Easy $50 Daily on Amazon (2024 Beginner’s Guide)

Amazon Money-Making Methods for Beginners

So if you’re a beginner that’s looking to make money online using Amazon, there’s a number of different options out there. Now you can do something called Amazon FBA, which stands for Fulfilled by Amazon. This is where you’re going to buy products in bulk from suppliers, e.g. suppliers in China, and from there you’re going to send that inventory to an Amazon warehouse. You’re then going to list the products on your Amazon account, and whenever you make a sale it’s going to be Amazon’s responsibility to ship out all of your orders.

FBM and Amazon Associates

On the other hand, another option is the FBM method, which stands for Fulfilled by Merchant. This works in the exact same way, but instead of Amazon shipping out your orders for you, you’re going to ship it out yourself. And you can also make money by signing up to something called Amazon Associates, and the way that this works is that you’re essentially going to be doing affiliate marketing. It’s not really difficult to sign up. You’re going to be able to go over to the Amazon homepage, scroll down to the bottom. From there you’re going to be able to create your account, and once you’ve successfully signed up, you’re then going to be given unique affiliate links for any product that’s currently available on Amazon. When someone clicks on one of those products and buys it, you’re going to be able to earn something called an affiliate commission.

KDP and Low Content Books

But in my opinion, I would say that one of the laziest ways of making money with Amazon is with the KDP platform, specifically by selling low content books. And what exactly is a low content book for those of you that are asking? So I’m sure by now most of you know what a normal book looks like. So right here I’ve got “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. I’ll definitely recommend it if you haven’t read already, but if I just open up the book, as you can see there’s a lot of text. So this obviously isn’t a low content book. Something like a low content book would be a notebook, you know, things like journals, coloring books. You know, I’ve got a notebook over here. Most low content books will have no text inside it, and it’s just going to be lines just like this.

Selling Low Content Books on Amazon

And there’s thousands of people that are currently making thousands of dollars on Amazon right now as we speak by selling books just like this. And in today’s article, I want to walk you through step by step exactly how you can do it as a complete beginner, where you don’t really need to invest that much money because every single time that you make a sale, Amazon are going to print, pack and ship out the book on your behalf. The most important thing that you need to make sure that you do is make sure that you do the right research to find the right low content book that’s going to be able to generate your sales even when you’re fast asleep.

Researching Journals on Book Bolt

So I’m going to be using journals in this example because I personally use journals myself, and what I’m going to do from here is just click on search. And then from this point you’re going to see that Book Bolt are going to show you all of these books that are currently selling well on Amazon right now. Now what I like to do from this point before I do anything else is come over here and just type in the year that we’re in, and then from this point I’m going to be able to get a better idea of exactly which type of journal I would want to sell myself. So there’s this one over here that was published on Amazon KDP maybe a few months ago, but as you can see it’s only got one rating. There’s also this one over here that did well and it got 30 ratings, which means that it made over 30 sales. But there’s this one over here where they were able to sell 44 minimum of this particular prayer journal, and this is something that I could see myself selling. You know, it’s very simple, and now that I know that prayer journals are doing well, the next step after this is you need to stay on Book Bolt.

Keyword Research on Book Bolt

Then you need to come over here to where it says “Keywords”, then click on search, and once you get to this page what you’re going to do is just type in the keyword for the product that you just found. So I’m just going to type in “prayer journal” just like that and then click on search again. Then what you want to do is come down here to where it says “Amazon most trending” and sort the results from highest to lowest. And as you can see, the keywords that people are going onto Amazon and typing in for them to find this particular journal is “prayer journal for women” and for men as well. So just like that, within a few minutes I’ve now been able to find the type of low content book that I want to sell.

