“Earn $250 Daily: Unlock Google Video Profits with Smart Techniques”

Utilizing Google Videos for Side Hustles

So one of the best side hustles for beginners to start is to utilize the power of Google videos. Now most of you are probably scratching your head thinking, “Sam, what exactly is Google videos and how exactly am I going to be able to make money from it?” Now in today’s article, I’m going to take you through all of the steps that you need to be aware of when it comes to doing this in the best possible way from the comfort of your own home.

Exploring Google Search Suggestions

But to quickly show you how all of this stuff works, I’m just going to open up an incognito browser, come over to Google, type in a random search search term “how to start a” and then from here, as you can see, all of these different search terms pop up and essentially this is Google letting us know what people are actively searching for. So I’m just going to click on a random one. Let’s click on this one over here that says “how to start a conversation with a girl.” Really random, I know, but stick with me.

Understanding Google’s Video Tab

Now from this point, I’m sure that you guys are familiar with how Google works. There’s the normal search tab over here that’s going to bring up all of these different websites, but over here there’s this video tab where Google is going to show us various different videos that relate to the search term that we typed in. And it goes about saying that the main type of video that’s going to be in this section is going to be YouTube videos because if you didn’t know, Google owns YouTube, so of course they’ve got an incentive when it comes to pushing out their own videos.

The Advantage of Google Traffic for YouTube Videos

And the main point that I’m trying to make right now is that all of these different YouTube videos, not only are they able to get traffic directly from YouTube, but they’re going to be able to get traffic from Google as well, which is going to put them in a position where they’re going to be able to make more money. And the interesting thing is you don’t even need to make videos that you show your face on camera or you use your own voice because as you can see over here, there’s videos just like this one. If I just click into it, with this particular video, the person isn’t showing their face on camera as you can see and it sounds like an AI-generated voice.

Long-Term Potential of Google-Optimized Videos

I’m not really able to tell, but you’re going to be able to generate simple videos just like this and as long as you’ve made sure to title it in the right way, you’re going to be able to put yourself in a position where not only are you going to be able to make money today, tomorrow, but you’re also going to be able to make money far into the future because as you can see with this video, they published it over 5 years ago but it’s still being pushed out on Google, which is allowing them to get thousands of people viewing it on a monthly basis.

Personal Success Story with Google Search Traffic

And I know firsthand that this definitely works because if I just jump into the back end of one of my YouTube channels and come over to this video that was able to get over 100,000 views, as you can see from this one video, I was able to get over 1.1 thousand subscribers, but most importantly I was able to get over $1,400 from a single video. And if I click on the reach tab over here, as you can see over here, the main way that I’ve been able to get traffic going towards this video is with Google search.

Choosing a Niche for Your YouTube Channel

So jumping straight into one of the first steps that you need to take when it comes to generating videos that you’re going to publish on YouTube that have a high chance of getting a lot of traffic from Google, which is that you need to know what your channel is going to be about. Now one of the ways that you can figure that out is by using Google Gemini. Now Gemini is Google’s AI bot. You’re going to be able to have a one-on-one conversation with it and it’s going to be able to give you detailed answers back that’s going to help you when it comes to monetizing from the Google platform.

Using Google Gemini for Channel Ideas

So if I just click into it just like this, it’s completely free to use and as I said, you’re going to be able to enter any question that you have. So the first question that I’m going to type in over here is “I want to start an evergreen YouTube channel, can you give me the 10 best niches” and then click on submit. And instantly as you can see, it’s now come back with all of these different ideas that I’m going to be able to pick from. Now for the purpose of today’s video, the one that I’m going to move forward with is health and wellness. Ideally you want to pick something that you’re interested in, pick something that you’ve got some sort of knowledge about, but this is the one that I’m going to use as an example.

