4 Online Side Gigs That Pay $150 Daily

The 9-to-5 Grind

So for those of you that are working a full-time job, I know exactly how you feel having to wake up every single morning, go to a workplace, be surrounded by people that you don’t necessarily want to spend a day with, being told what to do, doing things that you don’t necessarily want to do. This was the life that I was living, you know, working a 9-to-5 job, not being able to travel where I want, not being able to have the freedom that I want. You know, even when it comes down to applying for a holiday, you have to request it from your manager, and that wasn’t the life that I wanted to live.

My Side Hustle Success Story

And that’s the reason why I personally started a side hustle back when I was working my 9-to-5 job, and that was one of the best decisions that I ever made because within a few months I was able to get that side hustle to the point of bringing in over $20-$30,000 per month, which of course allowed me to hand in my notice and eventually travel around the world to various different beautiful locations while still being able to earn money online, but most importantly buy my freedom back.

Five Side Hustles for Your Dream Life

So in today’s article, I want to go through five different side hustles that I believe will be perfect for anyone right now that might be working a part-time job, full-time job, and you eventually want to get it to the point where it’s bringing in a decent amount of income so that you’re going to be able to live the life of your dreams.

Amazon FBA: Your E-commerce Empire

So jumping straight into one of the first side hustles that I want to talk about, which is to start an Amazon FBA business. Now most of you that are watching this video probably shop on Amazon on a daily basis and you’ve also got dreams of wanting to start your own Amazon business. I’m not going to sit here and say that it’s completely easy to do, but as long as you’re aware of the right steps that goes into it, you’re going to be able to give yourself a higher chance of being successful.

Understanding Amazon FBA

Now for those of you that are wondering, “But Sam, what exactly does FBA stand for? What does it mean and how exactly am I going to be able to make money from it?” Well, it’s really simple. FBA stands for fulfilled by Amazon, and all this means is you’re going to find products that are definitely selling well, you’re then going to find a supplier that’s going to be able to sell you those products in bulk, and then from there you’re going to now ship those products to an Amazon warehouse where whenever you make a sale, Amazon are going to pick, pack and ship out the order on your behalf.

Getting Started with Amazon FBA

Again, there’s certain steps that goes into this, but I just want to show you some of the initial things that you need to be aware of if you’re thinking about starting the Amazon FBA side hustle so that you can start earning money from the number one e-commerce platform in the entire world.

Finding Profitable Products with Helium 10

So first things first, what you need to do before you think about opening up any Amazon seller account is you need to find an item that you’ve got a high chance of being able to sell it and you also know that people are spending money on that product as well. And the best way that you can do that is by using a tool called Helium 10. I’m going to leave a direct sign up link, there may be a trial link or a discounted link in my description down below, but I’ve just logged into my Helium 10 account and what you’re going to do once you create your account is come over here to tools, then you’re going to come over to to the product research section and click on blackbox.

Using Helium 10’s Product Research Tools

And once you get to this page, all you need to do is answer these questions for Helium 10 to find you some suitable products that meet your criteria. So in this case I’m going to leave it on amazon.com, but you might want to change it to whatever domain that you’re going to sell on. From here you’re going to select a category. Now you can select any category that you’re passionate about that you believe you’re going to be able to sell the products to the best of your ability, but I’m just going to click on pet supplies.

Setting Product Criteria in Helium 10

From here I’m going to select the improvement range to be a lot. This means that it’s going to show you listings that haven’t been listed in the best possible way so that you’re going to be able to compete with listings that are currently generating sales. And once you’ve selected this one, you’re going to say that you want the competition range to be low. For the price range of the product, select between $30 to $100, and you also want to make sure that the product that you find is bringing in over $10,000 per month. All that’s all you got to do and just click on search.

Analyzing Product Results

From this point, Helium 10 is now going to come back with all of these different items that meet this criteria, but from here what you want to do is sort the monthly revenue from highest to lowest. And if I just scroll down slightly, there’s this product over here that brought in over $45,000 in the last month. This is what the item looks like.

