Effortless Cash: 4 Simple Tricks to Earn $1200 Daily with Affiliate Marketing

Lazy Affiliate Marketing Methods

So when it comes to making money online with affiliate marketing, there’s a number of different methods out there that you can try. Now some of the different methods require a lot less work than others, and in today’s article I want to show you four of the laziest ways that you can start affiliate marketing from the comfort of your own home so that by the end of this article you’re going to know exactly what you need to do when it comes to putting yourself on the path of being able to earn up to $100, $200, even as high as $300 in profit every single day.

Affiliate Marketing Explained

And for those of you that are completely new to the concept of affiliate marketing, you’ve never heard it before or maybe you’ve heard it but you’re not really sure of exactly how it works, in my opinion I would say that it’s probably one of the most simplistic online business models out there because literally all you’re going to be doing is acting as a middleman between a customer and a product or service that already exists, and the only thing that you realistically need to focus on as an affiliate marketer is driving as much traffic to your affiliate link so that you’re going to be able to sit back and earn affiliate commissions.

Easy Routes for Affiliate Marketing

And as I said, there’s a number of different ways that you can do it, some of them require a lot of work and I’m not saying that those methods are bad, but if you’re someone that’s looking for the easy route, maybe you’re looking for some automated ways, this video is definitely going to be perfect for you.

Instagram Content Repurposing

So jumping straight into the first laziest way to make money with affiliate marketing, which is by repurposing content that already exists on the internet onto an Instagram page. So with this method what you’re going to be doing is going over to platforms like YouTube shorts or even TikTok, you’re going to find content that has done really well and then from there what you’re going to do is take that content and you’re going to create an Instagram page uploading maybe three to four pieces of content per day.

Instagram Niche and Traffic

It’s important to make sure that you center the Instagram page around a specific niche, and if you’re able to be consistent when it comes to uploading all of these trending short form videos on your Instagram page, before you know it you’re going to get a lot of traffic coming onto your Instagram and of course you’re going to be able to put your affiliate link in your bio for you to make commissions.

Instagram Example

But let me show you exactly how this works. So there’s this Instagram page over here that I came across and as you can see they’re uploading all of these videos multiple times a day and as we can see there’s a multitude of different types of content that’s been uploaded. So we’ve got Jack Canfield over here, we’ve got Luke Belmer over here, all they’re doing is simply uploading all of these trending short form videos, but the most interesting thing about this page is that not only have they been able to grow this page to over 27,000 followers but if I just click on the link in their bio, as you can see it takes me directly to this affiliate landing page for this particular product that I already know is available on ClickBank.

ClickBank Marketplace

And if you’re not sure of exactly what ClickBank is, it’s an affiliate marketplace that anyone is going to be able to sign up to for completely free depending on what country you’re from. So if I just click on top offers and then scroll down slightly, I believe that this is the exact same product over here. So if I just click into it, yep as you can see it’s the exact same landing page for the product that they’re promoting on that Instagram page and on average they’re able to earn $42 for every single customer that they send their way.

Faceless Instagram Strategy

So I definitely think that starting a faceless Instagram page where you’re repurposing content to drive the traffic to an affiliate link is potentially one of the laziest ways to make money with affiliate marketing. But moving on to one of the second ways which is by starting an automated blog website and for those of you that’s not really sure of exactly what an automated blog is, simply what you’re going to do is build a website.

Automated Blog Websites

Now it’s not necessarily 100% easy to build a website but you’re going to be able to automate various different parts of it and the main thing that goes into operating a blog website is of course uploading blog articles. The main way that you can monetize from something like a blog is through affiliate links and if you’re able to outsource the writing, you’re able to outsource the SEO, you’re going to be able to get your articles ranked on Google and if you’re able to do that you’re going to be able to get a bunch of traffic going onto your articles and then of course from there people are going to click into your links and you’re going to be able to earn commissions.

Blog Example

Let me just quickly show you exactly how this works. So I’m going to show you my blog website as an example which could be found at that you can sell a low content book on Amazon is by using a specific software called Book Bolt and as you can see I’ve been able to link to this software over here. So when someone clicks into it, it’s going to take them directly to my affiliate landing page and if I just go over to my Book Bolt dashboard as you can see over here I’ve managed to earn over $786 from this one particular program and the good thing about starting a blog website just like this is that you’re going to be able to promote as many products and services that you want.

Blog Traffic and SEO

You’re not limited to a specific link or you’re not limited to a specific program, you’re going to be able to link to multiple different affiliate links throughout all of your articles. As long as you’re consistent when it comes to publishing all of these different articles and you’re considering Google SEO as well as making sure that you’re using social media platforms when it comes to driving traffic onto your blog website, being able to earn affiliate commissions isn’t going to be difficult and of course there is some steps that you need to know as a beginner when it comes to building the best website possible.