Using Helium 10 for Market Research

So what I want to do from this point is try and see exactly how much money people are making when it comes to selling these type of products. So what I’m going to do is just copy the top search term just like this, then jump onto Amazon and paste the keyword in there just like that. As you can see, there’s all of these different results that pop up, but what I’m going to do is use the Helium 10 Amazon Search tool. So I’ve already installed the Google Chrome extension, and what I’m going to do is just click on it just like this and then click on the X-ray tool. And straight away, as you guys can see, Helium 10 are able to show us that in the last 30 days customers spent over $680,000 on products that contained this particular keyword.

Analyzing Top Sellers

And the good thing about using something like Helium 10 in combination with Book Bolt is that you’re going to be able to come over here to where it says “Review count” and you’re going to be able to sort it from lowest to highest. And the reason why this is useful is that as you can see, there’s some Amazon listings where they’ve only got three or maybe seven reviews, but yet if we go over to the revenue column, these sellers have been able to bring in almost $10,000 in the last 30 days. So if I just click into this one where this seller was able to do really well, instantly I now know what type of design that will give me the best chance of being able to generate sales. I know what type of keywords to use because for this seller to have generated so many sales in a short amount of time because it’s a brand new listing, then there’s a high chance that I’m also going to be able to generate sales as well, which actually now brings me on to the next step for this entire process, which is designing the front and the back of the low content book that you’re going to upload onto KDP.

Designing Your Book Cover

So this could be done in an easy way or difficult way, and I’m going to show you the easy way of course. So what you’re going to do once you’re on the Amazon listing for whatever book that you want to replicate is that you need to save the image. So what you’re going to do is just click on “Save image as”, then come over to ChatGPT, come over to their GPT store. From here what you’re going to do is click on DALL-E. So this is the image generator. You’re going to be able to have a conversation with it and it’s going to be able to create an image on your behalf which you’re going to use when it comes to uploading it to Book Bolt, and I’m going to show you exactly how to do that in a moment.

Using ChatGPT for Cover Design

So what you’re going to need to do first and foremost is upload the image that you downloaded from Amazon. So what you’re going to do is just click on this, so just like that, and then I’m just going to add “Can you tell me about the design of this journal?” And instantly it’s been able to analyze the color tone of the journal. It’s been able to tell me the text that’s on the journal as well. So what I’m going to be able to do now is type in another prompt that says “Can you remake this image for a journal I am selling for the front and back without the ring binder and change the Bible verse to something different but still keep a similar design?” So I’m just trying to keep this video super simple guys. You can give as much information that you want, but I’m just going to keep it simple and then click on send.

Refining the AI-Generated Cover

Okay, so just like that, as you can see it came back with these two different images, but the image is slightly cut off when it comes to this one over here. So I believe I’m still going to be able to use it. I’m going to show you exactly how you’re going to be able to do that. So everything else looks okay. The text isn’t great, but bear in mind that I’m only using this as an example. You’re going to be able to clean things up if you wanted to keep going, if you wanted to keep asking it questions and keep asking it to make revisions. But because I don’t want this video to be too long, I’m going to use it as it is. So what I’m going to do is just download the images to my computer by clicking on these arrows over here.

Using Book Bolt Studio

Then what I’m going to do is come back over to Book Bolt. I’m going to come over here to where it says “Research”, but this time I’m going to click on “Create”, then I’m going to click on “Book Bolt Studio”. So the Book Bolt Studio is where you’re going to put everything together. So I’m going to show you how easy it is to use right now. What I’m going to do is just come over here and create a new project. When it comes to the size of the book, whichever book that you’re replicating on Amazon, so if you’re using this one over here, you want to try and use similar sizing to what they’ve used. So as you can see with this one, they’ve used 8.3 in on this side and then 5.8 in on this side over here. So literally all you’re going to do is check if it’s available. I already know that it’s not available, so I’m going to click on “Custom size”. Then what I’m going to do is just put 8.3 and then 5.8 just like that. For the interior, I’m going to put “Premium color with white paper”. Of course you could just put standard. Whichever one you put, it’s going to cost a little bit more, so I would also recommend that you check the fees when it comes to Book Bolt as well as KDP. And for the page count, you can go back over to the listing that you’re copying, but I would say an average amount of pages in a book like this is going to be 100. You can tailor it to whatever you want, so I’m just going to leave it on 100 and then I’m going to click on “Create project”.