Generating Channel Name Ideas

And once you do have idea of what your channel is going to be about, the next thing after that is to come up with a name for your channel. Now of course you can think about this yourself, but if you’re stuck on what name to pick, you can just type in something like “can you give me 10 channel name ideas for a Channel about health and wellness,” click on submit again and as you can see, it’s now come back with these different names. And of course if you don’t like any one of them, you’re going to be able to ask it for 20 more, 30 more, 50 more, whatever the case is. The one I’m going to move forward with is this one over here, “Happy Health Help.”

Setting Up Your YouTube Channel

And once you get to the point where you know what your channel is going to be about and you’ve now got a name for your channel, opening up a YouTube account isn’t difficult. All you need is a Gmail email address. You just need to head over to youtube.com. It’s completely free for anyone to sign up for YouTube account, takes a couple seconds for you to do and once you’ve done that, the main thing that you’re going to need is a profile image. You can also make a YouTube channel Banner as well if you want to, but in this case as you can see, I’ve kept it simple. I got my profile image from Canva. Took me 10 seconds for me to make and just like that I’m now in a position where I’m going to be able to start uploading videos straight away.

Researching Video Ideas

Now the mistake that most beginners make once they get to this stage is that they start making random videos that they’ve done no research on when it comes to knowing if the video is going to perform well or not. An easy way for you to figure out what video to make is to use Google of course. So we’re going to go back over to Gemini just like this and I’m going to type in this prompt. I’m going to say “can you give me 10 video titles for my first videos for a Channel about health and wellness that are Evergreen and highly searched for.” Remember, the whole point of the side hustle is that we want to make videos that we know people are actively searching for on Google because if people are searching for it on Google, then there’s a likelihood that they’re searching for it on YouTube and we’re going to be able to have two traffic sources, which is going to increase our chances of being able to make multiple streams of income.

Analyzing Video Ideas with Google Trends

So I’m just going to type in this prompt and then click on submit. Okay perfect. So these are 10 different video ideas that I’m going to be able to go with, you know, things like “how to start a morning routine for Optimal Health,” “healthy meal prep ideas for busy weekdays,” “5 minute workout routines to tone your abs,” you know, so on and so forth. But the one that I’m going to double check to make sure that it’s doing well before I show you how you can make a faceless automated video is this one over here: “The benefits of drinking water and how much water should you drink per day.”

Verifying Search Interest

So now that I’ve got a video title idea, what I’m going to do is just go over to Google Trends, then what I’m going to do is just paste the title in there just like this, click on explore, then what I’m going to do is change this to worldwide, I’m going to change this one to 2004 to present day. Okay perfect. So as we can see ever since 2010, more and more people have been going onto Google to search for the specific search term, which means that if I was to make a video about it, there’s a high likelihood that Google is going to show the video to people that are actively searching for information about this.

Creating AI-Generated Videos with nid AI

So this is definitely a suitable first video idea and I’m going to be using it as an example when it comes to showing you exactly how you can make a faceless video. So if you’re following along with everything that I’ve shown you so far, what you now need to do is head over to nid AI. I’m going to leave a direct sign up link to them in the description down below and for those of you that’s never heard of nid AI before, it’s a tool that you can use when it comes to producing a fully edited video. If you use the link in my description, you’re going to be able to create a free account.

Using nid AI to Generate Your Video

So just come over here, click on AI sign up and once you’ve created your account, this is going to be the next page that you’re going to see. Now all you’re going to need to do from this point is enter a simple prompt for whatever video that you want to make and again, it’s going to be able to do everything in terms of the voice over, the music, the images, the video overlays, it’s going to be able to do everything from A to Z. So what I would do if I wanted to make that video about the benefits of water is that I’ll just come over here and type in this prompt that says “the video title.” I’m going to put it right there just like that. I’m going to say “make sure to put five main points in the video.” I’m also going to say to “make sure that the video is minimum 10 minutes.” This is something that I found that Google really likes and because I want to appeal to an American audience, I’m going to say “use an American Voice.” Literally that’s all you got to type in. You can add more information, you can make it more descriptive if you want. I’m going to keep it simple and then I’m just going to click on generate a video.

