A Beginner’s Guide to Making Money Online in 2024

Five Simple Steps to Financial Freedom

I’m going to keep this article super simple and break it down into five simple steps so that you guys know what you need to do straight off the watching this article so that you can be in a position where you’re going to be able to earn money from the comfort of your own home, maybe even quit your full-time job, travel the world to various different amazing locations while still being able to earn money even when you’re on holiday. So make sure you stick around for this entire article from start to finish because you’re definitely going to learn something that’s going to change your financial situation.

Step 1: Picking Your Niche

All right, so jumping straight into step number one for this entire process, which is you need to pick a niche. Now when I say pick a niche, what this means is that you need to pick a central topic, a central theme for what your online business is going to be about, and for those of you that didn’t read a previous article, what I mentioned in that article is that for every single niche out there when it comes to this particular online business system, it’s very important for you to make sure that you’re aware of the fact that most people out there on the internet that are searching for products to buy, searching for information, it’s always going to revolve around something to do with health, wealth, love and happiness.

The Four Elements of Life

These are the most important things to most human beings out there, so if you’re able to center your niche around any one of these, then of course you’re going to be in a good situation when it comes to helping people with any one of these, but you’re also going to be able to make money in the process. So to give you an example of what I’m talking about, a lot of the online digital systems that I’ve built when it comes to this particular side hustle, they center around money. Money is a big passion of mine and it’s something that I’m clearly interested in, so the niche that I tend to focus on when it comes to these four different elements here is going to be about money.

Choosing Your Ideal Niche

So my online digital systems out there revolve around things like personal finance, investing, online business, so on and so forth. So the main point that I’m trying to make is that when you get to this stage over here where you need to pick a niche, as long as you remember these four elements of life, it’s simply going to come down to picking any one of these, something that you have passion about, something that you care about, and then going a little bit deeper, and then from there you’re going to be able to find an idle niche.

Step 2: Finding Affiliate Products

But moving on to the second step that you need to take, which is that you need to find one to five affiliate products. Now for those of you that are completely new to this concept, when it comes to the blueprint that I showed in the previous video, essentially what this is is a blueprint as to how I’m able to earn money with something called affiliate marketing. And affiliate marketing is simply where you’re going to be the middleman in between a company and a customer, and your job as an affiliate marketer is going to be to refer people to products and services that already exist.

Getting Started with Affiliate Marketing

The company is going to give you a unique URL link, so when that customer clicks on that link and buys that product or that service, you’re going to earn something called a commission. And my recommendation to any beginner out there that’s looking to make money online with this is to find one to five affiliate products initially that you believe you’re going to be able to promote to the best of your ability. Now there is a lot that goes into picking the right type of affiliate offer, e.g. making sure that you’re going to be able to get paid a decent amount of commissions because not every single product out there pays the same, but I would say that the most important thing that you need to know is where exactly do you even sign up to affiliate products for you to get affiliate links in the first place.

Affiliate Marketplaces and Networks

Now there’s a number of different websites out there that you can go on to, e.g. we’ve got things like impact.com, partner stack, Amazon Associates, ClickBank, or you can even sign up directly to a company on their website. Now with these ions over here, they’re essentially affiliate marketplaces and affiliate networks, which means that the companies are signing up to these websites and it’s going to be a little bit easier for you to have everything in one place and you’re also going to know that things are being tracked as they should and most importantly you know that you’re going to be able to get paid on time every single time.

Exploring Impact.com

But let me give you an example of exactly how something like impact.com looks. So if I just log into my account, as you can see, you’re going to be able to come over to their marketplace section and they’ve got thousands of different products that you’re going to be able to sign up to and get your affiliate links for, and they’ve got all of these different categories. So depending on whatever niche you picked during step one, it’s going to have a big impact on which type of products that you’re of course going to promote. That’s the reason why you need to make sure that you spend a lot of time to think about what your niche is going to be so that you’re going to be able to focus the products that you’re going to put your energy into promoting.

Example: Personal Finance Niche

So to give you an example of what I’m talking about, let’s assume that I decided to start a brand new affiliate marketing online digital system and the niche was going to be about personal finance. I’m going to be able to come on to something like impact.com and type in personal finance just like that, and from here there’s all of these different companies that I’m going to be able to sign up to and I’m going to be able to click into any one of them. I’m going to be able to see how much roughly I’m going to be able to earn, I’m going to be able to get information about the companies, and of course I’m just giving you guys an example as to how this works.

Applying for Affiliate Programs

And then once I found whatever company that I do want to work with, all I need to do is click on apply just like this, write a brief sentence as to why I want to work with that particular company, sit back, wait for me to get a reply. But this now brings me on to step number three, once you’ve got an understanding of what goes into finding all of the different affiliate products that you want to put your energy into, which is that you need to decide on which distribution method is best for you. And when I say distribution method, what this means is how exactly are you going to put your affiliate links out there on the internet, because there’s a number of different ways that you can do it and it’s important for you to pick one that you know that you’re going to be able to stick with consistently.

Step 3: Choosing Your Distribution Method

Because if we just jump back over to the blueprint that I showed in the previous video, as you guys can see over here, when it comes to publishing your affiliate links on the internet, I would say that these are the main ways: either by using Google, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Facebook. These are the two biggest platforms in the entire world, the two biggest websites. You can double check it yourself right now, you’re going to see Google number one, you’re going to see YouTube number two. I believe these to be amazing opportunities when it comes to building this online digital system because the amount of traffic that’s going onto these two platforms on a daily basis means that there’s a big opportunity when it comes to driving the traffic to whatever affiliate links that you want.

