Get Paid $100 PER Day to Translate Videos Online 2024

Introduction to Making Money with Online Translators

The reason for that is it obviously helps me reach more countries and more people that are speaking different languages around the world. So today, I’m going to show you guys how you can turn this into a job and make anywhere between $50 to $100 per hour just for translating text online. Yes, you can use tools like Google Translate, but today I’m going to show you guys a brand new software that I’ve never shown on my website that’s going to translate the text for you and do 90% of the work.

Getting Started with

As long as you have an email and you know how to copy and paste, then to get started, guys, the first website you’re going to use is called Now, I’ve shown a similar strategy on my channel before, but this is going to be a completely brand new website and it’s only going to take about 5 minutes to complete. So check it out, you’re going to search this website up on Google. Once you click on it, what this basically is, is a YouTube research tool. It can help you see how many subscribers a channel has, how many views they’re getting, their hashtags, and overall their small channel analytics.

Finding Customers and Offering Translation Services

We’re going to use this software to start finding customers online so you can start making profit just for translating text. Now before we continue, guys, I do have a free gift for you, so if you haven’t already, make sure you pick up a copy of my award-winning six-figure affiliate ebook. Well, not really award-winning, but it has a lot of great info to help you guys build a full-time income online. So if you’ve been wondering how some of these YouTubers or the strategies some of these influencers are using to make a full-time income, pick up a copy of my affiliate ebook.

Utilizing ChannelCrawler’s Features

Inside the ebook, I break down one of the best beginner strategies to start making a full-time income online and exactly what I did myself, guys, to quit a 60-hour-a-week warehouse job. So if you do want to start working from home, make sure you pick up my ebook for all the info. All right, guys, once you’re on, what this software is going to do is search through over 150 million channels. Now, the ones that you want to target are going to be the smaller channels, the ones that are just starting off trying to grow online, but this strategy will also work with big channels that are trying to go viral.

Setting Up ChannelCrawler Filters

So come over to, then you’re going to scroll down to the bottom and you’re going to see their search. Inside of here, all you have to do is filter out to start finding small channels that are just getting started. First, you’re going to select a category of channels you want to target and this will work for just about any channel that wants to grow. So I’m going to click on Education, How To, and Entertainment’s always a good one. After that, you’re going to select the language, and I’m just showing you guys a basic setup that you can get started with.

Finding Potential Customers

Once you see how this strategy works, you guys are going to see the potential of all the customers you can start working with. So first, select your category, then you’re going to select your language, which is going to be English for now. Then after that, select your countries, which are usually the US, the UK, Canada, and Australia, the countries that are always shopping online. After that, you’re going to select the subscriber count. Don’t forget, we’re looking for small channels, right? So we’re going to keep it under 2000 for now.

Targeting Recent Channels

Creation date you want to set it at max 2 years ago because you don’t want to target a channel that was started 10 years ago and they haven’t posted in about 5 years. You guys want to look out for channels that are recent, brand new, and trying to grow online. So go ahead and set up your filters, then click on See Results at the bottom, and check it out, guys. This software is going to get to work and show you all the small channels that were just started in the past two years that only have 800 subscribers, 1800 subscribers.

Evaluating Channels for Collaboration

So what you guys want to do is start going through these channels and find ones you can start working with. Now, not all channels are going to be the best, right? The ones that will be the best are the ones that are trying to grow right now, the ones that are posting interesting content, things that people are actually searching for. Let’s say, for example, you click on a channel and they’re just posting random videos about cats or random videos that their pets are doing. This really wouldn’t be a good example to work with.

Examples of Good Channels to Work With

You guys want to go through these channels and find channels that are actually legit, actually have an interesting topic, and they’re actually consistently trying to grow. So let me show you a few examples. All right, guys, so check it out. Here are a few examples of some good channels to work with. This one’s called Cherishing Today’s Designs and it’s basically showing people how to do DIY projects, how to make bags, how to do sewing patterns. You can see they’re active; they just posted 7 hours ago, 2 weeks ago, 1 month ago.

Identifying Active Channels

Check it out, some of their videos are getting 1000 views, 2000 views, so these are topics that people are actually interested in and are actually watching. So this would be a cool channel to start with. Now check out this one. This is basically a doctor’s channel and this one’s a little bit bigger. Like I mentioned, guys, they don’t have to be completely brand new channels as long as they’re active, they’re trying to grow, and they’re posting valuable information that people are viewing. These are the type of channels you want to go for.

More Examples of Channels to Target

So here’s another good example. Here’s another example right here, somebody showing workouts, fitness routines, how to stretch your back, different yoga positions that people are always trying to look for. You guys can see 3 days ago, 4 days ago, 2 days ago, 5 hours ago, so they’re actively trying to grow their channel and trying to get more subscribers. Now the last example, check it out, a channel similar to mine. So like I mentioned, this is what helped me grow my channel. So if you see a channel out there similar to mine where someone is teaching you websites and strategies to make money from home, this would be another good example to work with.

