Make $150 Daily from Your Couch in 2024

Goal: Financial Freedom

My goal with this article is to point you guys in the right direction so that you can put yourself in a position where you can potentially leave your 9-to-5 job, where you can start earning money from the internet anywhere around the world, and just ultimately so that you can live a life of pure freedom.

E-commerce: A Viable Option

All right, so jumping straight into one of the first ways that a complete beginner can start earning money from the internet, which is with e-commerce, and I’m a big believer in building an e-commerce business mainly due to the fact that I was actually able to leave my 9-5 job by building one up and scaling it to over $10,000, $20,000, $30,000, over $50,000 every single month.

Understanding E-commerce

Now for those of you that have been living under a rock and you’ve never heard of e-commerce before, you’re not really sure of exactly what it is and how you can make money from it, it’s probably one of the most simplistic business models out there because all it comes down to is you making products available to customers on the internet that want to buy those products, and there’s so many different ways that you can start an e-commerce business.

E-commerce Models

For example, you can do something like Amazon FBA, which is where you’re going to buy products in bulk and send it to an Amazon warehouse for them to ship it out on your behalf, or you can also sell products on eBay. People believe eBay is dead, but there’s thousands of different sellers that are still generating 50, 100, 200k every single month, but if you’re looking for the easiest way to get started with an e-commerce business, I would recommend to do something like Shopify Drop Shipping.

Benefits of Shopify Drop Shipping

Now the reason why I believe that Shopify Drop Shipping is an easy way for you to start selling products on the Internet is because when it comes to using Shopify, you don’t need to stick to any sort of selling limit or anything like that, you’re going to be able to build your own website and load it with as many products that you want, whether you want to sell one product, whether you want to sell a thousand, there’s no restrictions.

Overcoming Barriers

In addition to that, you’re not going to be competing with thousands of different sellers on one marketplace, which could make it a lot easier for you to start generating your first few sales, and the one thing that used to hold a lot of people back from starting their Shopify Drop Shipping business is the fact that they didn’t know how to build a website.

AI-Powered Store Creation

Before, it used to be a little bit more complicated than what it is now because there’s AI bots like this that are going to be able to get your store built in less than 2 to 5 minutes. Realistically, there’s no real reason why any of you shouldn’t start your e-commerce business because you’re going to be able to get one built for completely free by using this. I’m going to leave it linked down below.

Features of AI-Powered Tools

The reason why this is such a powerful tool is because of course it’s going to be able to help you get your e-commerce business up and running, it’s also free to use. In addition to that, it’s going to load your website with proven winning products, so all you’re going to need to do is get traffic onto your website for you to start generating sales, and even when it comes to all of the orders that you’re going to start to get, the way that it worked before is that you would need to get your customers details, their name, their address, the product that they ordered, go over to your supplier’s website every single time and then manually buy the products for your supplier to ship it out to your customers.

Automating Order Fulfillment

Whether you needed to do it or you needed to hire a virtual assistant, you know, things could get really complicated, a lot of orders could get messed up, so that’s the reason why I recommend using Auto DS, which is actually connected to the AI bot and it’s just going to streamline all of the orders that you’re getting because they’re going to be able to automatically ship it out to your customers.

Additional Automation Features

So not only can AutoDS help with the order fulfillment side of things and automate that, but it’s also going to be able to help with various other automations, e.g., making sure that the product is still in stock on your supplier’s website, you know, adjusting the price in case your supplier changes the price for whatever reason, and you can generally use Auto DS when it comes to product selection because with one click of a button you’re going to be able to add any proven winning product that is being sold within the niche that your Drop Shipping business is centered around.

E-commerce: A Beginner-Friendly Option

So the main point that I’m trying to make with all of this is that when it comes to starting an e-commerce business, I believe it to be one of the best ways to start making money online as a beginner. Getting started isn’t difficult, as long as you’re aware of the steps that goes into it, then you’re going to be in a position where you can start an Ecom store, scale your income, and also be in a position where you can run your business anywhere around the world.

Free E-commerce Course

Now of course there is going to be a lot more that goes into the actual steps of starting an Ecom store using this method, so if you wanted to enroll in a completely free course, I’m going to leave that link down below, top link in the description, but moving on to one of the second best ways of making money online, which is by offering an in-demand service.

Offering In-Demand Services

Now if you’re someone that doesn’t necessarily want to start their own business where you’re selling physical products, I would say that another option that’s available to you is to offer some sort of a service that someone is willing to pay for. There’s countless amounts of people, businesses that are out there that need things done and they’re putting it off because they either don’t know how to do it, they’re not able to find the right person to do it, or they’re just waiting for you to contact them so that they can pay you to do it, and when I specifically say that you should look for an in-demand service, the reason why you want to do this is because if you’re able to learn a skill that is in demand right now and it’s most likely going to be in demand over the next year, 2 years, 3 years, you’re not only going to be able to make money today, but you’re going to be able to also make money far into the future, and when it comes to finding people that need these services done, there’s two main ways that you can do it.

Freelance Platforms

You can either sign up to a freelancer website, you know, websites like Upwork, Fiverr, or This is definitely a great way to go, but at the same time you need to understand that you’re going to be competing with so many other people that are offering the exact same service and you’re also going to need to build up your profile too, but this is something that I still recommend that you do so that you can build up your profile and even if it takes you a month, two months for you to get some sort of traction, at least you’re going to be able to benefit from that, but my recommendation when it comes to offering services to people on the Internet is to use the DTI method.