Utilizing Google and YouTube

So for example, when it comes to utilizing Google, the way that this works is you’re going to build blog websites and within those blog websites of course you’re going to center it around a specific niche, and from there you’re going to be able to place various different affiliate links throughout the website. Same thing goes with a YouTube channel, you’re going to be able to start an on camera one or faceless channel, and from there you’re going to be able to of course place various different affiliate links as well. And I would say that these other distribution channels are secondary and I’m not saying that you can’t use these as your main platforms. Again, it all depends on what you’re comfortable with, it all depends on what you believe that you’re going to be able to stick with.

The Foundation of Your Online Business

But if there’s one thing that you need to remember throughout this entire video is that when it comes to this entire blueprint that I’m showing you over here, the foundation or the engine of it is going to be the distribution channel that you choose, because without a distribution channel then of course there isn’t going to be an opportunity for anyone to ever come across any of your affiliate links. And this actually now brings me on to the fourth step that I want to touch a little bit more on, which is the importance of publishing content.

Step 4: The Power of Content

So content is definitely king in the world that we’re living in right now. Content can easily be converted into money if you’re able to take the right steps, and by content, this is either video content or written content. As I just said a moment ago, you need to remember that the engine of this entire system is going to be content and I want to quickly show you how powerful it can be and how easy and lucrative it can be when it comes to you being able to make money even when you’re fast asleep.

Real-Life Example: Making Money with Content

So if I just go over to one of my websites that I’ve been able to get ranked on Google, the main reason why I built this website was for me to include it in my digital system. I’m able to earn money from it in a number of different ways including affiliate marketing, but what I want to do is quickly show you an article that I’m able to make money from. So if I just click on the blog tab just like this and then click into this article over here. So this article is titled “How to sell low content books on Amazon”. It’s a search term that people are searching for on Google every single day.

Creating Valuable Content and Monetizing

So me and my team produced this article over here where we’re providing in all of this information the steps that’s necessary for someone to produce a low content book using the Amazon KDP platform. And a key software that the person needs for them to be able to do this is a software called book bolt. So me and my team went over to book bolt’s website, we signed up to the affiliate program, we got accepted, we got given our affiliate link, and from there we was able to place our affiliate link throughout this article as you can see.

Earning Commissions Through Affiliate Links

So when someone clicks into this affiliate link just like this, going to take them directly to the affiliate landing page, and when that person signs up to book bolt through our affiliate link, of course we’re going to be able to earn an affiliate commission. And if I just go over to our affiliate dashboard, as you can see over here I’ve already been able to earn over $786 from this one program. And bear in mind that when it comes to all of the affiliate programs that I’m currently promoting, I believe me and my team are promoting between 30 to 50 different products right now.

Passive Income Potential

I would say book bolt is one that we’re not putting a lot of effort into, but yet we’ve been able to make almost $1,000 in passive income by simply putting our affiliate link out there on the internet in a number of different ways. So the amount of money that you can make can definitely accumulate over time with all of these different digital systems as long as you remember the importance of publishing content.

Tools for Content Creation

Now just some quick advice when it comes to those of you that do want to start producing content ASAP, I would say some of the softwares that you should look to get is Final Cut Pro. This is what I personally use myself when it comes to editing videos. Of course I’ve got video editors now, but if I ever wanted to edit a video myself, this is the software that I would use. Invid is good when it comes to producing AI generated videos. So if you didn’t want to show your face, you didn’t want to write a script, you didn’t want to edit any video yourself, then using something like inv video AI will definitely take a lot of the work off your hands.

Step 5: Outsourcing and Automating

But once you officially start step one, step two, step three, step four, you’ve built up a nice steady river, you’ve started building up momentum, you understand exactly how things work, that’s the point where you’re now going to move over to step number five, which is outsourcing and automating. I would say that the best part about building a digital system just like this is that there’s so many different ways that you can outsource things to freelancers and you can also use the power of AI when it comes to automating certain parts of the process as well.

Building Passive Income Streams

As I mentioned at the start of this article, the reason why I’m able to travel the world to beautiful locations and still make money whilst doing so is because I understand how to build passive sources of income by automating and outsourcing by using resources that are available on the internet for every single one of us to use. And just to give you a quick visual representation of what I’m talking about, there’s these AI tools over here, these are some of the AI bots that I tend to use. You know, we’ve got ChatGPT of course, play.ht, we got WriteSonic and Google Gemini is another one that I use on a constant basis.

Hiring Freelancers and Contractors

And when it comes to hiring people, freelancers, contractors, employees to buy your time back, the way that I like to do that is by using sites like Upwork, Freelancer and Fiverr. And I don’t want to over complicate things, but the overall point of what I’m saying is that when it comes to building a system that makes you money, you also want to have the mindset of treating it like a real business. And with a real business comes employees, you know, people to help you when it comes to buying back your time so that you can now reinvest your time into activities that’s going to bring even more money.

Wrapping Up and Next Steps

So my main aim with this article was to clarify this blueprint over here as well as give you the steps that I wish someone told me from day one, because if I knew these steps it would have allowed me to make my first $10,000, $50,000, $100,000 in profit a lot sooner.

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