Earn $42 Per Hour Chatting Online! NEW METHOD to be Rich

Proof of Earnings from Chatting Online

IF you want to get paid to chat, today I’m going to show you guys a brand new AI strategy that’s going to do 90% of the work for you. Instead of sitting in front of a computer chatting to random strangers online, all you have to do is set up this AI software one time, and it can make you anywhere from $40 to $50, even over $100 per hour depending on how many websites you use your bot.

Getting Started with AI Chatting

Don’t worry, even if you don’t have any experience, I’m going to show you guys a brand new website that’s going to help you set everything up and help you land your first customer. So if you’re someone that’s looking for a new way to make money and you want to get paid to chat using AI technology, then to get started guys, first you want to find the list of all the businesses you can start making money from. Check it out, there’s things like manufacturers, restaurants, dentists, electricians, so many different businesses you guys can turn into clients.

Finding Business Categories

To make it easy for you, check this out, I ended up finding a list of over 200 businesses listed on Google. All you guys have to do is go to Google, type in this exact keyword, list of all business categories, then click on this website from LinkedIn.com. After that, you’re going to see all your options pop up, and make sure you guys do find this exact article. They already basically did all the research for you, find all your potential clients and customers. So you’re going to see this list pop up, and check it out, there’s things like nightclubs, music studios, museums is a good option, tattoo parlors.

Potential Business Clients

All of these different businesses have actually been posted on Google, and each one of them has the potential to be your next customer. So again, electric contractor, carpenter, so many different options inside of here. All you guys want to do is go through this list and pick a type of business you want to start making money from.

Step One: Pick a Business Type

For now, in step number one, all you guys want to do is pick a type of business you want to start making money from. I’m going to go with attorney for this strategy and go to step number two. And all right, for this step, you’re going to use Google Maps to help you find your next potential client.

Using Google Maps to Find Clients

But all right, once you open up Google Maps, all you’re doing at the very top is typing in the type of business you pick.

Searching for Businesses

Then you want to type in this exact keyword near your big city: Chicago, New York, LA. All you want to do is type in the word near followed by a big city or town in your location and click on search. And check it out, you’re going to see a list of at least over 20 businesses pop up, so so many different options, so many potential clients. And all you’re doing next inside of here is simply clicking on their website. So go ahead and click on their website, it’s going to open up, and what you’re doing next, guys, is just making sure they have a legit website.

Verifying Website Legitimacy

They actually have an FAQ section, they actually have different points and different sections. It’s not just a makeshift, “Here’s my number, here’s my address” type of website. It’s a full-blown website with actual details so you guys can basically see the website is something important for this business and something they invested time into. So what we’re going to do is help them make their website better by offering them a service that’s going to start making you money, but it’s only going to work if they have a legit website.

Finding Legitimate Businesses

So all you’re doing for this step, guys, is going through the businesses you find, clicking on their website and finding companies that are actually legit. And check it out guys, here’s exactly how we’re going to make money ourselves. You guys can see this company’s already doing it, so this wouldn’t be our potential client right here because check it out, they already have a chatbox. So this is basically a tool that this website is using to help with brand new customers, and there’s so many benefits to a chatbot: lead generation, customer engagement, support, improved sales, more customers, personalization, get to know your customers better.

Benefits of Chatbots

There is so many advantages to having a chatbot on your website. But check it out, not every website is doing it right. The first website we found, it looks like they kind of have a little help center here, but it’s not really a chatbot, so they’re not taking advantage of this. But you can see that this website is because once I click on start chatting, you’re going to see the assistance pop up to start helping customers navigate through the website. It can also help you collect customers’ information like their email, their phone number.

Offering Chatbot Services

And a lot of times, this is going to be an AI bot, so it’s not really a real person. All it is is an automated software where as soon as somebody comes to this website, it’s going to help this business by directing new customers in the right direction using this chatbot. But again, a lot of websites and companies aren’t taking advantage of this software. So what you’re going to do next is start finding websites like this that don’t currently have a chatbot on them and start offering this as a service to start making money.

