Earn 100$per day To Copy And Paste Videos From YouTube in 2024

Choosing Your Market

As long as you’re someone that has a smartphone or a computer and you’re ready to get started, then first guys, like I always mention, all you want to do is pick a market or a topic you want to start making money from. Now, I want to make it a little easier today and focus on a specific market that’s making thousands of sales. Once I show it to you guys, you are going to realize it and see how much people are making from it. This one does mainly focus on a female audience, but anybody can give it a shot, so feel free to follow along. We’re going to mainly focus on the health and fitness niche.Niching DownLike I mentioned before, guys, you don’t want to go for a broad topic. The best way to start making money is by niching down and focusing on subtopics that people are actually buying from. So, what I ended up doing myself is typing in what are sub-niches for health and fitness. Check it out, once you started scrolling down, you’re going to see things like nutrition, beauty, but something that’s making thousands of dollars is actually yoga, the very last one on the list. If we go back to Google, that’s exactly what’s inside this image right here. I’m going to show you guys a simple strategy to make sales inside of this market, but this strategy will work for just about any category, so pick one that you want to start making money from.


Researching Your TopicAlright guys, for the next step, you’re going to do your research and figure out the exact topics people are searching around your category. We’re going to go with yoga. Right after that, you’re going to go to Google and search for a website called ubersuggest.com.U

sing Ubersuggest

If you are brand new to it, all this is a research tool. It can show you the exact topics people are searching online and how many times they search for it, so you can actually pick a topic that’s going to start making you money instead of something that people really don’t care about. So, go over to this website called Ubersuggest. At the very top, register for a free account and check it out, my people. Once you’re inside your account, just click on the research tab right here, then click on keyword ideas.Finding KeywordsAfter that, you’re going to see this box pop up. Inside of here, you just want to type in your general keyword around your topic. Ours was around yoga, right? So, what are people looking for? Yoga for weight loss, yoga for stress, or maybe yoga for meditation. We’re going to see exactly what people are looking for around this topic. So, just go over to Ubersuggest and inside of this box, you want to type in yoga for meditation, for stress. We’re going to see exactly what pops up and I also want to type in yoga pose. After that, just click on search and check it out guys.

Analyzing Results

You’re going to see this software get to work and show you the exact keywords people are searching for online. So, let’s see what comes up. Yoga poses partner, yoga for lower back pain, so that’s a pretty good topic right there, right? It’s very specific for lower back or let’s see, yoga for constipation. I actually looked that up myself before, but anyway, let’s see what else we got. Yoga for exercise, yoga for weight loss, yoga for sleep, that sounds like a really good topic right there, or for senior citizens, this is another good one.

Picking a Topic

I hope you guys can see exactly what we’re doing because check this out, all of these keywords are getting searched over 4000 times per month, 5000 times, 6000 times, so there’s plenty of traffic and plenty of people that are actually interested in this. Which obviously means you can start making money from it, right? So, for this step, guys, you want to pick a topic to get started with to help you start attracting customers. I’m going to keep it simple and go with this topic right here, yoga for back pain. It’s getting searched over 4000 times per month and this is the second time I see it pop up on this list, yoga for lower back pain, so this seems like a pretty good topic.

Finding a Product to Promote

Once you pick a topic inside of Ubersuggest, for the next step, you’re going to find a product to start making money from. So, all you guys want to do is sign up to an affiliate network like Clickbank.com or Digistore24, another good one. Inside of here, guys, you’re going to find products you can feature that are going to pay you a commission for every sale you make. So, go ahead and create a free account to Clickbank or Digistore 24, this one’s available more worldwide. Check it out guys, once you’re inside your account, all you have to do next is click on the marketplace. That’s going to show you the list of all the products you can start promoting.

Promoting Your Product

You’ll see the name of the product, see how much money you’re going to make per sale, so all you would do inside of here is click on the promote button, then click on create link at the very bottom. Check it out and you guys are going to see your special affiliate link pop up. This one’s the one that’s actually tracked to your account. Whenever somebody clicks on this exact link and buys, that’s when your account’s going to get credited with a sale. So, inside of here, guys, all you want to do next is find a product that goes with your market, with your topic. Ours was around health and fitness, right?

Choosing a Suitable Product

That’s usually the main reason people want to do yoga, just to be healthy or to get in shape, right? So, inside of Clickbank, all I’m going to do is click on health and fitness and inside of here you’re going to find a good product to go with your topic. Check out this first one right here, Java Burn. All this is a quick hot tea that’s going to help people lose weight, helps people get in shape or burn some fat off, right? So, people that want to lose weight or want to use yoga for weight loss, this is going to be a perfect product for them. So next, guys, just find a good product you want to start promoting, click on the promote button.