Creating a Customer List

You can see this one was just posted one day ago, 3 days ago, 5 days ago, so all of these are active and recent channels that are trying to grow online and can be your next potential customer. So once you find channels you want to work with, for the next step, you’re going to use Google Sheets to write down your customers’ information and start creating your list. If you don’t have a Google Sheets account, just sign up and create a free account. Once you’re inside, the first thing you’re going to do is write down the name of the channel in column A and their contact information in column B.

Gathering Contact Information

For example, if I go back to this channel, Make Money, all I have to do is copy their name, paste it inside of here, and check it out, guys. For their contact info, all you have to do is click on the About section on their channel and click on View Email Address. Now they’re not always going to post their email on their channel, so you might want to look out for their Instagram page or their Facebook account just so you can find a way to contact them. So go ahead and copy their email, paste it inside the column, and once you’re done with this, just go to the next channel and repeat the process.

Efficiently Building Your Client List

So I’m going to go to this one, copy the name, and the reason you guys want to do this is instead of contacting each one of them one by one and going through this entire process, you can just create your full list, get all your customers together, and reach out to them all at once. Now check it out, I was only able to find one email but plenty of Instagram pages that I can start reaching out to. For example, this one right here, I wasn’t able to find their email on their channel, but their Instagram page did pop up where all you guys have to do is click on Send Message to reach out to them and again start working with them.

Translating Captions for Growth

So go ahead and create your client list and once you’re done, go to step number three. All right guys, so check it out. When I first started my channel about 3 years ago, something that I was doing to help me grow was translating my caption. If you go to one of my old videos and click on the closed caption, you’re going to see that it’s not only in English, it’s in French, Filipino, Arabic, German, and so many other languages. Because whenever somebody goes to YouTube, not only are they searching in English, some people are searching in French, some people are searching in German.

Reaching a Global Audience

If you’re able to translate your title, translate your caption to a different language, it’s going to make it so much easier for other countries to find your channel, help you start getting more views, and help you get more subscribers online. This actually reminds me, guys, let me know where you’re actually watching this video from. So a big shout out to W watching all the way from Egypt or searching all the way from Egypt, right? There are people that are searching for these videos in their language, their text, and that’s how I was able to get discovered by so many people around the world.

Using for Translations

If you want your own shout out, let me know where you’re searching for these videos from so I can feature you on my channel. So what we’re going to do to start making money is help these other channels start translating their content. Now if you know two languages, you guys can do this by yourself, or if you don’t know two languages, the software that’s going to help you do this for free is called Go to Google, search for this website called, click on it, and this is basically going to be a translator that’s going to help you translate entire text, entire paragraphs to different languages around the world.

Using for Accurate Translations

So for example, you can see the language is set to German and whatever text you enter inside of here, it’s going to automatically convert it to German. So if I type something like this, “how to make money online,” click on translate, you guys can see it automatically converts it to German, “wie man online Geld verdient.” So you guys can use this software to start helping channels grow by converting their caption, their text, and their titles into a different language. Now I know what you’re thinking, they can easily use Google Translate, right? But something that many YouTubers have complained about, and even myself, is that Google Translate can make a lot of mistakes.

Reaching Out to Potential Clients

It’s not always going to be accurate, but this software is going to be a lot more accurate than Google Translate. So to start making money with this, once you find the channels that you’re going to be working with, you’re going to contact them and let them know that you’re going to help them translate their content and help them get discovered by other people around the world. So in column A, you’re going to put the customer’s name, which you can find on their YouTube channel.

Crafting Your Email Script

So go ahead and put the customer’s name, let them know that you’re going to help them get discovered by other countries around the world by converting their text to different languages and helping them get more views on their channel. Once you’re done with that, click on Send, and that’s basically it, guys. If you want to charge them around $100 per hour, you can use websites like or to find a basic price point. But I do recommend getting started with something basic, maybe $20 to $50 an hour, just so you can get your first customers and start building some confidence up.

Bonus Tip: Proving Your Results

Now here’s a quick bonus tip that I want to show you guys. Whenever you’re working with any of these YouTubers, let them know that you’re going to be able to show them some statistics and prove that this is actually working. So if you go to your analytics and click on your audience, inside of here, you’re going to be able to see exactly where people are watching your videos from, whether it’s Egypt, Indonesia, Pakistan, Canada, the US. So what you can do is let them know that after one or two weeks of working with them, you can actually prove and show them the statistics that their views are actually growing, and they’re actually getting discovered by more people around the world.

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