The DTI Method

Now DTI stands for direct to inbox and all this means is that once you figured out what service you want to offer, you know exactly how to find that person, you’re then going to reach out to that person in their inbox and all you need to do is spend your days trying to contact as many people as possible and it’s ultimately a numbers game because the more people you’re able to contact, the higher chance you’re going to have when it comes to you being able to earn money, and to give you a practical example of what I’m talking about, let’s assume that you’ve learned the skill to edit YouTube videos and you wanted to edit videos for a YouTuber.

Finding Clients

Finding their email address is not difficult, you can go onto their profile and then from there you’re going to be able to find their email and of course it’s going to be your job again to contact as many YouTubers as possible, or let’s say that you wanted to build websites for businesses that do not have a website up and running, the way that you can find these businesses when it comes to their contact information is by going onto Google, typing in this specific code for the business that you want to reach out to, from there you’re going to use something like ChatGPT when it comes to organizing all of the data and that’s another way that you’re going to be able to find leads.

In-Demand Services: A Quick Way to Earn

So as long as you’re aware of in-demand services that you can offer and you know how to contact them, this is definitely one of the best ways to make money online in the quickest way possible, but swiftly moving on to the next best way of making money online as a complete beginner, which is by publishing highly search for video content.

The Rise of Video Content

Now I’m sure that we can all agree that we’re living in a day and age right now where video content has taken off, most of you probably spend a large portion of your day consuming video content and this of course creates a big opportunity when it comes to being able to earn an extra source of income.

Video Platforms

Now there’s different ways that you can publish video content on the internet, you can use platforms like TikTok, Instagram, you can even use Facebook, but I would say that one of the best video platforms out there to earn an extra source of income is of course YouTube. The main reasons for this is that number one, YouTube offers direct monetization in the form of Google AdSense.

YouTube Monetization

If you’re able to publish videos that you know people are actively searching for, get those videos ranked in the YouTube search results and you’re also able to reach the threshold of 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours, which isn’t really difficult to do, then Google/YouTube are going to start paying you on a monthly basis depending on the amount of views and watch hours that you get.

YouTube’s Potential

In addition to that, YouTube is actually the second biggest website in the entire world, so it only makes sense to capitalize from it by publishing content on it and the best part about it is that there’s so many different ways that you can produce video content on YouTube. If you wanted to go down the path of showing your face on camera like what I’m doing right now, you can definitely do that, but if you also wanted to start some sort of a faceless YouTube channel, then you’ve got that option as well.

Creating Valuable Content

As long as you understand the concept of producing videos that you know people are actively searching for and you know that they want to watch, then it doesn’t really matter which way you want to do it as long as you’re providing valuable information. I myself, I’m currently running channels where I’m showing my face, channels where I’m not showing my face.

Faceless vs. Face-to-Camera

I would say that it’s a lot easier to get started with a channel where you don’t have to show your face. Literally right now after watching this video, you can get your faceless YouTube channel up and running because you don’t need any camera equipment, you don’t need any lighting, you don’t need a microphone or anything like that, so it’s really easy for you to get started with a faceless channel, but on the other hand I would say that if you did show your face on camera, you’re going to be able to build a closer connection with your audience.

Choosing Your Approach

It might be a little bit more difficult, but over the long term that could be a better option for you depending on your own personal situation and depending on how you wanted to do it, but whatever the case is, producing video content on the Internet is definitely a great way to go when it comes to building up an extra source of income as long as you’re able to put the audience first, which actually now brings me on to the fourth best way of making money on the internet, which is with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing: An Income Scaling Option

Now affiliate marketing is a great way of being able to scale your income using the internet, reason being is that you don’t own the product, you don’t have to invent any product, you don’t need to design any products or anything like that. Your only job as an affiliate marketer is to drive as much traffic to your affiliate links for you to sit back and earn a passive source of income.

Advantages of Affiliate Marketing

The day-to-day runnings of the business, you don’t really need to think about that, you don’t need to think about, you know, communicating with customers, building up any sort of relationship with your customers, your only job is to figure out creative ways of you getting people to click on your affiliate links, and similar to all of the different methods that I’ve spoken about in this video, there’s so many different ways that you can get started with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Marketing Strategies

You can do it through a YouTube channel if you wanted to, or what you can do is use the number one most visited website in the entire world, which is Google, and the way that you’re going to use Google is by building up a website. Building up a website that publishes articles with affiliate links in them is a powerful way of you being able to make long-term income because as long as you’re producing articles that again you know people are actively searching for and as long as people are able to find those articles, there’s a chance that they’re going to click on your link and from there you’re going to be able to earn an income, and these websites don’t need to be complicated, they don’t need to be extravagant.

Recurring Commissions

For example, if you head over to which help us earn a passive income, the best type of affiliate products for you to promote for you to be able to earn an income far into the future is affiliate products that offer some sort of a recurring commission. A recurring commission means that even if someone clicks on your affiliate link just once, as long as they continue using that product, service, or website, that company is still going to send you an affiliate commission every month.

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