Leveraging YouTube

Alright guys, for this next step, you’re going to use the power of YouTube. So check it out, you already found a product that you can start making money from and you have a topic that people actually want, people are actually searching for. To start attracting customers, all you guys want to do is copy this topic, paste it inside of YouTube. Check it out guys, you’re going to see all these videos pop up. Now, like I mentioned earlier, you guys can see right here 12 million views, 5 million views, a lot of these videos have completely blown up guys, so it’s a huge market that’s making thousands of dollars online.

Finding Copyright-Free Content

We’re going to give it a shot and jump into it today by simply copying and pasting videos. Now, obviously, guys, a lot of these videos are copyrighted, right? So, you can’t just copy any video on here. Next, at the very top, click on filters, then you guys want to click on creative commons to find copyright-free content. Check this one out right here, just posted a few years ago and if I keep scrolling down, I’m going to find more videos just like this. So, here’s another one right here, here’s another one, here’s another one. For this next step, guys, you want to find the video you can start using and basically copy and paste, right?

Selecting the Right Video

It can almost be anyone on here as long as it has valuable content actually teaching people something. Those are the type of videos you want to look out for. So, I’m going to go with, let’s see, alright guys, so this first one looks pretty good right here. If I scroll down to the bottom, you guys will see the creative commons license, so reuse is allowed. Check it out guys, if I scroll up, this video did a good job of explaining the name of every single pose, the table pose, child’s pose, half monkey. I did check out some of the other ones as well, this one wasn’t too bad right here, this one was pretty good as well.

Creating Your Own Content

For this next step, guys, what you’re mainly focusing on is finding the exact name of that pose so you can feature it in your brand new content. I’m going to go with this one right here, tabletop. You guys can see it at exactly 6 minutes and 38 seconds is when this position starts getting explained. So, if I go there and click on play, make sure the shoulders are right on top of the wrists, that’s exactly what’s being explained inside the video, right guys? Finally, you want to copy the URL of the video and after that, save it to your device. Here’s exactly what I used to save myself, just paste it in inside of here, click on go, then just click on save and go to the next step.

Using Canva for Video Creation

Alright guys, for the next step, you’re going to use canva.com to help you create your brand new video. Instead of spending money on a video editor or spending hundreds on software, just create a free account on Canva. Once you’re inside, just click on mobile video. After that, guys, you’re going to see the video editor pop up. The first thing you want to do is add an intro clip. You guys want to add an intro clip that’s going to hook your viewers, get people’s attention.

Finding Stock Videos

For this, you can use this website called pexels.com. Just go over to their website, click on videos, type in yoga, and check it out. You’re going to see all of these free stock videos pop up. Find one that actually has something cool going on, something interesting that’s going to get people’s attention, right? This one looks pretty cool right here or if I keep scrolling down, check out this one right here doing something crazy with the legs upside down, right? This looks like a pretty good video, I’m going to download one, then just upload it on here. After that, I’m going to stretch it out so it fully fits the screen and finally add some text so people know exactly what this video is about.

Creating the Intro

So, I’m going to type inside of here, “The Best Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain,” exactly what our topic is about, helping people with back pain, right? I ended up adding in some cool animations so the text pops up real cool. If I click on play, check this out guys, you can see it right here, basically a nice little hook to get people interested inside of your video. Now, you only want to make this about 3 to 5 seconds long, so make sure you shorten it down. After that, the next thing you’re going to do is actually add the content itself, right? So, the video that you just saved online, you’re going to upload it next and add it as the next slide of your video.

Editing Your Video

Click on add slide right here and upload your second video. After that, guys, you want to shorten the clip down by simply using the arrows. Check this out, I can make this clip 1 minute long, 2 minutes long, but all I’m going to do is mainly focus on the exact position I’m showing. So, this one was going to be the tabletop, right? I ended up typing it in at the top of the screen. Let me go ahead and pull it up so you guys can see it. There it is guys, so if I click on play, it’s going to start explaining that exact position. So, when we’re in tabletop, we always want to make sure the shoulders are stacked right on top of the wrists, the hips stacked right on top of the knees, and whenever you’re in this.

Finalizing Your Content

I hope you guys can see exactly what’s going on, teaching people exactly what they’re looking for, something to get rid of lower back pain, something that’s actually going to help them out and help us start attracting customers to our affiliate product. So, go ahead and create your own custom video just like this. You can highlight any position you want, you can add different poses, and overall create your own custom piece of content.

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