8 Mind blowing AI tools in 2024

Embracing AI for Future Success

Friends, if you don’t learn AI, if AI isn’t with you, then you’ll lag behind. This is very important, especially in the coming days, months & years. AI is going to be very important & it’s very important to learn it. If you haven’t seen our IBTR 2023, India’s Biggest Tech Roundtable where all the tech creators came, then do go & watch it. It’s 3 hours long, so bookmark it. Spotify has a podcast as well, you can listen to it anywhere. We discussed this there, all the tech creators had the same opinion. If AI isn’t with you, then you’ll lag behind. And that’s why I’m going to talk about AI in this article.

Essential AI Tools and Resources

These 6 websites & 2 apps that I’m going to talk about are very important. They’ll help you a lot in your life.

Norton Genie: Your Guardian Against Online Scams

Norton Genie, for example, has started getting scammed a lot. We always say in our videos that if you want to stay safe online, then don’t click on any unknown link because you don’t know. But now Norton Genie’s AI tool will tell you everything. Whenever you get a text, link or message & if you want to know if it’s a scam or real, then just go to Norton Genie & copy the text. It’ll tell you exactly if it’s a scam or not. It’s basically an app in Ireland, Australia, New Zealand & the UK. But here in India, there’s no such app. But you can go to that website, I’m giving you the link. Go to that website & copy & paste all your text, email messages. You’ll immediately know if you want to click on a link, if the message, email is real, fake or a scam. Everything will be clear.

Claudio AI: Simplifying Document Analysis

The 2nd AI tool is Claudio AI. And I’ll tell you what, it’s basically a very simple tool where you have to analyze any big document. It’s a PDF document of at least 50 pages. And you have to analyze it, know its overview & in seconds you’ll be able to do it. You can do all the other things with ChatGPT as well. But I think it has the latest data till 2022 or 2023. As I told you, you’ll have to take a subscription in ChatGPT 3.5. If you use normal ChatGPT for free, then it has data till 2020 or 2021. So with the latest data, if you want to ask a question, analyze or create something, then use Claudio.AI. It’s an excellent tool!

OnePlus AI Studio: Revolutionizing Music and Video Creation

OnePlus AI Studio. But this is OnePlus AI Studio. It literally gives you a music studio where you can create music. It not only creates music, it also creates videos. You just have to text, that I want this rap, I want this, I want this. And it’ll create music for you. Think about it, you can create music even if you don’t know music. And I was surprised that it really works well. And it also creates AI generated videos which will go along with your music. Excellent! OnePlus AI Studio, do try it!

Microsoft Designer: Unleashing Creativity with AI Image Generation

Now friends, if you want to generate new images, if you’re thinking in your imagination, you have to create an image in reality. You’ll be able to do it with Microsoft Designer. Oh my God, this is a very powerful image tool, seriously! There are many AI image generators, but this is for designers only. You’ll be able to make posters, illustrations, you’ll be able to make ad campaigns & artworks. There are limitless opportunities to create anything, if you want to create a creative image. The only limit is your imagination. And it’s free, completely free. It’s such a powerful tool that Microsoft is giving it free of cost. A lot of things are going to be free very soon. Whatever you want, you’ll get it like this. AI will do it for you.

GPT Zero: Distinguishing Human and AI Generated Content

A lot of times, people are creating videos, text, articles with AI. But if you want to differentiate whether the article is written by humans or AI, there’s a tool for that too. GPT Zero. Yes, whoever thinks it’s not written by humans or AI, go & add it there. It’ll give you a complete snapshot of the details. It’ll give you the probability that it’s written by AI, or it’s 100% probability, 60% probability. These sentences are written by AI & the rest are written by humans. And not only that, it’ll analyze the content you’ve given. You can add 5000 characters of text in it & it’ll analyze it. It’ll also tell you that humans write like this, if it’s written by AI, it’ll write like this. So you’ll easily know if it’s written by AI or humans. Very good! GPT Zero, if you want to cross check.

Extrapolate: Fun with Future Age Projections

Now let’s talk about something funny. Everyone is curious about how they’ll look after 5, 10, 20 years. Extrapolate. This extrapolates the age & shows you how you’ll look after 10, 15, 20, 25 years. And it also gives a gif for that. All you have to do is upload your recent photo & it’ll tell you how you’ll look after 5, 8, 10, 15, 20 years. I told you it’s a fun tool, right?

Your AI Assistants: Perplexity and Microsoft Copilot

I want to tell you about 2 apps & you have to carry these apps all the time.

Perplexity: Your Portable GPT 4 Assistant

1 is Perplexity, it’s a small 4.8MB app. But it’s powered by ChatGPT 4. So whatever you can do on ChatGPT, you can do it here too. And it’s free of cost & it gives you GPT 4. So it’s like your assistant.

Microsoft Copilot: Your Comprehensive AI Companion

And the same & more powerful than that is Microsoft Copilot. It’s 111MB & it’s big. But it has got everything! You can generate images with OpenAI. You can also ask questions to ChatGPT 4. And it has everything you need & it’s free of cost. It’s like your assistant, literally the best assistant you’ll have. And you don’t have to spend any money, it’s free of cost.

Conclusion: Embrace AI for a Better Future

Friends, we’ve tested all the tools I’ve shared with you. And I’ll tell you what, these 2 apps, Perplexity & Microsoft Copilot are on my phones too. And I literally use them. Life becomes very easy! Sometimes I seriously feel that I’m going to lose a lot of jobs. Time will tell what’s going to happen. Please don’t look at AI as an enemy. Look at it as a friend. If you make friends with AI, you’ll go far ahead! That’s for sure! That’s all for this article.

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