Make money online in 2024 by taking survey.

Three Websites That Pay You to Take Online Surveys

I’m going to show you three websites that are going to pay you to take online surveys. Now, every website is going to pay you in Bitcoin, but don’t worry. I’m going to show you how to transfer it straight to your bank account so you can have instant cash for the holidays. So, if you need to buy an extra gift for a relative or a sibling and you want to learn how to make an extra $50 online, then let’s get started.

The name of the first website is called Now, if you do want to make an extra $50 from this, make sure you use all three websites I show you, but something you might have missed is you can earn up to $400 in rewards just for signing up and taking surveys on this website. What this website basically is is a crypto platform, so anyone that wants to buy, sell, or trade cryptocurrency just needs to come over to

Click on “Explore” at the very top and check it out. Whether you want to buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or any crypto you’ve been wanting to buy, or if you want to start getting into cryptocurrency, this is one of the best websites you can start with. Not only can you buy Bitcoin on here, but if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of their website and click where it says “Earn Free Crypto,” you can start earning rewards just by learning about new cryptos on the marketplace.

There are cryptos like The Graph, VET, and Borrow Shipping. They’re all completely brand new, and they’re basically paying you to learn about them, see how they can start benefiting your life, and see if they can start getting more people interested in them. So, all you have to do is take a quick quiz, take a quick survey around this new cryptocurrency, and you’re going to start getting paid for it.

I’m going to show you how to take the quiz, but I want you to follow along because first, I’m going to show you how to make an extra $50 to $100 for the holidays. Then, I’m going to show you how you can make an extra $500 to over $1,200 online using one of my favorite strategies.

Signing Up on Coinbase

For now, all you want to do is go over to and click on “Sign Up” at the very top. Once you’re inside your Coinbase account, at the very top, you’re going to see your balance, how much money you have, and you can see exactly how the market is working, whether your money is growing or actually going down. You can see all that inside here. If you want to start using their platform to trade and buy Bitcoin, all you have to do is click on the “Trade” tab.

Check it out, you can start buying Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, or even Dogecoin. You remember how popular that was, right? I’d actually say stay away from it, but if you do want to start earning inside here, all you have to do is click on the “Learn” tab on the left-hand side. Inside here, you’re going to start answering surveys to earn rewards and earn free crypto. If I click on “My Assets,” I’ve already completed some surveys and gotten paid.

If you scroll down to the bottom, you can see some of my Bitcoin and some of my Ethereum. All you want to do is click on the “Earn” tab on the left-hand side, then click on “Learn and Earn.”

Earning Free Crypto

Inside here, you can see the crypto you’re going to start earning. This one’s going to pay you $4. If I keep scrolling down, this one’s going to pay you $3. Right now, I only have two surveys in my account. Once you open up your account, you’ll probably have more. All you want to do next is click on “Start Lesson.” After that, they’re going to take you to a quick lesson to teach you about this crypto, teach you exactly how it works and what it does.

All you have to do is read this information. It’s only about four slides, so this isn’t going to take long. Once you’re done reading, click on “Take Quiz” at the bottom where you’re going to see the survey pop up. All you have to do is answer one question, one single question, to get paid $1. The correct answer is going to be GRT tokens. Check it out, you just earned $1 in GRT. You can see this actually works.

If I go back to my account and click on “My Assets” at the very top, I should have another dollar inside there. You want to transfer this to your bank account, all you have to do is click on “Transfer to Bank” at the very top. You’ll see it at the bottom right here, “Withdraw Your Cash,” transfer your funds to your bank account.

Transferring Crypto to Cash

Once you start earning money inside here, once you start investing some of your crypto, because you can exchange your GRT to Bitcoin, if you want to end up selling it, selling anything you earn for Bitcoin or Ethereum just to help you make more money, all you have to do is click on “Trade” at the very top. You can start trading or converting all your crypto. Go ahead and do that if you want to get Bitcoin.

Once you’re ready, all you have to do is click on “Transfer” and again transfer your funds to your bank account to turn it into real cash. All right guys, now let’s jump into website number two. The name of this website is called Feature Points. All you have to do is search for it on Google, click on the first website that pops up, Check it out, this website’s been around for over 10 years already, and so far, they’ve paid out $6 million.