Researching Product Demand on Amazon

So what you can do from this point is copy the keyword of the product just like this, come over to the Amazon homepage, paste the name of the product in there just like that, and instantly it’s going to come back with all of these different results. And straight away I can see that there’s a high chance that we’re going to be able to sell this product ourselves because some of these listings on the first page only have two reviews, this one over here has one review. That shows me that the competition is really, really low.

Using Helium 10’s Chrome Extension

But what you want to do is click on the Helium 10 Google Chrome extension tool, and the reason why this tool is really useful is because it’s going to be able to show you how much money was spent on this particular product. So customers spent over $1.7 million on this item, which shows that there’s a lot of interest when it comes to this particular product, which means that there’s a high chance you’re going to be able to sell it.

Analyzing Competitor Listings

But what you also want to do from here is sort the review count for all of these listings from lowest to highest, and as you guys can see, there’s listings over here with only 19 reviews that have been able to bring in over $29,000. And what’s even more interesting is that this product is being sold for $32, however if we go over to alibaba.com, which is where you’re going to find your supplier, the item is available to buy for around $5.75.

A Word of Caution on Product Selection

And just for the record, I’m not necessarily saying that you should sell this product, but I’m just trying to point out the key things that you need to be aware of when it comes to picking whatever item that you want to sell if you’re considering to do Amazon FBA. So again, there is a lot more that goes into this side hustle. I just wanted to give you the basics, but I’ve got another video coming out real soon, so make sure that you subscribe, hit the bell notification so that you don’t miss that full step-by-step video.

TikTok Dropshipping: A Low-Cost Side Hustle

But swiftly moving on to the next side hustle that I want to share with you guys for those of you that don’t necessarily want to spend any money on any inventory, which is TikTok Drop Shipping. Now this is definitely a really easy side hustle to start because the way that it works is you’re going to find a product that’s selling well once again, but you’re not going to have to ship out the products as I’ve already said. You’re going to find a Drop Shipping supplier that’s going to make sure that all of your products are sent out.

How TikTok Dropshipping Works

So it’s only at the point that you make a sale, that’s when you’re going to buy the product from your Drop Shipping supplier, and you’re essentially going to use TikTok when it comes to posting short form videos about the product, which makes things really easy because you’re going to be able to get your Drop Shipping Store set up for next to no money, also going to be able to sign up to TikTok for free as well. So I would definitely classify this side hustle as a low-cost one for those of you that may not even have a big budget.

Analyzing TikTok Dropshipping Success

But let me quickly show you exactly how it works. So as you can see with this person on TikTok, they’re posting all of these different short form videos in relation to these different products that they’re selling. Now not every single TikTok is going to do well, as you can see some of them only get 400 views, some of them get less than that, but because they’re consistent when it comes to posting all of these different videos, some of their videos got over 70,000 views and this one got over 8.3 million views.

Exploring a Successful Dropshipping Store

And if I just go to the link in their bio and click into it, it’s going to take me to a very simple Shopify store that any of you are going to be able to build. They’ve got these two products available in their store, and of course me showing you this store like this doesn’t really mean that they’re making any money. And if you want to figure out if someone on TikTok is making money with their Drop Shipping Store, the tool that you’re going to use for this is called Zik Analytics.

Using Zik Analytics for Dropshipping Research

Zik Analytics has recently released a revolutionary feature that is definitely going to help you when it comes to starting TikTok Drop Shipping because as you can see over here in my Zik Analytics account, all you’re going to need to do is paste the URL for any Shopify store into the section over here and they’re going to be able to show you so much information.

Analyzing Store Performance with Zik Analytics

So if I just go back over to this store, copy the URL, head back over to Zik Analytics, paste it in there just like that, remove all of this and just leave the URL and then click on search. Straight away Zik Analytics is going to come back with all of this data, for example how many sales they made, how many products they’ve got listed, when did they start their store, and most importantly how much money they brought in in the last 30 days.

