How to  Make Money By SALES on Pinterest?

Unveiling a Lucrative Method: Making Over $9000 Monthly with Videos

And here’s some payment proof. If I click on redemptions at the very top, I just got paid another $50 in PayPal money. In last week’s video, I showed you how to start getting traffic using a paid tool. But this week, I just discovered a free software that’s going to help you make sales by downloading 30-second videos. So, if you want to start making money with affiliate marketing, or maybe you’re looking for a way to make more sales, follow every step that I’m going to show you. I’m going to teach you how to use this brand new app and show you how it can easily help you make your first $50 to $100 sale online.

Step 1: Choosing a Profitable Niche

So, to get started, like I always mention, guys, all you want to do is pick a profitable topic or niche you can make money from. The one we’re going to focus on in today’s video is going to be the finance niche. In yesterday’s video, I showed you the fitness one; I’ve shown you the food and the pets. This strategy will work for just about any category. In this video, we’re going to focus on finance. So, just pick any category you want to make money from.

Step 2: Joining an Affiliate Network

For the next step, you want to sign up for an affiliate network that’s going to have products you can sell. So, instead of trying to invent a product yourself or trying to come up with a new idea, all you have to do is start driving traffic to start making your first sale. Go ahead and sign up for ClickBank. Once you’re inside your account, click on “Marketplace” at the very top and look out for the business and marketing products. These are basically around finance, showing people how to make money, save money, and invest. So, you want to pick one of these products.

Step 3: Obtaining Your Affiliate Link

Now, I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this. If you guys have been watching my videos, you already know how this works. So, all you want to do for this step and the next one is pick a product you want to start making money from, click on “Promote” right here, and copy your special affiliate link. This is going to be the one tracked to your account. So, whenever somebody clicks on this link and buys, they’re going to credit your account with the sales. Again, I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this. All you want to do for this step is pick a product you want to make money from.

Step 4: Building a Website

For the next step, you either want to use this website called bons or this website called aweber to build a website for your product. A lot of the platforms online are not going to let you post your affiliate link without getting banned. So, if you don’t want to get banned, all you want to do is build a one-page website for your product either using bons or Again, I’ve shown you guys how to do this in previous videos, so I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this. But if you do want to learn how to start building websites, I’ll post the videos down below where I break this down step by step.

Step 5: Creating Your Video Content

For the next step, all you want to do is build a website for your product. And once you have your website link, go ahead and copy it and go to step number three.

Step 6: Enhancing Your Video with Canva

Giveaway and a quick break to do this week’s giveaway. You guys already know I appreciate all the support. So, this week, I’m doing a cash giveaway for all my subscribers. If you want your chance to enter and win, just follow these three steps. Step number one: hit that subscribe button. You guys already know YouTube does show me all my subscribers, so make sure you don’t skip over any steps. Step number two: follow my brand new Tik Tok page. I have had a lot of people ask me how they can reach out and message me, so just go ahead and follow my brand new page. And step number three: comment down below today’s keywords so I know you did the first two steps. And again, for a chance to win some free money this week, YouTube, and all right, guys, for this step, we’re going to use the power of YouTube.

Step 7: Leveraging YouTube Shorts

Now, in the past, I’ve shown you guys how to find different videos, mix them together to create a brand new piece of content, and basically mix around different videos that have already been posted online. But today, I’m going to show you a simple one-step strategy that can give any video a twist and create a brand new piece of content that can help you start making money. So, for this step, go to YouTube at the very top. You’re going to type in motivational video because since we’re dealing with a finance niche, a lot of this has to do around motivation, people that want to start doing better, want to start living a better life, right? So, we’re going to start using some of these motivational videos on YouTube that are already getting thousands of views online to start generating free traffic and start making money. So, come over to YouTube, and the first thing you want to do is click on filters at the very top. Click on “Under four minutes,” and that’s going to show you all the short videos that have been posted.

