How To Earn 300$ by copy paste work?

Google Docs Trick for Affiliate Marketing:

This article is about how to make money without having thousands of followers or a big YouTube channel or Instagram page. So today, I’m going to show you guys a strategy I used when I first started to make over $180 online using Google Docs. Now, most people don’t know this, but Google has over 40 free tools you can start using to generate leads and even make your first sale online. So today, I’m going to show you guys a simple strategy you can use that doesn’t require you to have thousands of followers or any special equipment, and it’s even going to be available worldwide. So, as long as you have access to Google and a Gmail account, just follow along with this video to learn how to make your first $50 to over $100 sale.

WarriorPlus and Affiliate Programs

Alright guys, to get started, the website we’re going to make money from today is called So go ahead and search for it on Google, click on the first website that pops up. And I know a lot of times people have a hard time getting access to these products, but today I’m going to show you guys the simple message I use to get access to all the products I made money from. Now, we’re going to be making money with affiliate marketing, and I know a lot of you guys know exactly what that is, but if you are brand new to it, all we’re doing is finding a website to partner with that’s going to have products you can start selling and promoting online. And any time you make a sale, you’re getting paid a commission for it. Now, the reason I like making money with this is because you don’t have to invent a new product, invent a new brand, or a website; all that work is done for you. All you have to do is partner up with a website to get access to all their products. So to get started, guys, just create your free account at

Navigating Your WarriorPlus Dashboard

Click on ‘Dashboard’, and check it out; you’re going to see your back office pop up. You guys can see how many sales you’ve made, any notifications, and all the products you can start making money from. So, you’re going to see a list of products on the left-hand side, and a lot of these are going to be software or tools people can use to build their business or help them start building a business online. So you can either pick one of the products you see on the homepage or just click on ‘Affiliate’ at the very top, then click on ‘Offers’. You’re going to see all the products popup, but to get access to the products, you will have to request an approval. So I’m going to show you guys the message I use to get approved for all the products I made money from. Once you’re on your offer page inside of Warrior Plus, just scroll down and you’re going to see all the products you can start selling and making sales with. 

Exploring Product Offers and Choosing the Right One

Now you can basically pick any product you want, but something that’s really trendy and hot right now is all this, AI F Rush. So once you pick a product you like, next click on the sales page on the right hand side, and check it out; you’re going to see the sales page pop up, and you can see exactly what you’re making money from. So, this is basically a training that’s going to show people how to make money using AI influencers. And you guys have probably seen some of these before, these brand new influencers that are made from AI. This training is going to show people exactly how to start doing that. So whenever you promote this training, you’re going to make between $9 to $700in commission sales. You will have to request approval first.  

Requesting Approval for Affiliate Product Promotion

Scroll up to the top, click on ‘Request Approval’ on the right hand side, and you’re going to see this approval box pop up. Now, once you do get approved inside of your account, you’re going to see your affiliate link just like this. And here’s the special message you want to use to get approved for any product you want to start promoting: “Hello, I would like to start promoting this product to my audience and my email list. My audience is around young entrepreneurs that are working to build a business, and I think this product would be a good fit for them.” So all you’re doing is writing a message like this, going over the product and how you’re going to promote it to your list, and your audience is around this exact product. So they can see you’re a good fit for it, and see that you can actually make sales from it. So go ahead and type in a message like this for any product you want to promote, and click on ‘Request Offer’.

Receiving Affiliate Links and Tracking Tools

After that, just wait a few hours and you’re going to see your affiliate link pop up inside of this box, all you have to do is copy your special affiliate link, and whenever somebody clicks on it and buys, you’re getting a commission for every sale you make. So make sure you guys go through this list, spend some time going through all the products, and seeing the different ones you can make money from and how they work. Because this will be very important for step number two. So once you pick a product you like, and you request to get your affiliate link, go to step number two.

Setting Up Your Google Docs Account for Content Creation

And alright guys, for this step is where you’re going to start using Google Docs. So go ahead and search for it on Google, and create an account if you don’t have one. And once you’re inside your account, all you want to do next is click on a blank document. So check it out, guys. What we’re going to do inside of here is create a freebie around the product we’re trying to make money from. So our product has to do with AI, showing people how to make money with AI influencers, right? So, what we’re going to do is create a quick article, a quick website, go over different strategies to make money using AI, different strategies people can get started with, different methods people are using. So type this in at the very top: “Three Ways to Make Money Using AI with No Experience.” So, depending on what your product’s about, whether it’s around AI, whether it’s around sending, or a different type of software, all you’re doing is creating a quick article showing people different strategies that relate to that topic. So go ahead and create your headline.

