Latest WEBSITE Makes $243 Downloading Videos! No Experience

Introduction to a New AI Website for Creating Realistic Videos

So, this is a brand-new website that’s going to create realistic AI videos for you. Today, I’m going to show you guys how you can use it to make over $200 per day in free PayPal money. This will be a beginner-friendly strategy, so you’re not going to have to buy any new equipment or invent any new products. It’s going to be available worldwide. As long as you know how to click on a download button and copy and paste some simple text, I’m going to show you guys a brand-new strategy that I’ve never seen on YouTube to earn free PayPal money using AI videos.

Choosing Your Niche

To get started, guys, this strategy will work for just about any niche or category. Whether it’s finance, personal development, or pets, all you guys want to do is pick a category. Today, we will focus on a specific category that’s worth billions of dollars online: the gaming market. All the gamers, the Twitch streamers, the YouTubers out there that are making money playing games online, we’re going to jump into this industry and start making money off it.

Finding Popular Games

First, you’re going to go to Google and search for the most popular video games right now, the games that people are actually playing. We’re not going to focus on random games from the 80s or mobile game apps that people aren’t playing anymore. We want to focus on games that people are actually playing right now, and some of the most popular games around the world. You’re going to see articles like “Most Popular PC Games.” Let’s see if I scroll down to “Most Popular Games Being Played Right Now.”

Examples of Popular Games

Check this out: there are websites out there that literally show you how many players are currently playing a game right now. For example, Grand Theft Auto has over 128,000 people playing it at this very moment. Or if I scroll up, Counter-Strike 2 has over a million people currently playing the game right now. These websites are literally showing you what games people are playing and how many people are currently playing them at this very moment. You guys want to find a list like this and pick one of these games that you can start making money from.

Selecting a Game for the Strategy

For this example, I’m going to go with PUBG. I know many of my friends love this game, that first-person shooter. So, I’m going to pick PUBG for this strategy. All you guys want to do is pick a game you like. Real quick, guys, this will be a beginner-friendly strategy to help you make your first $50, $100, or even over $200 per day.

Starting with YouTube Videos

If you’re looking for something simple, for the next step of this strategy, you’re going to go to YouTube and find videos around the game you picked. I ended up going with PUBG. All I’m going to do is go to YouTube, type in PUBG, and type in highlights. Check it out, guys, once you scroll down, you’re going to see all these videos pop up. You can pick any compilation video you want.

Finding the Right Video

You’re going to see some of these are around certain gamers, but a lot are random compilations, different highlights, and special moves that people have done. Those are the types of videos you want to find. You want to find different highlights, different crazy things that people have done that are going to catch a gamer’s attention. For example, let’s say I pick one. Check it out, guys, you’re going to see that these videos have no copyright. These were just random highlights found online, created into one single compilation. And check it out, this video got over 700,000 views online.

Using AI to Create New Content

That’s way more than most of videos, and I’m putting a lot of work into these, guys. So, it’s a little bit embarrassing. But anyways, what you want to do is find a video like this that’s showing different highlights and cool features that will get a gamer’s attention. I’ll be honest, guys, the best ones are the ones with reactions, getting a live, crazy reaction, getting people’s thoughts. And again, if anybody has any issues with these videos or with this compilation, all they have to do is send this person a message.

Preparing Your Video

Go ahead and pick a video you want to get started with, one that has some cool highlights. Once you find a video that you like, all you have to do for the next step is copy the link of the video and go to step number three. Alright, guys, for this step, we’re going to use a brand-new AI website that I have never shown on my channel. The name of this website is called Video AI, but it’s video like “What’s up, yo.” So, go ahead and search it up on Google, click on the first website that pops up, and check it out.

Using Video AI for Clipping

What this website is going to do is take any long-form video, any compilation video, and clip it into short, viral clips. It’s going to take any video you find on YouTube and create brand-new content off it that you can start making money from. Now, it’s not going to work for every video, and you will have to do a little editing just to make something custom and brand-new. But check it out, it’s completely free to sign up, so you can give this strategy a shot, see if you can make a profit from it before you have to pay for anything. It’s really not that expensive, only around $20 per month.

Setting Up Your Account

To get started, set up a free account. Once you’re inside your account, the first thing you’re going to do is paste the link to the YouTube video you found. Go back to YouTube, copy the link to the video, paste it inside this box, and click on import. Check it out, guys, once it’s done processing, it’s going to create brand-new clips out of the video. It only created around two clips for this one. I was expecting a bit more, to be honest. But the cool part about this website is you’re getting a free 75 minutes per month, so you can grab between five to six videos to get started, play around with different content to see what video creates the best clips for you.