Feature Points

I’m earning free crypto like this just by using this free website that’s going to pay you to take surveys. If I keep scrolling down, you’re going to get paid to take surveys, to enter contests. If I keep scrolling down, downloading apps, sharing with friends, and just for that, you can start redeeming free PayPal, free Amazon, or even free Bitcoin. Just come over to their website at the very top, sign up using your email, and you can even download their app. Check it out, if I click on the App Store right here, you’re going to see that Feature Points is one of the highest-rated apps on the marketplace.

It has close to a five-star review, over 2000 ratings. Go ahead and create your account. Once you’re inside your account, you’re going to see your points at the very top and see actual people that are earning points right now. You can see this person’s from Brazil, this person from Germany, the next one is going to be from, let’s see, Denmark. I’m not sure what flag that is, but you can see France and people all over the world are using this free website to earn free Bitcoin.

Once you’re inside your account, scroll down to the bottom right here, and you can click on the next top survey that’s available. That’s going to pay you over 900 points. Go ahead and click on the survey. You’re going to see it pop up, and after that, all you have to do is start answering questions to complete the survey. You can see right here, “What year were you born in?” I was born in ’92.

Taking Surveys on Feature Points

Again, all you have to do is start answering questions like this to see if you qualify for the survey and start getting paid for it. Go ahead and click on the arrow down below, then you’re going to answer, “What month were you born in?” Arrow down below.

Check it out, here’s how serious these surveys are. They’re actually asking me for my age based on the year that I entered in. They want to make sure I’m a real person, I’m actually entering in honest information. If you’re not being honest or you’re just typing in whatever, they’re going to end up kicking you out of the survey. Make sure you answer everything honestly.

Click on “Next” and just continue answering questions like this. Once you’re done, you’re going to see your points adding up at the very top. To start making more money, you can either take another survey or even start downloading apps. If you click on “Download Apps” on the left-hand side, you can download game apps, social media apps, dating apps, apps that you’re probably using already anyways, but now you can start getting paid for it.

There are a few different ways you can make money from this website. Once you’re ready to cash out, just click on “Cash” right here. Depending on how many points you have in your account, you can either cash out $5, $10, or even up to $100. Like I mentioned, I usually use this website to get free Bitcoin, so all you have to do is click on Bitcoin right here and get a free $10 in Bitcoin for every 6000 points.

Proof of Earnings from Feature Points

Finally, website number three is going to pay you instantly for every survey that you take. Don’t forget, right after this, I’m going to show you how you can double or even triple your money for the holidays.

For now, we’ve got one more survey website to go that’s currently getting over 1 million visits per month from all over the world. The name of this website is called Check it out, a lot of these websites are popular in the US. They’re very big in North America, but if You scroll down to the bottom, you’re going to see that this website’s actually popular all over the world. It’s popular in Brazil, Portugal, Indonesia, and Italy.

So, it’s not only the US or popular in North America. There are people all over the world making money with this website right now. All you want to do is come over to Inside here, you can see exactly how this website works. You’re getting paid $1 for every survey that you complete. You can either get paid via Amazon gift card, Bitcoin, Target, or even some free PayPal money.

At the very bottom, you can see how easy this website is to work. Step number one, you’re going to create a free account. Step number two, you’re going to fill out some info, basically tell them about yourself, tell them about what you do so they can find the right surveys for you. Finally, step number three, complete a quick survey and get paid $1 instantly for every survey that you complete.

Getting Started on

Go ahead and sign up using your Gmail or your Facebook account. Check it out, once you’re inside your account, you’re going to start taking your first survey right away. Just click on “Start Now,” then you’re going to start answering some basic questions. You’ll see question number two, go ahead and select the answer and click on “Next.” You’re basically answering questions like this to see if you qualify and you can start the next survey.

Once you click on “Continue,” you’re going to see the first question pop up. Again, this is all coming from Go ahead and start answering questions like this, complete your first survey. Check it out, if I click on “Payments” at the very top of my account, you’re going to see that I’ve already been paid several times from this website in PayPal money, Bitcoin, and each one has paid me $1 exactly.

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