Writing an Engaging Article for Product Promotion

Then, for step number three, you’re going to use the power of ChatGPT to help you create your freebie. So, go ahead and search for it on Google, and create your account if you don’t have one. And I’m sure most of you guys already have a ChatGPT account, so go ahead and log in. And once you’re inside your account, where you see the chat box at the very bottom, all you have to do is copy and paste your headline: “Three Ways to Make Money with AI with No Experience.” Go ahead and paste it inside of here, and click on ‘Go’. And check it out, guys; you’re going to see it get to work, you’re going to see it pop up and create a completely brand new article that you can use to generate sales. So once you see the article pop up, it doesn’t really have an intro paragraph, right? So let me make an intro paragraph real quick. Well, there it is, and it even came up with a better title than the one I created myself. So I’m going to copy this as well, have it write an outro. And all you’re doing is using this information right here to create your own freebie, your own article to generate leads. So go ahead and copy this information, and usually I tell you guys don’t copy straight from AI, don’t copy a text-by-text, but for this specific strategy, you’re not trying to rank on Google, so you can literally copy the straight onto your article. So go and create your article using this information. And once you’re done, and check it out, guys; you’re going to have the actual product headline, a video of the product, and at the very bottom where people can click to actually go and sign up. So go ahead and create your sales letter at the very bottom just like this, right after your content, right after your actual article. So as soon as people are done with it, they’re going to scroll down and see an additional product that’s showing them how to make money with AI, exactly what our article was talking about, right? 

Inserting Visual Elements and Affiliate Links

Next, you’re going to go back to Warrior Plus and copy your affiliate link once you get approved, and go back to your document so you can paste it inside the button. So all you have to do is click on the image, and after that, click on ‘Insert Link’. And real quick, guys, all I did for these images is take a quick screenshot of the actual website and take a screenshot of the button at the bottom and add it onto my document as an image. So go ahead and take a quick screenshot, then you’re going to click on, right-click, and insert a link, so insert your special affiliate link. So as soon as people click, they’re going to go straight to the product you’re trying to make money from. So you want to add your link on the button at the bottom, and add your link on the actual video. And that’s basically it, guys. The work is all done. All you have to do next is start sharing around your article for people that want to learn how to make money with AI, that want to learn more about AI, so you can start generating traffic to your products. So, at the very top of your article, you’re going to click on ‘Share’, and after that, when you see this box pop up, click on ‘Copy Link’. And check it out, guys; if you paste your link on a blank page, you’re going to see your brand new document pop up in reader mode only, so people can’t edit it or change it. But once they scroll down to the bottom, going to see your brand new product where they can click on it and actually sign up. So go ahead and create your freebie using Google Docs, and next you’re going to copy your link and go to step number five.

Sharing Your Content Strategically on Facebook

I’m going to show you how to get traffic to your free Google Documents so you can start making sales from it. And alright guys, finally to start getting free traffic, you’re going to use the power of So go ahead and create an account if you don’t have one, and check this out. If you type in “work from home” inside the search at the very top, then after that click on ‘Groups’, you’re going to see all of public groups pop up with 200,000 members, 60,000 members, 300,000 members that are all interested in different strategies to make money from home, make money with AI, and basically start working online. So, what we’re going to do is start sharing our articles inside of these groups to start generating free traffic and start making sales. Now, instead of just posting your article and posting your link, that’s usually what gets you banned, you’re actually going to do this instead. And real quick, if I click on some of these groups, check it out; you’re going to see people inside of here using a similar strategy. So, check out this one right here, just posted 16 hours ago: “Anybody looking for an online job?” And if you check out the comments, there’s going to be so many people that are posting they’re interested, interested, interested. So these are all free leads and free traffic that you can start getting directly from Facebook.

Creating Engaging Posts to Drive Traffic

So next, you’re going to join one of these groups and create a post yourself. So check it out, guys; you’re not going to be telling people “go to my link, go to my website”. All you’re doing first is making a statement on why people aren’t making money. So the reason most people don’t make money is because they’re trying to make money using strategies that require a large following, requires a lot of experience. But I just created a free PDF over three beginner-friendly to make money using AI. So, if you want to create a post like this and let people know if they’re interested, just comment down below “ready” or “interested” and take a quick screenshot of your article’s headline so you can post it as an image. So go ahead and create a post like this that’s going to get people’s attention and click on ‘Post’. After that, you’re going to see your post pending and once it gets approved, just like I showed you guys earlier, you’re going to start getting comments like this from people that are actually interested in starting. So go ahead and make a post like this inside some of these groups and not only one, you want to post it in at least five different groups to get started. And if you’re not generating any leads or any sales, all you want to do is change your headline to start getting attention. So go ahead and start sharing your brand new article around to start getting free leads and free traffic from Facebook.

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