Step 8: Adding a Twist with Pasted Videos

So, you want to look out for the YouTube shorts, and you can see this one has Joe Rogan, this one has Michael B Jordan, this one has David Gogin, right? And if you click on one of these channels, you’re going to see that they’re basically posting clips from different celebrities online. So, all you want to do for this step is click on one of these motivational videos and you’re going to post it yourself because, again, it doesn’t actually belong to anybody; it’s just a viral clip online. But you’re going to give it a twist to make it a completely brand new video. And don’t worry, it’s not going to be a long process or a lot of steps. All you want to do next is save the video to your account, and here’s what I have to save videos. All you have to do is paste the link inside of this box and click on start. You’re going to see the video pop up. Then just click on save. And check it out, guys, you’re going to see the video pop up. And don’t forget, there’s going to be so many other videos inside of here, so many different videos just like this that you can start mixing and playing around with. So, go ahead and find the video you can use, and once you save the video, go to step number four.

Step 9: Enhancing Your Video with Canva

All right, guys, for the next step, you’re going to use a graphic design website called Canva to give your video a quick twist. So, it’s only going to take a couple of minutes to do. All you want to do is create a free account, click on “Mobile Video” at the very top, and check it out. You’re going to see the video editor pop up. So, all you want to do inside of here is upload the video that you just saved. And first, you do want to stretch it out, make sure it fully fits the corners. And for the next step, use this website called to find a free stock video. So, at the very top, type in whatever your video is about: motivation, freedom, working out. Then, scroll down, pick a cool video you find inside of here that can match the video that you just downloaded. So, if it’s about working out or running on a treadmill, right, all you’re going to do is find a video of somebody working out or somebody running and post it over the original copy. So, let me go ahead and find the video I can use, something that goes along with this one. And check it out, guys, I just found this one of somebody working out, doing a serious exercise. So, I’m going to use this video right here. And all I’m going to do next is upload it over the original copy from the video I found on YouTube. So, go ahead and upload it on here. And check it out, guys, my brand new video is going to play with the sound of the original video. So, the original video has a speech, has something motivational, has something interesting, right? All I’m doing is pasting a new video over it to create a brand new piece of content. So, if I click on play, and I get to mile 9 and I get a complete cramp in one of my legs, you’re going to see a brand new video. So, it’s not going to be a lot of work, and it’s an easy way to give a twist to content that’s already hot online. So, videos that are already getting millions of views, that already got something interesting, right? All you’re doing is creating a brand new piece of content by layering over a stock video. So, go ahead and create a video like this.

Step 10: Adding Text to Your Video

And the last thing I would recommend you to do is add text. So, obviously, the original video has text, right, going over the speech, basically what’s being said. So, you want to listen to the audio, then click on “Add text” and add text to go along with your brand new video. And check this out, guys, if you click on these three dots at the very top, then click on “Show timing,” you can choose exactly how long this text is going to be on the screen. So, obviously, the first sentence is not going to be in the entire video, right? All you want to do is leave it for the first couple of seconds, then you want to add the text to the next part of the speech, and you can copy and paste the text just to make this faster. So, go ahead and create your video. Once you’re done, click on “Share” and click on “Download” to save your brand new video.

Step 11: Generating Traffic on Pinterest

All right, guys, for the next step, we’re going to use a platform that’s getting millions of visits per month to start generating free traffic. Now, before I show you how to do that, if you’re still watching this video and you’re enjoying the content, show your boy some love. Hit that like, hit that subscribe button if you like learning new ways to make money. Every single week, I post videos like this, showing you different apps, websites, and strategies I’m using myself to make some extra income online. So, if you want to learn new ways to make money, make sure you hit that subscribe button. And if you want to start making more money with affiliate marketing, click that first link inside my comments. I’m going to send you a copy of my six-figure affiliate ebook, going over more detail what it is, how it works, and how to turn this into a six-figure business online. This is exactly what I did myself to quit a 12-hour-a-day warehouse job, buy my dream car, and check it out, start earning an extra $900 to up to $1,000 per week online. So, if you want to start making a full-time income from home, make sure you hit that subscribe button and check out that first link in my comments for a free copy of my affiliate ebook.