Reviewing the Generated Video

And just like that, as you can see on the screen, it was able to come back with this fully edited video maybe within 4 minutes, 5 minutes max and I’m not going to do too much talking. I’m just going to play a little bit for you just so that you can see the quality of the video, you can see how professional it looks so that you know what type of videos you’re going to be able to go away and make yourself. “Welcome to our Channel. Today we’re diving into a topic That’s essential for everyone: the benefits of drinking water and how much you should drink daily. We all know that water is important, but did you know just how much of an impact it has on your overall health and wellbeing?”

Editing and Refining the Video

So guys, I’m sure that you’re as blown away as I am. That’s amazing. The fact that we’re living in a day and age right now where all you got to do is just write a couple lines and you don’t have to do anything else, you don’t have to script the video, it’s going to be able to do everything for you. It really takes away a lot of the heavy lifting. Now my recommendation once you get to this point is you want to watch the entire video from start to finish and if you notice any mistakes or any changes that you want to make, you’re going to be able to easily amend them by clicking on the edit button over here. If you want to change any of the text, you’re going to be able to do it over here and if you want to make any changes to the video overlays, you’re going to be able to do it over here. Or if you just wanted to write in a prompt over here and say “can you change the music,” “can you change the voice,” “can you make the video longer,” “can you make it shorter,” you’re going to be able to type it in in this box over here.

Exporting and Uploading Your Video

And once you’re completely happy with it, what you’re going to do is of course download it. Now just to let you know that if if you did want to export the video with no watermarks or any limitations or anything like that, you do need to upgrade to the paid plan. So be sure to use that link in my description because it’s going to give you some sort of a discount. What I’m going to do is export it right now and once you have exported the video, You’re then going to come back over to your YouTube channel, you’re going to click on this button over here. From here what you’re going to do is just drag and drop the video that you’ve just exported from in, just like that.

Optimizing Your Video for Google Search

And one of the most important things that you need to be aware of as a complete beginner when it comes to giving your YouTube videos the best chance of landing on the Google search results is that you need to make sure that you use the right title, the right description, the best thumbnail and you also use the best tags as well. And to get the majority of these things that I just mentioned, what you can do is just head back over to Gemini, put this prompt that says “can you give me the best title, tool description and tags to use for the video about” and then I’m just going to copy the title just like this, paste it in there, click on submit and instantly as you can see, it’s now come back with all of the information that I need.

Creating a Thumbnail for Your Video

Now you don’t need to copy and paste it directly as it’s given it to you. You can tailor it as you want, you can switch things around and you don’t necessarily need to use it as it’s given it to you. You’re going to be able to switch things around, tailor it to your own satisfaction, but so far you know exactly what you need to do when it comes to getting all of the necessary information. And when it comes to generating a thumbnail, if you can go over to Canva and do it yourself, that’s definitely a great option. There’s other tools out there that you can use like Pixar, but if you wanted to use AI when it came to making the thumbnail for you so that you don’t necessarily have to do it, one of the tools that you can use can be found in the ChatGPT store.

Finalizing Your Video and Thumbnail

Okay, so this isn’t too bad. As you can see, it really illustrates the point of the video. I didn’t have to make it myself, took a couple seconds for it to make it and I’m literally going to be able to download it by clicking on this Arrow over here. So I would say that those are the main things that you need to be aware of when it comes to starting the side hustle. Now it is important for you to be aware of the fact that there is a threshold that you need to meet when it comes to you being eligible to earn Google AdSense. I believe it’s around 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours. So you do need to be consistent when it comes to doing this. It’s not going to happen overnight. It might take 3 months, it might take two months, but as long as you’re uploading at least 3 to four videos every single week and you also make sure that you’re producing videos that you know people are actively searching for, then your chances of being successful are going to be a lot higher.

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