Get Paid To Type Online | Online Typing Jobs 2024

Introduction: Exploring Lucrative Online Typing Jobs

Alright guys, so every Tuesday I’ve been showing you how to get an online job that doesn’t require any diploma or any prior experience. Now, one of the most common requests I get is people looking for online typing jobs. So, if you want to get paid to type, today I’m going to show you three brand new websites I just discovered that you can use to land your first typing job.

Ensuring Legitimacy and Viability: Researching the Websites

And these aren’t just random websites online. I’ve already done my research to make sure these websites are actually legit and make sure they’re getting thousands of customers every single month. I’m also going to show you guys how to get pre-training that’s going to help you become a faster typer so you can start getting higher paying jobs right away.

Preparing for Typing Jobs: Essential Equipment and Skills

To get started, let’s actually jump into that topic right now. A lot of these websites will require you to type at least 50 words per minute so you can start getting higher paying jobs that are going to pay you between $75 to $120 per hour.

So, to become a faster typer for this job, here are three things you’re going to need.

1. Transcription Foot Pedal: Enhancing Typing Efficiency

Number one, a transcription foot pedal. So, this is going to help you stop and play the audio in case you mess up or in case you need to rewind or start over. And these are only about $15 on Amazon.

2. Audio Headset: Facilitating Transcript Audibility

Number two, an audio headset. These are basic headphones to help you hear the transcript. And if you already have your own headphones, that’s fine. I know some of these are a little bit more advanced to help you get the job done easier, but to get started, you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on a headset like this.

3. Typing Proficiency: Becoming a Faster Typer

And finally, number three is you want to become a faster typer.

Enhancing Typing Speed: Leveraging Online Training

So, if you’re not at least typing 50 words per minute, 60, 70, I’d recommend you to use this website called All you have to do is create a free account inside of here, click on learn, and check it out. At the very bottom, click on start learning, and this is going to be a full-blown training that’s going to help you become a faster typer and overall help you get more comfortable with the keyboard.

Conclusion: Securing High-Paying Typing Jobs

So, those are the three things you’re going to need to get started: a headset, a foot pedal, become a faster typer. And next, I’m going to show you guys how to get some of the highest paying jobs online.

Additional Resources and Opportunities: Expanding Income Potential

And real quick, guys, for more ways to make money, make sure you check out my resources down below. I’m going to post my website builder, autoresponder, the exact program I’m using myself to make a full-time income online. So, if you guys want to start working for yourself and create your own digital business online, make sure you check out that info down below for all my resources.

Exploring Website 1: Daily Transcription

And alright, guys, now let’s jump into website number one. The name of this website is called Daily Transcription. And I want you guys to follow along. Later on, I’m going to show you some very important information that’s going to help you make more money. So, make sure you follow along so I can show you how it works. But for now, this is going to be website number one.

Understanding Daily Transcription: Job Opportunities

Here, you’re going to have four different jobs you can do: translation, subtitling, post-production scripts, and the one we’re talking about today is going to be online transcription, where you’re basically getting paid to type. And they’ve already worked with some of the biggest companies around the world: Disney, Netflix. And you guys can basically see how it works.

Applying for Jobs: Becoming a Freelancer

So, once you’re ready to get started, scroll down, click on “Become a Freelancer” right here. And I want you guys to check this out because these are going to be some of the highest paying jobs you can get online. So, at first, you’re going to start off as a general transcriptionist where you’re working on basic files. You need to know how to at least type 50 words per minute, know how to listen, have good typing skills, right? Very basic skills when it comes to becoming a transcriptionist.

Introduction to Website 2: CastingWords

Next, website number two is actually getting almost double the visits at 80,000 per month. And like I mentioned, guys, later on, I’m going to show you some important information that’s going to help you make more money. So, the name of this website right here is called So, just head over to Google, type it in the search, and it’s going to be the first website that pops up.

Discovering Website 2: Opportunities and Application Process

And I want you guys honest feedback on this website. Let me know if it’s actually legit for you guys. Let me know if you can actually sign up for it. ‘Cause if you go over to their site, they do have a lot of five-star reviews, but it looks very plain and very simple. I don’t see a lot of info on here, I don’t really see a lot of text, just some customer feedback, I guess, right? And basically what they do inside of here. But there’s not much to it.

Introduction to Website 3: Scribie

Now finally, let’s jump into website number three. The name of this website is called And the one thing they pride themselves on is having a 99% accuracy rate. So, you do gotta be one of the top typers to start working for this website. But it’s also going to be one of the highest paying ones. And the reason for that is because they’re working with a lot of academic files.

Embracing Scribie: High Accuracy and Pay Rates

So, once you’re ready to get started, just scroll down to the bottom and click right here where it says “Join as a Transcriber.” So, click on “Get Started.” After that, you’re going to see this page right here. And check it out, guys, you’re getting paid between $5 to $20 per audio hour. And they’re going to provide an automated software that’s going to do 60% of the work for you. So, it’s going to be a lot easier to do, a lot easier with their software.

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