Faceless YouTube Channels

Now the reason why I believe that starting a faceless YouTube channel is a lazy way of earning affiliate commissions because again you’re going to be able to outsource majority of the work because it’s not you that’s going to be on camera and there’s a specific method when it comes to increasing your chances of being able to earn affiliate commissions which is by creating videos that you know people are actively searching for and I want to show you a faceless channel that’s doing this right now as we speak using the Amazon Associates program.

YouTube Search Example

So if I just jump onto YouTube I’m just going to type in “best smartwatch to buy” and then click on enter and if I just scroll down as you can see there’s all of these different channels where people are showing their face but there’s going to be channels like this where no one isn’t showing their face on camera. If I just click into the channel, so this is the channel right here, they’ve been able to grow to over 223,000 subscribers, they’ve uploaded over 500 videos and a lot of their videos have managed to do really really well because these are the type of products that people are actively going onto Google and YouTube to search for.

Amazon Associates Program

But the really interesting thing is if I just click into any one of these different videos, so I’m just going to click on this one over here, this video managed to get over half a million views and of course in the description of the video they’ve got all of these Amazon links so that when someone clicks into it just like this it’s going to take the person directly to the product page and if the customer does buy it, the person that owns that YouTube channel is going to earn a portion of this revenue over here that’s going to be paid to them directly from Amazon.

Amazon Affiliate Sign-Up

And signing up to something like the Amazon Associates program isn’t really difficult to do as well because all you need to do is just head over to the homepage just like this, scroll down over here and you’re going to see this that says “make money with us”. All you need to do is click on “become an affiliate” and literally just go through the sign up process. It’s going to take no less than maybe 2 minutes for you to complete and once you have successfully signed up the way that you’re going to know that your application has been accepted is that you’re going to see this gray strip at the top over here and this is what you’re going to use when it comes to getting your Amazon affiliate links for any product that’s currently on Amazon.

Amazon Affiliate Links

So if I just click on this random product, if I wanted to start promoting this and I wanted to get my link all I need to do is click on “text” and this is the link that I would need to put in the description of my video for me to earn a commission of this revenue over here. And even when it comes to making faceless videos that doesn’t need to be difficult as well because there’s this tool over here called InVideo AI, I’m going to link it down below, you’re going to be able to put in a simple prompt.

AI Video Creation

I’m just going to say “make a video about the top 10 best kitchen appliances to buy for a small house”. I’m also going to add “use a female American voice” and then click on “generate a video” and within 30 seconds or so it was able to come back with this fully edited video that I’m going to be able to make any changes that I need to. I’m going to be able to watch it, if I want to change something I’m going to be able to easily do that and once I’ve made all the changes that I want to make I’m going to be able to download it and upload it to YouTube.

YouTube Ads for Affiliate Marketing

And this now brings me on to one of the final lazy ways that you can earn money with affiliate marketing which is by simply running YouTube ads. Now of course there is going to be somewhat of a learning curve when it comes to setting up the best YouTube ad but in my opinion the reason why I put it in this video as a lazy way to earn commissions is because there’s this tool over here called Video Ad Vault that you’re going to be able to use when it comes to spying on YouTube ads that people are running right now and you’re going to be able to kind of gauge the level of success that they’re having.

Video Ad Vault Tutorial

So I’m going to leave a sign up link down below in the description of this video and I’m just going to log into my account. Okay perfect so I’ve just logged in and I’m just going to show you how easy it is to use when it comes to spying on YouTube ads. So I’m just going to click on “search ads” over here and I’m going to type in an ad marketplace, we might as well type in ClickBank because that’s what I’ve showed you in this video so far and then I’m just going to click on search.

YouTube Ad Analysis

So essentially what it’s doing now is searching all of the different YouTube ads that people are running and they’ve recently ran where the word ClickBank has appeared in the ad in some way shape or form. So what I’m going to do is sort the last seen results from most recent and as you guys can see over here there’s this ad that someone ran to the point where it got over 2.5 million views. Now there’s no way that this person would have ran this ad to the point where it got this many views, they put it in all of these different countries and they’ve been running it for over a year if it wasn’t successful.

Ad Content and Landing Page

So the good thing about Video Ad Vault is that you’re going to be able to click into the actual ad and you’re going to be able to get an idea of exactly what that ad looks like and as you can see it’s a faceless ad that you’re going to be able to use something like InVideo when it comes to recreating it and you’re also going to be able to click on the actual ad link and this is where the YouTube ad is sending all of the people to. As you can see it’s clearly a ClickBank product and what I’m going to do is just copy the name of the product in the URL just like this, come back over to ClickBank and search for it in there just like that.

ClickBank Product Earnings

As you can see there’s one result that pops up and on average they’re able to earn $56 for every single customer that clicks on their link and buys this product. So there you have it, those are four of some of the laziest ways to start earning affiliate commissions. There’s some other ways out there and I’ve got a follow-up artice coming out real soon where I’m going to show you some other methods that you can try when it comes to earning money from the comfort of your own home but if you’ve enjoyed this article so comment me down below, I’ll really appreciate that.

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