 to 40 different affiliate offers across all of my different affiliate networks another benefit to starting the side hustle is that it could be fully automated from building the website to publishing the Articles you don’t need to write them yourself to the SEO side of thing so that you can get ranked on Google and you’re going to be able to repeat the process over and over again when it comes to having multiple different websites so this is definitely one of my favorite ways to earn an automated source of income because you’re not even responsible for shipping out products you’re not responsible for any customer service literally your only job is to try and get as much traffic going onto your website every single day and if you’re able to do that successfully again you’re going to be able to sit back and earn a passive source of income and if you want to me to make a step-by-step video showing you everything you need to know Click by click when it comes to building sites just like this where all you simply need to do is just publish articles on a daily basis for you to make money then put in the comments down below do the website video and I’ll get onto it ASAP but this now brings me on to the third way that you can build a business on the internet with minimal amounts of work which is by building up an email list.

Introduction to Email List Building

So building up an email list is probably one of the oldest ways of making money using the internet but it’s still something that everyone should aspire to do because if you’re able to build up a list of people that you know are interested in a particular topic you’re going to be able to have direct communication with that person at any time of the day and you’re going to be able to recommend any product or service that you want to whether it’s a product that you own yourself or if it’s a product that someone else owns and you’re going to earn affiliate income from it there’s a number of different ways that you’re going to be able to earn a source of income from an email list.

Personal Experience with Email Lists

Now at this present moment in time I’m running three different email lists in three different niches and of course I don’t need to sit there and write the bulk of the emails myself for the email newsletters that I have that revolve around me of course that’s what I have to do but when it’s an email list around a faceless brand I’m able to Outsource it to AI or I’m able to Outsource it to a freelancer and in addition to that the emails that you’re going to be sending out don’t need to be sent on the actual day because you’re going to be able to schedule them for them to be sent far into the future and the email marketing software that I use myself for the majority of my different email list that I’m building up is AWeber I’ve not really had any issues with it I’ve been able to use it when it comes to automating so many different things for example as you can see over here from Just One of the email list that I’ve been able to build up I’ve got over 37,000 people on this one list and the current open rate for this list is around 30 to 40% that shows that the majority of the people on this list are finding value in the email which in turn means that I’m naturally going to be able to generate a source of income from this list and that’s something that you need to remember if you’re thinking about the side hustle it’s not just about the money it’s not just a get rich quick scheme it’s all going to come down to making sure that you’re sending out emails that people actually enjoy reading and once you’re able to do that successfully that’s when the money will now come but changing gear slightly and moving on to the next automated way that you can make money remotely anywhere around the world which is by building a highly searchable faceless YouTube channel.

Introduction to Faceless YouTube Channels

Now most of you probably watch YouTube on a daily basis but you don’t realize that you can actually make money from it where you don’t even need to show your face on camera and you don’t even need to use your own voice and in my personal opinion I would say that the method that you should use when it comes to starting a YouTube channel in the laziest and easiest way possible is by utilizing the power of AI technology to make the videos for you. Now the mistake that most people make when they first think about starting a faceless YouTube channel is that they don’t think about the type of videos that they’re going to make now in my opinion again I would say that the best approach is to create videos that you know people are actively searching for on the internet there and not just on YouTube because if you’re able to publish videos that people are searching for on YouTube but they’re also searching for let’s say on Google this is going to bring multiple different streams of traffic onto your video which is going to help you monetize in a number of different ways and just to give you another example of what I’m talking about I’m going to jump onto Google and I’m going to type in this search term it’s going to be random let’s just type in best budget laptop I’m just going to select it just like that then what I’m going to do is come over here to the video Tab and as you can see there’s all of these different results for all of these different videos now some of them are showing their face some of them are not showing their face e.g. there’s this one over here I’m just going to click into this link this is a faceless video where of course as you can see there’s no one showing their face on camera all it is is stock overlays image overlays text and it’s even an AI generated voice as well and the best part about starting a channel like this is that not only are you going to be able to earn affiliate income from the products that they’re reviewing in the video if I just go over to the link in their description as you can see they’ve got all of these different Amazon links where if you click into it it’s going to take you directly over to the Amazon product page and as you already know because I told you earlier in this video where if I was to buy this product right now it’s going to be tracked and the person that owns this YouTube channel is going to be able to earn a commission but in addition to being able to earn a source of income like what I just mentioned they’re also going to be able to earn an income through something called Google AdSense these are the different ads that are going to be played on the video whenever One of Those ads are being played the person that owns the channel is also going to be able to earn an income directly from Google so starting faceless channels like this where you don’t need to show your face you don’t need to use your voice and you’re going to be able to schedule the videos far into the future which of course brings about so many opportunities for automation is definitely a great way to go and the reason why I know this to be true is because I’m currently doing it myself because if I just go over to one of my websites  as you can see over here I was able to publish articles that got over 85,000 views. I was able to earn over $11,200 and the interesting thing about this particular video if I just go over to the reach Tab and as you can see over here the main way that I’ve been able to get traffic going onto this video every single day has been through Google search so building these faceless videos getting them published on YouTube getting traffic from Google is definitely something that you should try when it comes to start in an automated side hustle and of course just like with anything else that I’ve shown you so far in this article there’s going to be certain steps that goes into making sure that you do this in the best possible way certain tools that you should use certain ways that you should make the article the softwares and just everything like that it’s a very simple way to make money online but you just need to know the steps that goes into it so if you wanted to read an article that I made not too long ago where I break everything down I’m going to leave that article right there be sure to read that straight after this it’s already helped out so many people and I’m sure it’s going to help you out too and if you also wanted to sign up to a completely free Master Class where I’m going to share some of the tricks tips and hacks that I wish someone sat me down and told me when it came to me building an online business that I’ve been able to grow from zero to over $100,000 in pure profit in this master class I’m going to go through all of the important things that you need to know when it comes to starting an automated online business in the best possible way in the times. I’ll see you on the next article  make sure you stay safe out there peace.

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