Free AI PHOTO ENHANCER – beginner guide 2024

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E-commerce Success Story

So starting an e-commerce business changed my entire life because I was able to get to the point of quitting my 9-to-5 job traveling around the world to various different amazing locations. I’ve got an apartment in the UK, I’ve got an apartment in Dubai, and just generally I’m able to live a life with Pure Freedom simply because I decided to start an e-commerce business. And in today’s article I decided to explain how you can start an e-commerce business as a complete beginner if you’re someone that doesn’t really have a big budget and you’re looking to start it with the least amount of money.

Why Start an Ecom Store

In my opinion starting an Ecom store is one of the best ways of making money online as a complete beginner so make sure that you stick around for this entire article from start to finish because you’re definitely going to learn something that’s also going to change your financial situation as well. But before I get into any of the steps that you need to be aware of when it comes to starting an Ecom store with the least amount of money what I want to quickly do is Define it so that everyone that’s watching this video is on the same page.

What is E-commerce?

Now an e-commerce business is simply where you’re going to make products available to potential customers on the internet and as an Ecom store owner it’s going to be your responsibility to make sure that the product arrives to the customer’s door in one piece. So it’s a very simple business model it all comes down to finding products that you know are selling well that you know that you’re going to be able to sell to the best of your ability and then doing everything in your power when it comes to putting your product listing in front of those potential customers for you to be able to make a profit.

E-commerce Fulfillment Methods

Now there’s a number of different ways that you can run your e-commerce business but I would say that it comes down to two main ways and what I mean about this is that you can either buy products in bulk and of course that’s going to require you to have some sort of upfront investment or what you can do is use the Drop Shipping method. I’ve personally done both myself buying inventory up front as well as doing Drop Shipping and there’s different pros and cons that come with both but of course if you’re someone that doesn’t have any money when it comes to getting started then buying inventory up front isn’t going to be a wise option.

Pros and Cons of Bulk Buying

But when it comes to some of the pros and cons that come with both of these different fulfillment methods I would say that the main benefit to buying inventory in bulk just so that you’re aware of it is that number one you’re going to be able to get the products to the customer a little bit quicker if you’re shipping to customers within your country but another Pro is that you’re going to be able to get the products at slightly cheaper price and let me quickly show you exactly what I’m talking about.

Buying Products in Bulk

So the main way that I’ve bought products in bulk is from China and I’ve used so a lot of the long-term suppliers that I’ve used with some of my e-commerce Brands I found them on and I’m just going to type in a random item so let’s just type in dog barking device just like that and then click on search and from here you’re going to find all of these different suppliers that are going to be able to ship you the products in bulk and some of them have a minimum order quantity as you can see with this one they only accept a minimum order of 100 pieces and if you did buy up to 100 pieces it’s going to be slightly cheaper than if you just bought one piece.

Dropshipping for Beginners

But whatever the case is if you are a beginner that has a low budget when it comes to getting started then I wouldn’t recommend going down the path of buying products and bulk this is something that I would recommend that you do down the line once you’ve built up a decent amount of capital to reinvest back into your business. So the option that I would recommend that you choose is the Drop Shipping method and for those of you that are not really familiar with how Drop Shipping works again what you’re going to do is make products available to potential customers but instead of you buying the products in bulk what you’re going to do instead is go over to a Drop Shipping supplier and whenever you make a sale you’re not going to have to ship out any orders that’s the point where you’re going to go over to your Drop Shipping supplier you’re going to buy one unit from them or whatever quantity your customer purchased and from there they’re going to pick pack and ship the orders on your behalf and send it out to your customer.

Finding Dropshipping Products

And an easy way that you can find products that are ready to be drop shipped is by going directly onto Auto DS so what you’re going to do once you’ve created your account which you could do by clicking the 30-day trial link in my description down below is come over here to where it says handpicked products from here you’re going to be able to choose whatever category you want your store to be centered around so let’s stick with the pet Niche so I’m just going to click on it just like that and as you can see from here Auto DS is going to be able to show you all of these different products are currently performing well from various different suppliers.

Comparing Dropshipping and Bulk Buying

So let’s assume that I wanted to drop ship this product over here it looks like a cat Ball by the looks of it and straight away we can see that the cost of the product is only $2.51 however if you wanted to buy this in bulk from somewhere like as you can see the price is going to be up to $2.89 and you also need to buy a minimum of 10 pieces so Drop Shipping doesn’t always have to cost a lot more than buying products in bulk it all depends on where you go to find your products and where you go to find your suppliers and just to give you an example of someone that’s Drop Shipping this product right now if we just stay on Auto DS and scroll down over here they’re going to be able to show you active sellers that you’re going to be able to click into so I’m going to click into this one over here.

Dropshipping Profit Margins

So right here we can see that there’s this drop shipper they’re selling it for around $20 but as you saw on Auto DS it’s available for us to buy right now for $2.51 so I’d say that those are some of the main things that you need to be aware of when it comes to the product side of things because essentially the foundation of an Ecom store is the products that you’re going to sell and that could be one of the most expensive things from day one so if you’re able to understand how to get started in a cheap way it’s going to make things a lot easier for you.

Selling Platforms for Dropshipping

But this now brings me on to one of the next things that you need to be aware of which is how exactly are you going to sell these products and how are you going to make them available to potential customers so if you do decide to go down the Drop Shipping route there’s two main ways that you can sell your products you can either do it through eBay by doing eBay Drop Shipping or what you could do is list them on your Shopify website eBay is great because it’s a Marketplace you’re going to be able to go on there and get access to millions of customers that are going onto eBay on a daily basis the only limitation with going down the eBay route is that you’re going to have certain limitations when you first get started they’re not going to let you list as many products that you want so that’s why going down the Shopify route might be a little bit better.

Introduction to Shopify

Shopify for those of you that’s never heard of it is a platform that allows you to build your own e-commerce website similar to this you’re going to be able to get your own website you’re going to be able to list as many products that you want you’re not going to have to deal with direct competition because once a customer lands on your website it’s only your product that they’re going to see and right now you’re probably thinking to yourself but Sam I clicked on this video because I want to sell products online in the cheapest way isn’t me building a website going to be really expensive and the answer to that is no there’s a certain way that you can get started with a e-commerce Drop Shipping Store where you don’t really need to pay anything the only amount that you’re going to have to pay is $1.

AI Store Builder for Shopify

And the way that you’re going to be able to do this is by using this AI store Builder over here I’m going to link it down below as you can see you’re going to be able to get a free AI built Shopify store up and running in less than 5 minutes so once you’ve clicked that link in my description and you’ve clicked on build my free store all you need to do is insert your name email address and password then what you’re going to need to do is pick a niche depending on which products that you’ve decided to sell so of course in this example let’s assume that I wanted to sell these pet related products I would obviously click on pets from there there’s going to be some other steps that you’re going to need to complete again it’s not going to take any more than 2 to 5 minutes and once you followed everything as you need to it’s then going to take you to the back end of your Shopify store and you’re going to see that you’ve now got a fully built fully optimized website that you’re going to be able to start using straight away.

Additional Resources

Now of course I wanted to make this video super simple I wanted to give you guys the key points that you need to be aware of when it comes to starting an e-commerce business in the cheapest way of course there’s some other steps that goes into the entire process and if you did want more information on this topic where I show you everything you need to be aware of A to Z when it comes to building your store all of the little steps that I missed out and what you need to know when it comes to getting the right customer on your store for you to actually make money I’m going to leave a free course down below it’s going to be the first link in the description be sure to check that out straight after this because it’s going to give you some more insight into what you need to do when it comes to getting your store up and running with a low budget.


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