Editing Your Clips

All you have to do is click, and check it out, you’re going to see the clips pop up. It’s basically highlighting different parts of the video, scary things you can do to yourself. Click on play, and you’ll hear the video play. You can also start editing things, which is something I really like about this platform. Instead of just copying and pasting, you can customize your content, making it stand out from everyone else by using all the features inside this software.

Customizing Your Video

You can add text, images, different elements, and many other ways to customize your video. A quick tip for you guys: create content that’s over a minute long. Many of these clips will only be 40-50 seconds long, but the content that will pay you the most money for this strategy will be content that’s over a minute long. Here’s a strategy you can use: once you see the clips pop up, click on the download button at the bottom, then go to the next clip and download it. After that, you can post these clips inside Canva to create a longer-form video.

Using Canva for Video Creation

Create a free Canva account; Once you’re inside, look for the mobile video 10 template. Once you click on it, you’ll see the video editor pop up. Upload the clips straight from your download files, stretch out the video to fit the screen, and at the bottom, click on add page and add clip number two. That’s basically it. I hope you can see exactly what we’re doing: creating brand-new pieces of content by mixing and matching videos online. The cool part is you can completely customize it. You can make this video clip shorter if you only want 40 seconds of it, or maybe you only want the first 10 seconds of this video and the last 30 seconds of another.

Finalizing and Sharing Your Video

You can mix the best highlights from different videos, creating unique content. Click on share at the top, then click on download at the bottom. Next, I’m going to show you how to make multiple streams of income from these short-form videos, just like some of the biggest creators online. But first, if you’re still watching this video and enjoying the content, hit the like and subscribe button for more videos showing you how to make income online.

Promoting Your Content

If you haven’t already, pick up a free copy of my affiliate ebook. This is exactly what I’m doing to make a full-time income online. It’s one of the best beginner-friendly strategies to build an online business. If you want to start working from home and you’re looking for a beginner-friendly strategy, pick up a copy of my affiliate guide and check out the exact program I’m using to make a full-time income online.

Making Money with Short-Form Videos

For the next step of this strategy, check it out, guys: we already know that gamers like Ninja and Neon are making thousands of dollars from their content, posting these videos online. But there’s a completely new wave of gamers also making thousands of dollars by posting short-form videos. Check this out: there are pages on TikTok like Gameplay SP and Stealth Gamer Pro Official getting hundreds of thousands, even millions of views on these short-form videos. All they’re doing is playing the game, showing people the gameplay, showing people special moves and crazy gameplay they’ve done.

Building Your Page and Income

The cool part is you can start building your own page. Here’s another example: Movie Max. This guy is playing a game and getting thousands of views online. When TikTok first started, they had the creator fund program, but they’ve switched to the creativity program, paying people a lot more money for these video views. Before, people were only making about 10 cents, anywhere between 5 to 10 cents per thousand views. Now, the creativity program aims to offer higher payouts, up to $8 per thousand views.

Potential Earnings from Views

Imagine getting $8 for every thousand views. You can see this video right here: an $80 video right off the bat, or this one right here: 20,000 views, around $160. Even if you’re not getting paid $8 for every thousand views, or even getting paid $5, let’s say you’re only getting paid $1 per thousand views. If you post a video that gets a million views or 7 million views, you can see how this amounts to a lot of money online. Start building a page like this, specifically using this strategy.

Using TikTok for Promotion

You can see right here: they’re posting crazy clip videos with a cool headline using the TikTok app. Use the features of the TikTok app itself: add some sound, add some TikTok text. You don’t have to buy or play the game yourself because you’re using this website called Video AI to create all the content for you. Check this out: you can see this account has a website; it’s basically their YouTube channel. Instead, you can feature affiliate products. If you go to Google and search for gaming affiliate programs, you’ll see a list pop up, and you can pick one of these websites.

Leveraging Affiliate Programs

Alienware is a popular one where all you’re doing is signing up for their affiliate program. Copy the link to their website, paste that link inside your page, so whenever someone goes to your page and clicks on it, anything they buy from this gaming company, you’ll earn a commission. This one pays a 1-6% commission payout rate, which is not too bad. This one pays a 50% commission payout rate, which is a lot better. Last, use the videos you found on YouTube to start building your gaming TikTok page.

Joining the Creativity Program

Join the creativity program, which has some requirements: 10,000 followers, at least 100,000 views in the last 30 days, which is very easy to do, especially if one of your videos goes viral. Once you start building your page, fit your affiliate links to start making more money from your products.

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