How to Make Money Online With ChatGPT for FREE ($170/Hour) Beginners

Overview of the Side Hustle Process

Now just to give you a quick background as to what this side hustle involves, essentially what you’re going to be doing is using a combination of Google search and chat GPT when it comes to building up a list of various different email addresses of businesses all around the world that are currently operating but do not have a website. From there what you’re going to do is use email automation tools to send out emails to all of these different email addresses and of course you’re going to use AI when it comes to actually building the website for the businesses that get back to you.

Using Google Search to Find Businesses

Again I truly believe that this could be one of the easiest ways to make money online because you’re going to be using AI when it comes to various different elements of it, but without further ado let’s get straight into one of the first steps that you’re going to need to take which is that you need to go over to Google search and once you’ve opened up Google just like this what you’re going to do is just type in what you can see on the screen over here. Now this might look a little bit confusing but all I’m doing is asking Google to scan the site for any business that has the word tattoo in their name and I wanted to show me their email address whether they have Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail, or Yahoo and just for the record you don’t need to use a tattoo studio when it comes to finding local businesses.

Searching for Various Business Types

I’m just using this one as an example, you can use any type of business whether it’s a mechanic, nail shop, dog groomers, pet care, nursery, daycare, whatever it is. So you’re going to build up list of different email addresses for various different types of businesses but in today’s video I’m going to be using tattoo. So once you’ve typed this into Google what you’re going to do from here is click on Google Search and as you guys can see it’s now come back with all of these different results for all of these different tattoo studios that are based all around the world and the good thing about using this is that it continues on to page two and you’re going to be able to go to page three, page four and the list is somewhat endless but once you have gotten to this stage what you’re going to need to do from here is copy all of the data that’s on page one just like this.

Copying and Organizing Search Results

So I’m just going to copy it just like that then I’m going to come over to a blank document you can use Google Docs I’m just going to paste it in there just like that. Don’t worry if it looks all over the place and scattered you’re going to be able to fix this up in a moment but essentially what you’re going to do is do the exact same thing for page one, page two, page three and as many pages that you can which now brings me on to the next part of this diagram which is that you now need to go over to chat GPT. So as you probably know chat GPT is completely free for you to sign up to just go over to create an account from there you’re going to be able to gain access to chat GPT and it’s going to look something like this and the reason why we’re using this is that it’s going to help us organize all of the information that we have in our Google doc and the prompt that you’re going to need to type into chat GPT is going to be format the data below into a table with these columns company name and email.

Using ChatGPT to Format Data

What you’re then going to do is just add a couple spaces below go back over to your Google doc document copy all of the information paste it into chat GPT just like that and then click on submit and instantly as you guys can see chat GPT has now come back with all of these different companies and all of their email addresses. So literally within about 5 minutes or maybe less than that you saw me go from not knowing who I was going to contact for me to offer the service of building a website for them to eventually having over 20 maybe 30 different email addresses and bear in mind that you’re going to be able to do the exact same thing for various different businesses in various different locations where you’re going to have five thousands of different contacts email addresses for you to reach out to.

Verifying Business Website Status

Now once you’ve gotten to this point where you have got these different email addresses of course some of them may have a website some of them may not have a website so it’s going to be down to you to either manually check yourself you can ask chat GPT to separate the ones that have a website and the ones that don’t but I’m going to leave this list as it is for now because most of the time when a company is using @gmail, Outlook, you know all these generic email addresses it means that they most likely don’t have a domain which also means that they most likely do not have a website but once you’ve completed this step over here and you’ve sorted the data in chat GPT the next step after that is that you need to export the file as a CSV and the way that you’re going to be able to do that is by heading back over to chat GPT and pasting in this prompt over here clicking on submit and it should come back within a couple seconds with the file that you’re going to download.

Exporting Data as CSV File

So I’m just going to click on it just like this okay perfect so I’ve now got the Excel spreadsheet with all of the different company names all of these different email addresses and again the goal is for you to build up 1,000, 2,000 even 10,000 email addresses because that’s going to give you a high chance of succeeding so what I’m going to do from now is just save this as tattoo email list which actually now brings me on to the next step that you need to take which is to purchase a customized professional email domain. Now of course if you wanted to use Gmail you can do that but from my own experience if you want to be able to convert someone from a non-paying customer into a paying customer it’s going to come from you approaching them in a professional way and there’s no better way to approach them than to make sure that you’re using a professional email address.

Purchasing a Professional Email Domain

Instantly when they see this they’re going to take you serious and the thing about it is that it doesn’t even cost that much for you to get so what I’d recommend that you do is just head over to GoDaddy just like this click on try AI domain search if you don’t have an idea of what you want your email domain to be then what you’re going to be able to do is just insert a prompt over here I’m just going to put something like I am starting a website building service can you give me some domain ideas for my email you know something simple like that and then just click on this button and straight away as you can see GoDaddy has now come back with all of these different available domains that I’m going to be able to purchase. Again it doesn’t cost that much as you can see it’s going to cost one penny for you to use it for the first year it may cost around $10 after all the fees but making sure that you purchase a professional email domain just like this is definitely a game changer and in addition to it giving you a professional look it’s also necessary when it comes to you being able to automate all of the different emails that you’re going to send out to to all of these hundreds of different leads that you’ve built up because when it comes to automating the email side of things a tool that you can use is this one over here called smart and for you to create an account with them you do need to make sure that you’re not using at gmail at Outlook or any other generic email so if you wanted to create an account with them I’ve got a 14-day trial link in my description down below that you can use it’s going to take you directly to this page over here going to be able to test it out for 14 days and see if there’s something that you want to continue with.

