“Earn $90/Hour from Home: Google’s Secret Side Gig”

The Direct To Inbox Method

So if you’re a beginner that’s looking to start some sort of a work from home job because you’re looking to make money online, the method that I would advise that you look into is called DTI. Now this is a term that I coin myself and it stands for Direct To Inbox. All this means is that instead of you going onto a freelancer website for you to apply to jobs and compete with so many people, what you’re going to do instead is find an email address for someone that needs a service done. You’re then going to email that person directly in the Inbox and as long as you’ve made sure to email them in a professional way which I’m going to show you how to do in a moment, you’re going to be able to turn them from a non-paying customer into a paying customer.

Choosing the Right Work From Home Job

Now when it comes to which work from home job you should do, I would recommend doing something that you’re going to be able to utilize the power of AI to assist you. In addition to that you also want to make sure that you’re offering a service that is popular and has a chance of earning you a decent amount of profit and in my opinion I would say that a work from home job that meets all of those criterias is building websites for business owners that do not currently have a website where of course you’re going to use AI when it comes to building the website but in addition to that you’re also going to use Google Gemini which is Google’s AI bot to help you when it comes to finding emails.

Step-by-Step Process Breakdown

Now this might sound a little bit complicated but it’s actually quite simple and I’m going to break down all of the steps in this video so that you know exactly what you need to do by the end of watching this video but let’s jump straight into step number one which is that you need to head over to Google Search. Now when you go over to Google search you’re going to have to insert something specific which is this that you can see on the screen over here so if I just copy it just like this you can pause the screen now if you also want to follow along with what I’m doing so I’m just going to paste it in there just like that and all I’m doing is asking Google to scan the facebook.com site for specific business type and I want it to show me their Gmail their Outlook their Hotmail or their Yahoo.

Finding Potential Clients

Now for business type you can enter anything that you want you know businesses that will probably operate but may not have a website at the moment but the one that I’m going to use as an example in today’s video is Barbers so I’m just going to type it in just like that and then click on search and as you can see all of these different results pop up for all of these different businesses that are all around the world that are currently on Facebook that have their email address listed and the reason why majority of these different barber shops probably don’t have a website is because they’re still using a generic email domain majority of the time if a business did have a website up and running they would be using the customized email domain but because these ones are using Outlook Gmail Yahoo our chances of being able to earn some money from them is slightly higher.

Collecting Information

Now when it comes to the next part of this process what you’re going to need to do is head over to step two which is paste all of the info on page one page two page three as many pages that you can from the Google search results you’re going to paste all of that into a blank Google doc so what you got to do is just head back over to Google and type in Google doc just like that click on the first one then click on go to docs and open up a blank one and literally all you got to do from this point is just copy all of the information just like this it doesn’t matter if you copy all of these different images or any irrelevant information I’m going to show you exactly what you need to do when it comes to clearing everything up in a moment but just come back over to the Google Doc paste everything in there just like that and once again you’re going to do the exact same thing for every single page so I’m just going to copy this one and for the purpose of this video I’m just going to end it on page 11 because it can go on and on and of course the more you go on the more email addresses you’re going to build up which means that the higher opportunity you’re going to have when it comes to making money but I’m just going to make it really quick in this case and end it on page 11 and once you’ve completed step two what you’re then going to do is go over to step three which is that you’re going to use Google Gemini to clean the data.

Organizing Data with Google Gemini

So as you can imagine all of this on the screen right now is all over the place and it’s going to be really difficult for us to find the email addresses for all of these different businesses so what you can do is just go back over to Google type in Gemini and what you’re going to do is just click on this one at the top now it’s completely free for anyone to use as long as you’ve got a Gmail email address you’re going to be able to access it and it’s really useful for a number of different things but the way that we’re going to be able to use Gemini in this case is by typing in this prompt over here which says format the data below into a table with these columns company name and email so I’m just going to copy this just like that then I’m just going to paste it in here add a couple lines I’m going to go back over to the Google Doc I’m going to click on command a which is going to select all of it I’m going to copy it again I’m going to paste it in here just like that and then I’m going to click on submit and just like that as you can see it’s now come back with with all of the different company names and all of their different email addresses so instantly we’ve been able to build up over 20 30 different leads in the space of about 5 minutes I went from not knowing who I was going to contact to having all of these possibilities when it comes to me being able to start a work from home job so from here what you’re going to be able to do is export it directly to a Google sheet and once you have gotten to this point you’re of course going to be in a position where you can start reaching out to all of these different businesses.

Creating Email Sequences with AI

Now my recommendation is that you don’t try and write the email yourself especially if you’re not really good at producing emails what you should do instead is go back over to Google Gemini and you’re going to use it when it comes to producing the email sequence for email 1 email 2 and email 3 I would say that between 1 to three emails that’s the point where businesses tend to contact you back now of course not every single business is going to respond so you’re going to need to be consistent with it when it comes to consistently building up all of your leads and ensuring that your emailing them in the best possible way and this now brings me on to the next step that I’m going to show you which is using Gemini to create the email sequence so if I just go back over to it the prompt that you want to enter is can you write a free email sequence that are informative that I will send to each email to a let me just type in Barbershop over here offering services to build a website ensure that it’s straight to the point but it’s still persuasive you can tailor this any way that you want you can pause the screen right now and copy and paste exactly what I’ve put but I’m just going to click on submit and just like that once again Google Gemini has now come back with the first email that we’re going to send out which is the initial Outreach it’s giving me the subject it’s giving me the email itself it’s done the same thing for email 2 which is the follow-up email and it’s also come back with the final pitch as well this is why using AI is amazing because if I had to come up with these emails myself it might have even taken me half a day to make sure that I’ve put the correct things in them but by using something like Google Gemini it just speeds everything up and of course you do want to make sure that you go through each email to make sure that you’re completely happy with it but again this just makes things a little bit more efficient and just to let you know there is a correct way of sending emails out and there’s also a wrong way if you wanted me to make a detailed video on the best email softwares to use when it comes to automating everything making sure that you’ve sent out the email in a way that you don’t have to copy and paste every email to every single business all you’re literally going to have to do is press one button and all of the emails are going to get sent out to all different email addresses then put in the comments down below do the email article and I’ll get onto it ASAP but once you have started writing the emails and you’ve also started sending them out ideally by using an email automation software the next step and the most important one once you start getting replies back for businesses that are happy to pay you for the service of building a website is to of course know how to build a website using AI and to show you how easy it can be to build a website using AI I’m just going to use a random business here as an example so let’s use this one over here and let’s assume that they’ve gotten back to me the name of this Barber Shop is called Empire Barbers this is their Facebook profile over here as you can see they’re somewhat active they posted maybe 5 days ago and they’re looking for a new Barber there’s their email address so it’s an active business and by the looks of it they don’t have a current website so again as an example let’s assume that they got back to me they want me to build their website the tool that I would recommend that you use is hostinger’s it would have been really difficult it would have taken me maybe 5 days for me to complete and the beauty of starting this work from home job is that not every single person out there knows that this AI website builder is a thing so you’re going to be able to use it when it comes to building a website and from there you’re going to be able to charge a markup and that’s going to be your profit I would say that you can charge a client around maybe $400 when you’re first getting started $500 and that’s going to leave you with around $300 profit and when it comes to making any adjustments or amendments to the website it’s not really difficult to do as well you’ve got complete flexibility as you can see over here you’re going to be able to adjust images and the content customize the design modify the structure add new sections do all of the SEO stuff and much much more so if you wanted to access hostinger.

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