“5 Simple Ways to Earn Online: Perfect for Beginners (Up to $150 Daily)”

Long-Term Income Strategies for Online Beginners

So one of the biggest mistakes that I see so many beginners making when they first think about making money online is that they do something that’s only going to make them money maybe for around 3 months, 4 months, maybe 5 months, but in my opinion I would say that the best type of online business to start is one that you’re going to be able to continuously keep generating a source of income from 3 years, 4 years, even 10 years down the line. That’s the way that I built my online businesses anyway and even though I quit my job around 7, 8 years ago now I’ve still been able to live a life of pure financial freedom. Travel where I want, do what I want and still make money even when I’m on holiday, and in article what I want to do is take you guys through around three of the online businesses, side hustles, whatever you want to call them that have a low failure rate so that by the end of this video you’re going to have a better idea of exactly what’s worth putting your time into when it comes to building up your financial future.

Multi-Channel Evergreen E-Commerce Store

So jumping straight into one of the first low failure rate online businesses that I’m going to recommend which is to start a multi-channel evergreen e-commerce store and I know that this might sound like a little bit of a mouthful and it might be a little bit confusing but it’s actually quite simple. Literally what you’re going to do is build an e-commerce brand that sells the exact same products on multiple different channels and when I say multiple different channels I’m talking about multiple different platforms. Now the easiest ones to get started with is going to be things like eBay and Shopify. Amazon is also a great option too but eBay and Shopify were the two ones that I got started with and then I branched over to Amazon afterwards and the aim of the game is isn’t just a sale on these platforms but you want to make sure that you’re selling an evergreen product.

Evergreen Products for Long-Term Success

Now an evergreen product is an item that people are actively searching for every single day throughout the entire year so it’s not a trending product, it’s not a seasonal product, it’s a item that people are actively going onto the internet with their credit card in their hand wanting to buy it on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. If you’re able to build your e-commerce brand around these type of products then of course the likelihood of you failing and not being able to generate sales in the future is going to be extremely low and I know this firsthand because the exact same brand that I started around 7 years ago is the exact same brand that I’m still running till now. If I decided to sell a trending product that was doing well back then then I wouldn’t have the exact same business till today so that’s the reason why I always recommend people to put effort into looking for an evergreen item that you know people are going to want to buy over the foreseeable future and one of the other tricks that I want to share with you guys that I don’t really see that many people talking about on the internet when it comes to building up an Ecom store is that if you want to increase your chance of being successful it’s always good for you to spy on someone that’s selling items on the platforms that you want to sell on as well because if you’re able to see exactly how much money a particular Ecom brand is making every month by selling Evergreen products then of course if you replicate them when it comes to the products that they’re selling you’re going to be able to kind of increase your chances of knowing that your Ecom store is going to be able to generate sales as well.

Researching Successful E-Commerce Sellers

Now what I’ll do first and foremost is go over to the initial platform that I want to sell on and as an example I’m going to be using eBay and what I’ll do from here is just type in a random keyword that just came to my head which is dog and what I’ll do from this point is just scroll through and see if there’s a seller that isn’t only selling on eBay but they’re also selling on the other channels as well so if I just scroll down there’s this seller over here where I can see that they’re an eBay top rated seller. I can see that they have generated a decent amount of sales based on their feedback so if I just click into their listing and then come over to their store as we can see over here here they’ve sold over 300,000 items and they are obviously doing really well they’re selling all of these different pet related products which is definitely Evergreen products but of course just by looking at their store like this I’m not going to be able to know exactly how much money they’re bringing in so the tool that I would use for me to figure that out is called Zeke analytics so I’m going to leave a direct sign up link to Zeke analytics down below you’re going to be able to sign up for 7-Day trial and the reason why I recommend it is because not only are you going to be able to spy on how much money eBay sellers are making but you’re also going to be able to spy on how much money Shopify sellers are making as well so be sure to click the link in my description sign up for that trial and once you’ve signed up you’re then going to be able to log into your account and as you can see I’ve already done that this is the dashboard and what I’m going to do is quickly see exactly how much money this eBay seller is making so what I’m going to do is come over here to competitive research and then what I’m going to do is just copy their username just like this paste it in there just like that and then click on search and straight away as you guys can see within 1 second or so zek analytics has come back and we can see that this eBay store in the last 30 days has brought in over $110,000 they’ve sold over 694 individual products.

