Earn through AI voiceover in 2024

Ai voiceover

Unveiling a Lucrative Strategy: Leveraging AI Voices

Each one of these pages is making over $100 per day, and I just discovered a website that’s going to let you do it for free using AI-generated voices. Now, the best part about this strategy is you don’t have to show your face on camera, buy any additional equipment, or even have any prior experience. I’m going to show you how to do everything step by step inside of this video, and I’m even going to show you a simple trick that can help you make double the income and help you build a new stream of passive income. So after you work on this a couple of minutes a day, just sit back, relax, and let it start making money for you.

Market Selection: Choose Your Niche

To get started, first, guys, all you want to do is pick a market you want to start making money from. So go to Google, search for most profitable markets or niches online, and you’re basically going to find a list like this: fitness, dating, self-help, motivation, lifestyle. The cool part about today’s strategy is you can literally pick any market you want, and I’m going to show you one of the easiest ways you can start making money off of it. So go ahead and pick a market. Inside of here, I’m going to go with finance or self-help. Those usually have the highest payout. But if you do want to make this fun, I’d recommend going with a topic you actually like or something you want to start learning about. So there’s going to be plenty of topics to pick from. Once you pick one, go to step number two.

Utilizing AI Softwares: ChatGPT for Trivia Questions

Alright, guys, for the next step, you’re going to use two different AI softwares. The name of the first one is called ChatGPT, and I’m sure you guys have already heard of this one and probably have an account. Go ahead and search it up on Google, click on the first website that pops up, and once you’re inside your account, you’re going to see the chatbox at the bottom. So again, what this software can basically do is help you come up with ideas, help you come up with examples, or even different marketing strategies you can start making money from today. We’re going to use it to come up with trivia questions around the market you want to make a profit from. Mine was around personal finance, right? And what these questions are going to do is help customers learn about personal finance, help them learn about investing, teach them what are the right moves to start making. So at the very top of ChatGPT, or actually at the bottom of the chat box, you’re going to type this in: “Come up with 10 trivia questions about investing.” Depending on what your market’s about, you’re going to type in about pets, about food, about health and fitness, whatever your market is, you’re going to copy and paste that at the very end and click on “Go.” And check it out, guys, ChatGPT is going to get to work, come up with 10 different trivia questions that’s going to start attracting customers. Now, obviously, I don’t know the answers to all these questions, right? So at the very bottom, I typed in “Add multiple choices with the correct answer,” and it’s going to add different options to every single question. But I still don’t know the correct answer, right? So at the very bottom, I also typed in “What are the correct answers to every question?” so I can start setting this trivia up, knowing the outcome to every single one of them. So you’re going to have the answers, have the question, and it’s even going to help you start learning about your market. Because again, if this is a market you actually like, one that you want to start learning about, this is going to be one of the best strategies you can start with. And the cool part about it is you can continue to make money from it, because think about it: I typed in general investing, right? But I can type in investing about crypto, investing about real estate, overall different topics around investing that’s going to help me come up with brand new questions. So go ahead and come up with questions like this, and once you’re done, go to step number three.

Designing Trivia Quizzes: Canva for Quiz Templates

Alright, guys, for the next step, you’re going to use a graphic design website. Before I show you how to use AI software number two, the name of this website’s called Canva.com. All you have to do is create a free account, and once you’re inside where you see the search box, all you’re doing is typing in “quiz.” After that, click on “Enter,” and check this out, you’re going to see different quiz templates pop up that you can start using for your trivia. So for example, question number one, answer number one, or if I scroll down, question number two, answer number two. This is a completely different template, so they’re basically going to have a few different templates you can pick from. All you want to do is pick one of these, click on “Customize,” and you’re going to see the editor pop up. So inside of here, you’re going to start copying and pasting all the questions that ChatGPT came up for you with their exact answer. So you’re going to copy question number one, then go inside your template and paste it in inside this box. Now, obviously, depending on your market, you might not want to use this template right here. Let’s say your market was around pets or animals, more around the animal niche. Right now, the cool part is that you can customize it inside of here, and you’re going to see a couple of different options you can pick from. So go ahead and copy and paste question number one, then at the bottom, you’re going to copy and paste the answers. Now check this out, you can see the timeline at the very bottom where the first box is going to be answering the questions, and the second box is going to give the correct answer. So if you click on this second box right here, it’s highlighting the correct answer. So make sure you copy and paste the answers and the questions on both boxes. So I’m going to delete this, paste the correct question, then I’m going to scroll down to the bottom and start copying and pasting all the correct answers. So check it out, guys. Once you’re done, if you click on “Play,” you’re going to see the question pop up, see all the different answers pop up, and on slide number two, the correct answer is going to highlight. So I hope you guys can see how this works, how easy this is, because videos like this are making hundreds of dollars online right now, and I’m going to show you guys examples so you know exactly what to start doing. But for the next step, all you want to do is copy slide number one, click on “Duplicate,” and slide it over to the next part of the video, then duplicate page number two and slide it over to the last part of the video. And what you’re basically doing next is going to the next slide and copying the next question. So go to question number two, go ahead and copy it, paste it in the next box, then come back and copy and paste all the answers. So answer number one, answer

number two, so on and so forth. And check this out, guys, obviously you don’t want “A” to be the correct answer every time. So what you’re going to do for question two or three is start sliding around these boxes, start sliding down the highlighted box so that way there can be a different answer for every single question. It’s not always going to be “A,” or it’s not always going to be “B,” right? So you’re going to mix and match it and copy and paste all 10 questions for your quiz. Once you’re done, just click on “Share” at the very top, and you want to download your brand new video to your device.

Adding AI Voiceovers: Enhancing Your Video

Alright, guys, for the next step, is where you’re going to use AI software number two, which is actually going to be an AI voice generator. Now, the cool part about this is it’s actually on Canva.com, so you already have an account, you just learned how to use it. All you’re doing next is going to Google, search up “Canva AI voice generator.” For some reason, this is the only way you can find it, so just go ahead and search it up like this, and click on the first website that pops up. Next, you’re going to see this box breaking down what it is, how the software works. So all you got to do is click on “Use existing design,” click on “Your projects,” and check it out, you’re going to see the quiz you just created. So go ahead and click on your quiz, and once you’re inside the editor, you’re going to see the AI voice generator on the left-hand side. So all you’re literally doing is copying the question again, you’re going to paste it inside of this voice box, then scroll down to the bottom, and if you want the voice to slow down a little bit, maybe you want it to have a higher pitch, you can go ahead and customize it right here, then just click on “Add to design.” And check it out, guys, you’re going to see the voiceover added to your video. One of the easiest things you can do, it only takes a couple of clicks, right? So if you click on “Play” now, “What does the acronym ETF stand for in the context of investing?” So you guys can see it just added a voice, and this usually helps people watch the video more, get them more interested, and basically catch their attention. So go ahead and add a voiceover to all your questions. And you don’t have to use all 10 questions, right? You just want to make sure your video is at least 1 minute long. So right now, my video is 17 seconds, so I’m going to add about another three to five questions just to see if I can get it over a minute, and it’s real simple to do, guys, because again, all you’re literally doing is copying and pasting.

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