Earn $40 Every 20 Mins Using NEW CPA Marking 2024

Setting Up Your PayPal Account

This strategy has the easy potential to make you anywhere from 40 to over a hundred dollars per day online. So as long as you have basic computer skills like clicking on websites, copying links, or just uploading files, you can start making money with CPA marketing with the strategy I’m gonna show you today.

Utilizing Google’s Free Tools

Most people don’t know this, but Google has so many free softwares you can use to either generate files, create programs, or even make sales online. So today, I’m gonna show you one of my favorite softwares to start making money with CPA marketing. To get started, all you need is a setup Gmail account. If you don’t have one already, just go over to their website, scroll down to the bottom, and click on create an account. After you have your account set up, next you’re going to go to PayPal to set up your payment method.

Setting Up PayPal and Other Payment Options

Don’t worry if PayPal isn’t available for you; there are going to be many different payout options, just follow along. If you do have access to PayPal, all you want to do is click on sign up at the very top, then you want to sign up for a personal account. You don’t need a business one for now unless you start making this into a full-time income. For now, just to make some extra money with CPA marketing, all you want to do is sign up for a personal account. Like I mentioned, we’re gonna make income with CPA marketing, so people don’t have to buy anything or sign up for a plan; all they have to do is enter in their email, and you’re gonna start making money off that.

Partnering with Websites for Leads

So what’s going to happen is you’re going to partner with a website like this, help this website generate new leads, and for every new lead you get them, they’re going to start paying you off it. In exchange for an email, a customer is either going to get an exclusive offer, a discount, or a free coupon. It’s basically a win-win for everybody: you’re getting paid to generate a lead, the lead is going to get a special offer, and the website that’s going to pay you just got a new potential customer. That’s exactly why they’re going to pay you for these leads.

Using Offervault to Find CPA Offers

To find websites that are going to pay you for leads, you’re going to use this website called offerball.com. Go ahead and search for it on Google and find CPA network; it’s going to be the first website that pops up, offervault.com. Go ahead and click on this one right here. What this website is going to do is show you all the CPA offers available, how much they’re gonna pay you, and the CPA network you gotta sign up to make money from this offer. Sometimes I show you guys websites like ClickBank or CPAGrip.com, and I understand not everyone can sign up to them. So you’re going to use this website called offerball.com to show you all the networks available worldwide.

Choosing the Right CPA Network

Even though you can’t sign up to ClickBank sometimes, you should be able to find the network inside of here that you can sign up to and start making money from. Once you find this website right here, we’re gonna make money from a specific offer. You’re going to scroll up to the very top; inside of the search, all I want you to do is type in “PS5.” Click on search, and inside of here, you’re going to see all the offers that are giving away a free PS5. Companies all over the world are trying to generate leads and get new customers, so they’re willing to give away products like a PS5 or an iPhone to generate leads and start making more money from their products.

Selecting and Promoting a CPA Offer

What you’re gonna do is start going through this list right here. You’re going to see all the different PS5 giveaways and you want to find the CPA network that’s available in your country so you can sign up to it and make money from this offer. You want to find the CPA network that’s available in your country so you can start making money from this giveaway. You’ll see on the right-hand side how much you’re going to make per sign-up. This one’s going to pay you $16, this one’s gonna pay you $16, so go ahead and click on one of these offers right here. It’s going to open up its info and you can see the affiliate network you got to sign up to.

Creating Your CPA Account

Once you click on this network right here, you’re gonna see their website pop up and all you gotta do is enter in some basic info to create your account. After that, you’re gonna see the offer inside of your account with your special affiliate link. Whenever somebody clicks on this link right here and signs up, you’re gonna start getting paid for it. Depending on the offer you sign up to, some of them are going to pay you $16, some of them are going to pay you five, ten dollars because again, you’re not selling any products. All you’re doing is helping companies generate leads, so you can start making money off them.

Finding a Specific Offer

Come over to this website called Offer Vault. Inside of here, you want to find a free PS5 giveaway offer and find an affiliate network that you can sign up to again to start making money from that offer. You can copy and paste your CPA link. Go ahead and copy your link once you create your account and go to step number two. For this next step, go to find popular games on Google and search for most popular games for PS5. You’re basically looking out for all the hottest hits, all the games people are playing right now, so you can start using these games to attract new leads.

Choosing a Popular Game

Once you find this list right here, you just want to go through it and pick a popular game inside of here that you can get started with. Don’t worry, later on, I’m going to review all the hottest games you should go for, but for now, go ahead and pick a game inside this list. Go ahead and pick a game inside of here. After that, you’re going to find trending videos on YouTube so you can find videos that are going to help you generate leads. Come over to YouTube, search for Fortnite highlights, and what you’re basically doing is looking out for that next viral clip, that next viral moment that’s getting thousands of views and clicks.