Finding Potential Clients without Chatbots

So all you guys have to do for this step is start going through the businesses you find in Google Maps and find websites that are currently not using a chatbot. But like I mentioned, not every website’s going to benefit from this, not every website’s going to need it. So all you’re doing is going through the list you find and finding websites that can actually use this. And check it out guys, here’s another one that would be perfect for this strategy.

Selecting the Right Websites

So you guys are going to go through the companies you find and pick at least about 10 websites you want to start working with. Here’s another great example right here, and something you’re looking out for is if the chatbot would even fit the website. So you can see the first website we found, it actually fits it, it actually falls right along with it, so the chatbot is something that stands out on the website.

Emphasizing the Benefits to Potential Clients

And it actually makes it look better, right? So all you want to do for this strategy is start finding websites you can find and let them know their competitors are using chatbots, there’s other companies that are already using this technology and taking advantage of it, so why not start using this brand new technology for your own website and start making money from it too? So for this step, you guys are going to find clients you can start working with and the main thing you guys are going to look out for is their email.

Collecting Contact Information

So if you go to their contact page, most of the time you will find their email inside of here, so all you want to do is copy it and go to step number four. All right, so for this step, all you’re doing is organizing your information and your potential clients. So you’re going to open up a Google Docs account, just go to Google Docs.com and create an account. And inside of here, you’re going to write down the name of the business, paste it in inside, then go back and copy their email and obviously paste it right after their name.

Creating a List of Potential Clients

All you’re doing next is making a complete list of all the businesses you find, all the clients you can start making money from. So just copy their name, then go to their contact page, and most of the time, you’re going to find their email inside of here. So go ahead and create your list of at least 5 to 10 businesses. And real quick guys, check this out, sometimes you will have to go to their Facebook page to find their email, so go ahead and create your list and once you have your full list created, go to step number four.

Staying Organized

Now don’t forget, there’s going to be so many different businesses out there, so many different options you can go with. So pick a business that actually has a website, and a great little tip you guys can do is just start making a different list for every single business type. So create a separate list for dentists, create a separate list for attorneys. This is going to help you stay organized and actually find customers. If one list doesn’t work out, you have another one you can start working with and so on. So create your first list, then go to step number four.

Emailing Potential Clients

For this step, all you’re doing is sending an email to your potential customer to let them know about the brand new service you want to offer them. So go to your email, create a brand new email, and for the subject line, you can type something like “Brand new technology your competitors are using.” And check it out, go ahead and copy the customer’s name from your Google Docs list and paste it inside of here.

Sample Email Template

So obviously, start off with “Hi” and add in their name. Then type in this simple email, “My name is (Name) and I would like to offer you a brand new AI software that can help your business generate more leads and sales by adding a chatbot to your website.” Then you can add in a few simple benefits of using a chatbot on their website. You can type in something like “This chatbot can help you gather your customers’ information, help them navigate through your website, and help you sell more products.”

Pricing Your Service

All you are doing next is letting them know how much you’re going to charge them for this brand new service. And just to give you an idea, most companies are going to charge anywhere from $50 to $100 for this service, but obviously you can charge a little less if you want to start making money quicker. You can charge something like $30 to $40 to start making money and just make sure they pay you every month to keep the chatbot active. So all you guys are doing next is letting them know how much you’re going to charge them.

Offering a Consultation

Then type in something like “I can also help you set up this brand new service, so if you would like a free consultation call, just reply to this email and we can schedule a call and get started today.” So all you’re basically doing is copying and pasting the same email and just adding in the business name and adding in their name at the very top and making sure you send it out to at least 10 potential customers. If you only send it out to one or two, you’re really not going to get many replies back, so you have to send this out to at least 10 different people if you want to start making money from this.

Using Landbot.io for AI Chatbots

And check it out, there is a brand new service that I recently discovered that’s going to help you create an AI chatbot for any website you want. So all you guys want to do is go to a website called landbot.io. You can create a free account to get started, and once you’re inside your account, you’re going to see your dashboard with your chatbot, your templates, your channels, everything you need to start building a professional AI chatbot. And the cool part about this software right here is that they already have pre-built templates you can start using, so you don’t have to build the chatbot yourself.

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