Step 12: Utilizing Pinterest for Traffic Generation

And all right, guys, the free tool platform we’ve been building on has been So, like I mentioned before, it’s an easy way to start getting views, start getting impressions, and start getting clicks to any product you want because, check this out, you can start getting clicks to any website you want to make money from. So, go ahead and set up a Pinterest account, make it around whatever product you’re making money from, and check it out. After you have your account set up, click on Pinterest, then you’re going to click on “Create pin.” Inside of here, upload the video that you just created. You’re going to see it pop up. And next, I’m going to show you a free tool that’s going to help you set up your title, your description, to start getting more traffic. So, for the next step, go to Google, and you want to search for a software called Pindu. After that, scroll down, click on the first website that pops up. And check this out, what this basically is, you can see I already have it downloaded to my account. But what this basically is, is a keyword research tool that’s going to show you what people are searching on Pinterest, what they actually want to see. And you guys can see it already has a lot of five-star reviews. So, so many people are using it to get traffic. So, go ahead and create your account, download it to your Chrome extension. Once you’re done, just click on the extension, and you’re going to see their website pop up. And check it out, you’re getting a free 7-day trial. So, no credit card required. All you got to do is create a free account. And once you’re inside, first click on “Keyword research” right here. And all you want to do is type in a keyword related to your market or related to your post. So, my post is about motivation, right, motivational niche, the motivation, and finance market. So, I’m going to type in motivation at the very top. And after that, just click on “Submit.” So, check it out, what this software is going to do is show you different keywords inside of a coral that are hot but that have low competition. So, if you start using them for your post, it’s going to be so much easier for you to get traffic from them. So, go ahead and go through the list you find, and you want to scroll all the way down to the bottom to where you see easy and use one of these keywords right here. So, I’m going to go with this one, motivational sports quotes, basically what my post is about, right? So, go ahead and add it to the top and add some extra text to let people know what your post is about. And finally, at the very bottom, you’re going to add in hashtags. So, go back to this software, click on X, then you’re going to click on “Hashtag research.” And again, just type in motivation. And again, guys, you’re going to see all of these hashtags pop up. So, just scroll down to the bottom so you can find the hashtags that have less competition. So, let’s see, this one right here, motivational bottle, motivational mindset. All you want to do is copy them and add them to the tags inside of your post because, again, these are basically meant to have low competition. So, if you end up using these keywords instead of the ones at the top, your post is going to get more views and help you start getting more traffic to your website. So, don’t forget to add your website link inside of your post. Just go back, copy your website link, and paste it inside of this box. So, go ahead and add the description letting people know what your video is about, add hashtags that have low competition. So, once you’re done, it’s going to look like this. And real quick, guys, you actually want to add the hashtags inside of your description. So, go ahead and copy your hashtags inside of here. And finally, click on “Publish” at the very top. And check it out, guys, after that, you’re going to see your post added to your page. And let’s see if this software actually works. So, I want you guys to give it a try, give me some honest feedback, let me know if this software can help you get more traffic. So, if it’s actually worth it, we can use it to get more traffic. So, go ahead and give this strategy a try, set up your account, start getting free traffic using this software. And of course, guys, to get paid out, make sure you update your account settings inside of ClickBank. And all right, guys, outro. That’s going to be it for this video. So, if you enjoyed the content, got some value from it, make sure you hit that like, hit that subscribe button, and check out all the resources I posted down below for you guys. I’m going to post my website builder, autoresponder, everything I’m using to make a full-time income online. So, make sure you check that out down below. Or for now, click on one of these videos right here to find a new way to make money straight from your phone

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