Finding Viral Videos on YouTube

For now, just click on filters at the very top; if you want, click on view count to find the most popular videos. You want to find the most recent ones, the ones that just came out this past month or even this past week. For example, check out this one right here: “Top 250 Funniest Fails Inside of Fortnite.” It’s already gotten over 400,000 views and was posted just two weeks ago, so this would be a good example. If I keep scrolling down, let’s see, check out this one right here: “Brand New Update of the Best Season 3 Controller Settings for Fortnite.” You can see videos like this that are very popular, getting thousands of views and trending right now.

Selecting and Using a Viral Video

Go ahead and find a video like this one that you can get started with. I’m going with this one right here; go ahead and open up the video. For now, you just want to copy and paste the URL of the video. After that, go to step number three. For this next step, we’re gonna use a free Google software that can help any beginner make sales because this software is going to let you build free websites. The name of this software is called Google Sites. All you gotta do is search for it on Google. This software is going to let you build free websites for any CPA offer you want to make money from.

Building a Website with Google Sites

If you’ve been wanting to build a website but you don’t want to pay for Squarespace, pay for Wix, and you’re just barely getting started and want to give it a try, use Google Sites to help you get started and help you start building websites as a complete beginner. Instead of paying while you’re still not making any money or leads, all you gotta do is use Google Sites to get a beginner start guide. Go ahead and click on get started, sign up for an account if you don’t have one already. Once you’re inside your account, you’re gonna see all the templates at the very top.

Choosing and Customizing a Template

At the very top, just click on template gallery and check this out: you have a team template, portfolio, event. The one that I like to use myself is the club template. This is the easiest one to build, but you do have so many more different options inside of here. If you don’t want to copy and paste my exact website or my exact strategy, you can give it your own twist by just picking your own template. Again, I’m going with the club template; this is the easiest one for me. Inside of here, you’re gonna see how easy it is to build a website.

Editing and Publishing Your Website

All you’re literally doing is dragging and dropping items. For example, if you want this text at the top or at the bottom below this image right here, all you literally do is drag and drop it wherever you want it on your website. If you want to change this top text, all you have to do is click on it and change it to whatever you want it to say. Or maybe you don’t want it at all; just click on the trash can icon at the very top and it’s going to remove it from the page. Let’s say you change your mind and you did want it after all; just click on the undo button at the very top and it’s going to put it right back where it was.

Customizing Your Website’s Content

You guys can see how easy it is to build a website, how easy it is to get started. For now, I’m going to show you a basic template you can start using. Once you pick your template, start changing it up, adding your own information, and change the name at the very top. Click on your name, delete the text that’s there, and just type in “Free PS5 Giveaway.” Once you do that, scroll down to the bottom and you’re going to change the text again to something like “Get a Chance to Win a Free PS5.” Basically, just fill this out, finish the template, and scroll down to the bottom.

Adding Images and Affiliate Links

For example, this one right here, click on the image to change it. Click on the delete button at the very top if you want to get rid of it or click on the image icon to upload a new image from your computer. After that, you’re going to upload a new image related to Fortnite or any popular game you picked earlier. Just search on Google for Fortnite and you’re going to see so many images pop up. You’re going to see exactly what the game looks like, so you can pick an image like this one right here to upload to your website. It’s going to make the website more relatable and give it a more professional look.

Finalizing and Publishing Your Website

Next, scroll down to the bottom and you’re going to see this button right here. Click on it to start adding your affiliate link. The button right here should say something like “Click Here to Enter Giveaway” or something simple that gets people to click on the button and enter their email so you can start getting paid for it. Scroll down to the bottom, click on the button, then scroll over here to the left-hand side and you’re going to see where you can add your link. You want to delete this link that’s already here, then go back to your CPA account and copy your affiliate link. Paste your affiliate link on the left-hand side right here.

Sharing Your Website in Gaming Communities

Now when people click on the link, they’re going to your CPA offer, and once they sign up, you’re going to start getting paid for it. All you literally have to do is copy and paste a few links, change a few images, change the name at the very top, and you can build your website in less than ten minutes. Finally, once you’re done, click on publish at the very top and you’re going to see the link to your website. Go ahead and copy your link and you’re ready for the last and final step.

Promoting Your Website on Facebook

For the last step, you’re going to go to find people who are actually interested in this. You want to go to Facebook and join different gaming groups related to Fortnite or any popular game you picked. You want to find a group that has a lot of active members, people that are posting every day, and start sharing your website inside of these groups. When people click on the link and enter their email for the PS5 giveaway, you’re going to start getting paid for it. Go ahead and type in “Fortnite community” inside the search and you’re going to see all these different groups pop up. Join a few groups and start sharing your website.

Consistent Posting for Earnings

Let people know they have a chance to win a free PS5 by entering their email, and once they do, you’re going to start getting paid. Do this for about five to ten different groups a day, and as long as you keep posting and sharing your website, people are going to sign up and you’re going to start making money off these CPA offers.

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