Setting Up Email Automation

So just click on this option over here and once you’ve created your account you’re then going to be able to now set up your first email campaign so this is the stage where you’re going to upload the CSV file that you got from chat GPT so I’ve just dragged the CSV file in there just like that as you can see this is what it looks like these are all of the email addresses and what I’m going to be able to do from here is go over to the next page and also going to be able to set up these sequences as well. Now when I say sequence these are the emails that you’re going to send out one after the other so the good thing about using something like smart lead is that you’re going to be able to send the introduction email and if you wanted to add another step and send a follow-up email you’re going to be able to do that you’re going to be able to tell it to wait one day 3 days however long you want it to wait in between all of the different emails and of course you’re going to be able to use chat GPT when it comes to constructing all of the different emails that you’re going to send out to all of these different email addresses and there is a few things that you need to be aware of when it comes to the email stage but if you wanted me to make a more detailed video on this part of the process I’ll be more than happy to do that just make sure that you put in the comments down below do the email automation video and I’ll get onto that ASAP but once you’ve started sending out emails offering the service to build websites and you’ve started to get replies back the tool that you’re going to use when it comes to building the website where you don’t need any tech skills you don’t need to know how to code you don’t need any experience whatsoever is going to be hostinger and there’s so many different reasons why I recommend hostinger.

Introducing Hostinger for Website Building

Firstly you’re going to be able to create an account fairly easily it doesn’t take more than 3 4 minutes for you to set up your account you’re going to be able to offer the business that you’re working with a free domain it comes with 24/7 Live customer service as I already said no technical skills are needed and it also comes with a 30-day money back guarantee as well. Now what I would recommend that you do when it comes to starting this work from home job is to get some sort of a deposit from the business that you’re working with up front it could be as low as $50 or $100 you know that’s going to prompt the business that you’re working with to follow through and complete the entire project and not run off because they’ve already paid a deposit and even if they do decide that they don’t want the website anymore you’re going to be able to cover your cost because majority of the hostinger plan and cost around $100 and of course if you request a refund within 30 days you’re going to be able to get all of the money back as well.

Choosing a Hostinger Package

Now let me just quickly show you all of the packages just so that you have an idea of exactly how it works so the one that you’re going to move forward with when it comes to building websites for all of these different businesses is this one over here so you’re just going to click on choose plan and if the business that you’re working with wants to go with the 24mth package it’s only going to cost you $13 just make sure that you insert this coupon code over here so that you can save more money and keep more profit in your pocket but to show you how easy it could be when it comes to building a website I’ve just logged into my hostinger account and I’m just going to pick a random Tattoo Studio just to show you exactly how the AI website builder works so the one I’m going to use is this one over here LJ tattoo so let’s assume that they got back to me I’ve been emailing them back and forth they paid the deposit I’m happy to move forward what I’m going to do is come over to the AI website builder just like this click on start creating for website type I’m going to select business showcase for the brand name of course I’m just going to put the name of the business just like this and for the description I’m just going to put we are a tattoo studio based in the UK and the purpose for this website is to showcase our gallery of tattoos and also allow customers to to book appointments you’re allowed to add up to 1,000 characters so I would recommend that you reach out to the business and ask them for a detailed description so that you’re going to be able to create the best website possible but once you’ve completed this stage all you’re going to need to do is click on create a website and just like that as you can see the website has now been built everything has been optimized everything has been structured as it needs to be of course there’s going to be some changes that need to be made you know changes to the opening hours changes to the contact information but everything else seems to be amazing you’re going to be able to go through the website and work with the business and ask them if they’ve also got any changes as well

but if you wanted to start this work from home job let’s say a year ago two years ago it would have been really difficult because you would have had to have coded the website you would have had to have built everything from scratch you would have had to have been an expert when it comes to doing this but as you can see the world that we’re living in right now with AI just makes everything that much more simpler and for those of you that are thinking about Sam how exactly am I going to make changes to the website how am I going to edit it what exactly do I need to do well all you need to do is just come over here to edit site and from here you’re going to be able to make any adjustments that you need to make if you want to delete an image if you want to change it you’re going to be able to easily do that by clicking on edit image over here and then replacing it if you want to update the text if you want to you know maybe change change things around you’re going to be able to do whatever you need to do there’s complete flexibility when it comes to updating this website it’s not fixed to the way it is you’re going to be able to move any element in any place in any way that you want to.

Finalizing the Website and Collecting Payment

So what I would recommend that you do is do a screen recording of every single page for both the desktop view as well as the mobile phone view send that screen recording to the business it’s going to be much easier that way for them to see the website and request any changes once you’ve made all the changes and they’re completely happy with everything that you’ve done from there you’re going to be able to make the website go live but of course before you make the website go live that’s the point where you want to collect the rest of the money that you owed. Now in terms of how much you should charge when it comes to building websites you can charge $300 $400 when you’re getting started it really does depend on the type of website that you’re building for what type of company and it also depends on your experience as well but I would say $300 minimum is a great starting point when it comes to starting this work from home job and literally once you’ve completed building a website and you’ve also receive the money into either your PayPal account or your bank account from there what you’re going to be able to do is transfer the hosting of account over to the business and you’re going to be able to do that by clicking on this icon over here that says account and then switching the email login from your one to their one and I would also recommend that you go over to the bill section as well and remove any payment methods if you’ve added your own card make sure that you remove it you don’t want anything to be here besides the email address of the business and then from there you’re going to be able to log out they’re going to be able to log in and manage their account.

Upselling Additional Services

Now the best part about this work from home job is that you can also offer the service to continuously keep managing their website for them on a monthly basis in addition to that you can also offer the service to publish written articles on the website as well well realistically there’s a number of different ways that you’re going to be able to continuously keep generating a source of income from one client building the website is just the first part of it and if you wanted me to make an additional article.

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