And if we just scroll down over here zek analytics is also going to be able to show us which items in their eBay store has sold the most because what you’re going to be able to do is sort it from highest to lowest just like this and instantly I now know that these dog leads are the highest performing product in the eBay store and bear in mind that the main point of what I’m showing you now is that you want to sell the exact same products on multiple different platforms and if I just stick with Zeke analytics I’m going to go over to the Shopify Marketplace and then I’m going to come over to the left hand side to where it says store sales tracker and on this page you’re going to be able to paste the URL for any Shopify store when it comes to spying on their sales and as you can see over here the eBay seller that I was able to find also has a Shopify stor as well where they’re selling the exact same products and what I’m going to be able to do is copy the link just like this paste the URL in there just like that and then click on search and right here as you can see on their Shopify store they were able to bring in basically $70,000 in the last 30 days and they were also able to generate more sales than their eBay store with over 1,115 so within about 5 or 7 minutes you saw me find an eBay store and a Shopify store and you also saw me find all of these different winning products that I’m going to be able to sell myself and I’m sure that you can see the power of building a multi-channel e-commerce store with one brand selling the exact same products because it’s going to allow you to build up multiple different streams of income and if you’re able to remember the importance of selling an evergreen item that you know people are going to be searching for over the next year, 2 years, 3 years this is going to help you when it comes to building an online business that has a low chance of failure but this now brings me on to the second side hustle that I want to discuss that I believe is going to be able to continuously keep generating you a source of income if you’re able to be consistent with it which is a informative online content business and again this also might sound a little bit confusing but it’s really simple because all it comes down to is you building a platform that’s going to provide informative content in the form of either video or written content and from that you’re going to be in a position where you’re going to be able to generate multiple different streams of income and I’m going to explain exactly how you can get started in detail in a moment but the reason why I believe this to be a low failure rate business is because you’re going to essentially use the number one platform in the entire world when it comes to getting started which is Google.

Starting an Informative Online Content Business

Google is the most visited website in the entire world and one of the best ways to build a informative content business is to start a blog. I’ve got a couple different blogs in a couple different niches that I’m currently operating and I like them for so many different reasons but the number one reason is that I’m going to be able to operate them anywhere around the world. Now if you’ve never seen a Blog before you don’t know what it looks like this is one of the ones that I tend to share on this channel it could be found at success with business.com. I’ve probably been running this website now for the past one year and I’ve already been able to generate thousands of dollars from it. It’s a very simple business model because all you literally need to do is post written articles on your website every so often I like to do it every couple days or so maybe four to five times a week and the more consistent that you are when it comes to publishing the articles in whatever Niche that you decide from there you’re going to be able to get various different articles ranked on Google and as I said there’s so many different ways that you’re going to be able to monetize from websites just like this you can earn advertising Revenue when it comes to things like Google AdSense you can also earn sponsorship Revenue affiliate links you can even sell the website if you’ve been able to build it up over a period of time but the main bit of advice that I want to give you when it comes to building up a website just like this is that you want to make sure that you’re focused on providing informative articles you know articles that people are actively searching for because if you’re able to do this this again is going to increase your chances of being successful when it comes to building up a Content driven business.

Free Masterclass for Content Business Success

Now if you wanted a little bit more information on how you can get started with the side hustle because I’m not going to be able to go through all of the steps in this article I’m going to leave a free masterclass link down below it should be the top Link in the description in that masterclass I’m going to share all of my secrets that I wish someone sat me down and told me when it came to building up content businesses just like this because it would have allowed me to go from zero to over $100,000 in profit a lot sooner so be sure to click the top link in the description but this now brings me on to the third long-term way of being able to generate money from the internet which is to offer an evergreen service so I’m a big believer in starting a service-based business especially if you’re someone that doesn’t have a big budget when it comes to making money online because when it comes to offering a service you don’t necessarily need to pay for any inventory or anything like that all you’re literally going to do is find someone that needs a service done and you’re going to be able to exchange your time for money and then eventually you’re going to be able to turn into a business once you’re able to reinvest and Outsource things to various different Freelancers and employees but the key thing that you need to remember when it comes to starting this type of business is that you want to offer a service that people need today tomorrow as well as next year 5 years 10 years down the line this is going to be things like starting a video editing business maybe even starting some sort of content writing business and in my opinion I would say even starting a website building business is also a great option as well the Internet isn’t going anywhere the internet is made up of websites new websites are being built every single day and the great thing about it is that you’re going to be able to use AI when it comes to helping you fulfill the service as well this is actually something.

I’ve personally been doing and it’s something that I teach on this channel and here’s a blueprint just to quickly demonstrate how it works so if you did want to start a website building service of course you can go over to sites like Fiverr upwork and find clients but there’s a better way to do it in my opinion which is the DTI method which is direct to inbox where you’re going to find the email addresses for businesses that are operating that do not have a website at the moment and then from there you’re going to be able to use AI when it comes to building the website for them so literally what you’re going to be able to do is go on to Google and use it when it comes to finding email addresses from there what you’re going to do is go over to chat GPT when it comes to sorting all of the data that you was able to get from there you’re going to download the file as a CSV once you’ve done that you’re going to purchase a custom email domain from somewhere like gold ady once you’ve done that you’re going to be able to connect your custom email domain to an email automation software so you don’t necessarily need to sit there sending out all of these different emails to all of these different local businesses and when it comes to actually building the websites for all of these different businesses that start getting back to you you can use something like hostinger AI website builder and then of course from there you’re going to be able to now receive the money into your PayPal account and your bank account this is just one of the many ways that you’re going to be able to start an evergreen service-based business.

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