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Work From Home Jobs: A Fast Way to Make Money Online

So if you’re someone that’s looking to make money online in the fastest way possible, and maybe you don’t have a big budget when it comes to getting it up and running, I would say that doing some sort of work from home job is going to be your best option. In today’s article, I want to show you exactly how you can use the power of Facebook to start a work from home job. These are the different steps that goes into it, and I’m just going to quickly run through it just so that we’re all on the same page as to how all of this stuff works.

The Process: Finding Local Businesses Without Websites

So How It Works: what you’re going to be doing is using Facebook to find local businesses that do not currently have a website. From there, what you’re going to do is get their email addresses and build up a list of different emails and start sending emails to as many businesses as possible. If you’re able to be consistent with this, you’re going to start to get replies back for businesses that want to pay you to build their website. And from there, what you’re going to do is use AI when it comes to building the website for the business, and don’t worry, I’m going to show you exactly how you can do this in detail. And of course, once you’ve built the website for the business, that’s when you’re going to receive the money.

Why This Work From Home Job is Effective

I believe this to be one of the best work from home jobs because there’s thousands of different businesses that are currently operating all around the world, and they’re making money on a daily basis, but they don’t have a website. And that’s where you’re going to be able to come in. Now before I get into any of the steps, one of the first things that I would advise you to do, if you haven’t done so already, is to open up a PayPal account. PayPal is going to be the easiest way for the businesses to send you money, so you want to make sure that you sign up for a PayPal account.

Setting Up a PayPal Account

Literally all you got to do is go over to From here, you’re going to click on “sign up for free”. I would recommend signing up for a business account, just click on it just like that. You don’t need to have a registered business or anything like that, you’re going to be able to get started as a self-employed individual. But again, signing up for a PayPal account just increases your chances when it comes to you being able to receive money from the businesses that you’re going to be reaching out to.

Step 1: Finding Local Businesses on Facebook

But jumping straight into this first step over here, once you do have your PayPal account, which is that you need to log into Facebook or sign up for a Facebook account if you don’t have one, and start finding local businesses. And I’m going to show you exactly how you can do that right now. So of course, you just need to head over to, sign into your account. You can use your personal one, it doesn’t matter because you’re just going to use it when it comes to researching which businesses have a website and which ones don’t. So you can log into your personal one or you can just create any Facebook account.

Searching for Specific Types of Businesses

And once you have logged into your account, from here what you’re going to need to do is come over to this search bar and you’re going to search for a specific type of business in any location. And when it comes to the type of local business that may be operating right now, there’s so many different types, but it’s going to be things like car repair shops, barber shops, tattoo studios. There’s a long list of different ones, but in today’s video, I’m going to be using dog groomers that are in London.

Identifying Businesses Without Websites

So what you got to do is just type it in there just like that. And from this point, it’s going to come up with all of these different pages for all of these different dog groomers that are based in various different parts of London. And what you’re going to do from here is figure out exactly which ones have a website and which ones don’t. And the good thing about Facebook is that they’re also going to show you their email address as well. So you’re going to be able to build up a list of different emails for the ones that don’t have a website.

Checking Business Activity and Website Status

But just to show you exactly what I’m talking about, if I just hover over the first one in the list, as you can see, they’ve got a website. If I come over to this one, they’ve also got a website too. If I come over to this one, they also have a website as well. However, there’s this one over here that they don’t have a website on their Facebook profile. So what I’m going to do is just click into it just like this, and one of the first things that I always do is make sure that they’re still an active business.

Verifying Business Activity

As you can see, they’ve been posting things 4 days ago, this one was posted 5 days ago, and they’ve also been able to build up some followers. So they must be active, they must be receiving money, and they could definitely benefit from having a website because it’s going to give them a professional presence on the internet. So of course from this point, for all of the different businesses that you found on Facebook that don’t have a website listed over here, you need to Google their name just to make sure that they definitely don’t have one.

Building a List of Email Addresses

So this one doesn’t have one, I’ve already double checked, and what I’m going to do from now is just copy the email address just like this. And then one tip I’ll give you is to build up a list of different email addresses in an Excel spreadsheet just like that and keep a record of exactly what type of business it is. And the aim of the game when it comes to doing this work from home job is to build up as many different email addresses – 100, 200, 300 different email addresses – and it’s going to be your job to contact them one by one.

Step 2: Best Practices for Sending Emails

And this now brings me on to the second step for this process, which is that you want to make sure that you understand what goes into sending the emails in the best way. And if there’s one bit of advice that I want to give every single one of you that’s watching this video, which is that you want to make sure that you’re doing things in a professional way, and that means not spamming, that means not sending out 100 emails to one single business in one day. And you also want to make sure that you’re using a professional email address as well.

