Earn by checking Product competition in 2024

person checking products on screen and money falling

Strategy Introduction: Leveraging AI for Profit

I’m going to show you guys how to take it to the next step so you can start making an extra 100 to over 220 in a single day using an AI bot that’s going to show you exactly what’s working for your competitors right now. Instead of trying to guess what’s working or what you should be doing next, this bot’s going to show you exactly what’s helping your competitors make money, so you can start modeling off their ideas and start generating new customers for your own products.

Recap: Previous Product and Strategy

Alright guys, to get started, first let’s quickly go over the product we were using in yesterday’s article. So, the product we were using was this Brain Training for Dogs, that’s basically teaching people how to train their dogs to be smarter, to have better behavior. And what we were doing for this product was using their free lead magnet.

Utilizing Affiliate Resources

So check it out inside of their affiliate page, you’re going to find the free ebook that you can start giving away using to start generating customers and basically help you start making sales. You guys are going to see it at the bottom of their resource page right here on free giveaways. Go ahead and open up the book and we’re going to continue to use this book to make sales. But I’m going to show you a completely brand new strategy.

Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

Now today, we’re making money with affiliate marketing, which means we’re promoting other people’s products so they pay you a commission for every sale that you make. Now real quick guys, if you’re just starting affiliate marketing and you’re not sure what markets to start with or what products to make money from, click that first link inside my comments right now. I’m going to send you a video training going over one of the best programs to start with as a beginner to help you make your first sale.

Aweber Account Setup

And alright guys, if you already have basic training and you want to make money from this product, the first thing you’re going to do is find the resource page like I showed you, just click on affiliate page on the right-hand side of the product and you’re going to see this free ebook pop up.

Building a Landing Page with Aweber

So first you’re going to download the image of this ebook and once you do, go to step number two. And alright guys, for the next step, you’re going to use this free marketing software called Aweber.com. So what this software is going to do is help you do email marketing to your customers to make more sales, but it’s also going to help you build a one-page website for free.

Setting Up Aweber for Email Marketing

So instead of paying for a website builder or doing something too complicated, all you have to do is go to Aweber and check it out. If you click on pricing at the very top and scroll down, you’re going to create a free account, have up to 500 subscribers that you can make sales from, and you can also build a landing page to start generating traffic.

Customizing Aweber List

So just come over to Aweber and create your free account. And once you’re inside your account, scroll down to the bottom and click right here where it says create a brand new list. After that, you’re going to fill out some basic info about your company. Even if you don’t have a company, all you have to do is type in “dog training” right, whatever our product is about, you want to make your list around this product so you know exactly where you’re generating customers from.

Building a One-Page Website

So go ahead and type in “dog training”, fill out some basic info to create your list. After that, you’re going to start building a one-page website for your product. So on the left-hand side, click on pages, then click on landing page. You’re going to see this option pop up and all you have to do is click on create a page on the right-hand side.

Template Selection on Aweber

Next, you’re going to scroll down to the bottom and you’re going to see all of these website templates pop up. Some of them are around video trainings, some of them are around one-on-one personal coaching, but the template you’re looking out for is the free ebook template. Again guys, we’re going to use this free ebook to start generating customer and start getting attention to our product.

Customization of Landing Page

So go ahead and scroll down to the bottom and I’ve seen it on the bottom right-hand side “book promotion”. Once you see this website template pop up, go ahead and click on “choose”. And check it out guys, you’re going to see the website editor pop up. So all you have to do inside of here is delete the logo at the top. You can add their logo if you want. All you would do is go back to their website, take a quick screenshot of their actual logo so you can add it to your website.

Adding Content to Landing Page

Then after that, you’re going to give it a headline going over what the book is about and a few benefits at the bottom so people know exactly what they’re learning inside of this book. And obviously guys, you’re going to delete this image right here and add the image of the actual ebook itself. So go ahead and build your one-page website.

Generating Affiliate Link on ClickBank

And alright guys, once you’re done, you’re going to have a one-page website built with a logo at the very top, a headline so people know exactly what they’re getting, and benefits so people can see what they’re going to learn inside. Now obviously, you also want to have an image of the product that’s going to make people want to sign up.

Obtaining AI Software: Sortpin.com

And once they actually sign up, that’s when they’re going to the product inside a ClickBank. So click on “promote” on the right-hand side, click on “create link” at the bottom, and you’re going to see your special affiliate link pop up. So go ahead and copy this link so you can actually start getting paid for this.

Utilizing Sortpin.com for Pinterest Strategy

And alright guys, the platform we’re going to use to generate sales is Pinterest.com. This platform is currently getting over a billion visits per month and it’s one of the best ways to get free traffic. Now the thing about this is most of the time people don’t know what to start posting, what to start generating to get customers, to start finding ideas that actually work.

Analyzing Pinterest Trends with Sortpin.com

You’re going to use this software called “Sordpin.com”. So go ahead and search it up on Google, you’re going to add it to your Chrome extension, it is free to download and you might still be able to create a free account. If you can, I think it’s only about 8 bucks or even 8 bucks, so it’s real cheap guys.

Implementation and Conclusion

So go ahead and create your Pinterest account, create it around your product, whether it’s dogs, fitness, or financial services. All you want to do first is create a page around your product. Then after that, you’re going to download this software

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