Uploading and Cropping Images

Okay, perfect. So we’ve now got the template for the book, and what we’re going to need to do is upload the image that we downloaded from ChatGPT. So what you’re going to need to do is click on “Image” over here, click on “Upload image”, and just like that I’ve now copied the image. And what I’m going to do is crop it. I’m going to do the front of the book first, so you can just do it just like this. So just like that. And for the reverse of the book, I’m just going to get the image again. I’m going to crop it once again just like that, and then I’m going to make sure that it fits into this section.

Adding Interior Pages

Okay guys, so that’s basically what I’ll do for this. Of course it’s not 100% perfect, but I’m sure that you guys get the idea of how easy this is when it comes to producing multiple different low content books. Now when it comes to the actual pages in the book, what you need to do is come over here to this little icon and then click on this. And what you’re going to do is type in the type of low content book that you’re working on. So whether it’s a mind map, whether it’s a puzzle, whatever it is, you’re just going to type it in. Of course in this case I am doing a prayer journal, so there’s two different options that I have on Book Bolt, which is really good. So I’m just going to use this one over here. Then what you’re going to do is select all, then make sure that you deselect the cover, then click on “Continue to options” and then click on “Submit”.

Downloading and Uploading to KDP

Okay, great. So that’s now been done. This is what the inside of the book looks like. As you can see, every single page is going to have this inside the book. So so far so good. So once you’re happy with everything, you’ve cross checked everything, you know everything looks good to you, what you’re then going to do is click on “Download”, then click on this one over here, “Download current project printed box”. So just click on it just like this. So whilst that’s downloading, what I want to do is show you what you’re going to need to do next, which is go over to kdp.amazon.com. So you can type it into Google just like this and click on the first link. Then click on “Join KDP”, then go through the process of creating your account.

Setting Up Your KDP Listing

And I’ve just logged into my account over here, and the process to uploading it isn’t difficult because all you’re going to need to do once you have logged in is click on “Paperback”. So I’m just going to click on “Create paperback” just like this. And when it comes to all of the information, the keywords, everything that you need to insert for you to give your low content book the best chance of succeeding, you’re going to have to fill out all of this information. And of course when it comes to the majority of this information, you’re also going to be able to use ChatGPT as well because check this out. If I just go back onto ChatGPT, I’m just going to type in this prompt that says “I am uploading an ebook to Amazon KDP and I’m replicating a listing that has done well and I want you to give me similar information to use when filling out the upload stage on KDP based on the copy and paste listing below”. So I’m just going to keep it like that, and then I’m just going to come back over to the listing and I’m going to copy the description. I’m going to copy all of this just like that, come back over to ChatGPT, paste it in there just like that, and then click on send.

Using ChatGPT for Product Information

And instantly, as you can see, ChatGPT has now come back with a title that I can use, as well as the product information that I can use, the keyword section that I can use as well. And then from this point, all I’m going to need to do is copy and paste the information into all of these different sections over here. Now this stage isn’t really difficult to complete. I’m sure that once you get to this point, it’s going to be fairly straightforward for you to know exactly what you need to do. But if you wanted me to make a follow-up article.

Final Thoughts on KDP

But from this articles I’m sure that you’ve learned a lazy way to make money online with Amazon because you don’t really have to pay anything again. You’re only going to pay something once someone buys the item from you. There’s a small fee that Amazon is going to take when it comes to them printing and shipping out the book, but as long as you’ve made sure to follow the steps that I’ve shown you in this article when it comes to finding the best low content book to sell, then being able to generate sales on a weekly basis isn’t going to be a difficult thing to do.

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