Using a Professional Email Domain

And by professional domain, all this means is that you don’t want to use things like @gmail, @AOL, @Hotmail, @Yahoo, you know, all of these generic email addresses. You want to use a custom professional email domain because this is going to increase your chances of being able to secure them as a client. But in addition to making sure you’ve got a professional email, you want to make sure that you’re writing the best emails as well.

Using ChatGPT for Email Writing

And one trick that I’d recommend when it comes to writing the best email is to use something like ChatGPT because you’re going to be able to simply type in a prompt like this that says, “I am contacting a company called [and then paste the name of the company in there]. Can you write a 100-word email offering services to build them a website as it will help increase their sales due to customers being able to see their portfolio?”

Generating and Customizing Emails with ChatGPT

So what I’m going to do is copy the name of their business just like this, come back over here, paste it in there just like that, and then click on submit. And just like that, as you can see, ChatGPT has now come back with this email that I’m going to be able to copy and paste and send out to them. Of course, if I want to make any adjustments, if I want to make it longer, if I want to make it shorter, whatever I want to do, I’m going to be able to enter another prompt and ChatGPT is going to be able to do that.

Benefits of Using AI for Email Writing

And of course, you don’t need to use an AI bot when it comes to writing the emails, you can do it yourself if you want to, but using something like ChatGPT just ensures that you’re putting the correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, so on and so forth. But swiftly moving on to the third step of this process, once you’ve started to get replies back and confirmations for you to build websites for the businesses, is that you’re going to go over to Hostinger AI website builder.

Step 3: Using Hostinger AI Website Builder

So I’m going to leave the direct sign-up link in my description down below, but the reason why I recommend it is for a number of different reasons. Now first things first, as you can see, if you use that link in my description, you’re going to be able to get up to 75% off, which is going to help you keep a lot more money in your pocket and make more profit. You’re also going to be able to use the AI website builder, which I’m going to show you exactly how it works in a moment. You don’t need any technical skills whatsoever.

Hostinger’s 30-Day Money Back Guarantee

And because the company is going to pay you after you’ve built the website for them, if they don’t end up paying you for whatever reason, then you’re going to be able to get a 30-day money back guarantee. So basically, Hostinger is the best solution when it comes to doing this work from home job. So don’t forget to use the link in my description to sign up, and once you have signed up, this is the page that you’re going to see when it comes to using AI to create your website in minutes.

Creating a Website with Hostinger AI

So all you’re going to need to do is click on “start creating”. So from this point, all you’re going to need to do is fill out information in these three sections. And because the one that I’m using, or the business that I’m using as an example in today’s video is this one, which is a dog groomers, the type of website that I’m going to want to build for them is a showcase one, so that they’re able to showcase their previous dogs and their gallery, which is going to attract more customers.

Entering Business Information for Website Creation

For the brand name, of course, I’m just going to copy the name of the business just like this and paste it in there just like that. And for the description, I’m just going to paste something simple like this: “We are a dog groomers based in London and the purpose for our website is to showcase pictures of our previous client dogs and also allow new customers to book an appointment.”

Providing Detailed Information for AI Builder

You’re able to put up to 700 characters, and the more information you give to AI Builder, the better job it’s going to be able to do when it comes to building the website. So you can enter that you want it to have a specific color scheme or whatever the case is, but I’m just going to keep it simple for the purpose of today’s video. And then I’m just going to click on “create a website”.

Reviewing and Adjusting the AI-Generated Website

And literally guys, within 30 seconds, maybe 1 minute, it’s now come back with this fully built website that I’m going to be able to go through, make any adjustments that I need to. If I need to update anything, I’m going to be able to easily do it. My recommendation is that you go through it and you try and update as much of the information that you can for the business, e.g. the phone number, the email address. Go on to all of the different pages and, you know, put all of their details, for example, their address, whatever the case is.

Finalizing the Website and Receiving Payment

And once you have updated it to the details of the business, do a screen recording, send it over to them, and they’re going to come back with some changes that they might want to make. They might want to update any of the images, they might want to update the text, but because you’ve used AI to get you to this point, it’s taking away a lot of the headache because if you wanted to do something like this maybe a year ago, 2 years ago, 3 years ago, it would have taken you maybe a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks.

Completing the Process and Receiving Payment

So I would say that those are some of the main things that you need to be aware of when it comes to using AI to build a website. And of course, once you’ve done that, you’ve sent the video over to the business, they’re happy with it, there’s no more changes, that’s when you’re going to be able to receive the money directly into your PayPal account.


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