Impressive Dropshipping Results

So as you can see with this store, they brought in over $144,000 by simply Drop Shipping this product and posting videos about it on TikTok. And building a Drop Shipping Store isn’t even difficult to do in the times that we’re living in right now because as you can see over here, if you use the link in my description, you’re going to be able to get a free AI built Shopify store up and running in less than 2 minutes.

Creating an AI-Built Shopify Store

It’s going to come with a fully optimized store loaded with winning products, all of the pages, everything is going to be done. So just simply click on build my free store, follow through with the entire process. There’s certain things that you’re going to need to do, certain options that you need to select, but as long as you’ve gone through the entire application, the entire process, instantly you’re going to be able to get access to your fully built Drop Shipping Store.

Combining Tools for Dropshipping Success

So using something like this in combination with Zik Analytics when it comes to finding all of these sellers that are bringing in decent amounts of money from products that you’re going to be able to sell yourself, this has to be one of the best side hustles out there for beginners because even when it comes to finding suppliers on all of these different winning drop shipping stores, you’re going to be able to use Zik Analytics by clicking on this icon over here.

Finding Profitable Products on AliExpress

And from here it’s going to show you all of the similar products that are available on AliExpress. So I’m just going to click into a random one. Okay perfect, so it’s taken me directly to the product page on AliExpress and it’s being sold for $3.59, however on the Drop Shipping Store they’re selling it for over $119. So the amount of profit that this store is making is definitely ridiculous.

Zik Analytics Trial Offer

And if you also wanted to spy on various different Shopify sellers, be sure to click the 7-Day trial link to Zik Analytics. It’s going to be in my description down below. But moving on to the next side hustle that I’m going to talk about, which is to start an affiliate income website. Now this is definitely an easy side hustle to do alongside a full-time job because when it comes to building an affiliate income website, all you’re going to do is have your website, you’re going to post articles on it, and the way that you’re going to generate an income from the website is through affiliate income, which means that you don’t even have to own any products, you’re not responsible for shipping out any products, you’re not even responsible for any customer service or anything like that.

Building Traffic for Affiliate Income

Your only job is to try and get as much traffic going onto your website as possible because if you’re able to build up the traffic, as a result you’re also going to build up your revenues and profits. And of course I’m going to show you what you need to know when it comes to getting started. Now when it comes to finding affiliate products that you can put on your website, you can go onto a network like impact.com. It’s free for you to sign up. All you need to do is create your account and once you’ve done that, this is what the interface is going to look like.

Exploring Affiliate Networks

And on impact.com, they’ve got so many different companies, some of them are companies that you probably heard of, other ones maybe you haven’t heard of, but they’ve got hundreds and I believe thousands of different companies that you can sign up to. Now one trick that I want to share with you when it comes to increasing your chances of being able to earn affiliate income from your newly built website is to find a product that people are actively searching for on the internet because as you can see over here we’ve got Upwork.

Using Google Trends for Product Research

I’m sure that you probably heard of it, you probably use it yourself, maybe you have, maybe you haven’t, but when it comes to making sure that people are actively searching for this product or this service, what you can do is use Google Trends. So I’ve already typed in Upwork over there and as you can see, ever since 2015 more and more people have been going onto Google to search for Upwork or information about it, and right now we’re at an all-time high.

Creating an Affiliate Website

So I may want to sign up to Upwork, get my affiliate link and put it on one of my websites, which could be found at successful-bus.com. This is a website that is all about helping people become successful with an online business so that they can make money, and me and my team are publishing articles on this website on a daily basis. It’s a really easy side hustle to run and there’s two main ways that you can produce these articles on your site.

Content Creation Options for Your Website

You can either do it yourself, you can write all of the articles from start to finish, or what you can do is use AI to assist you. Now I wouldn’t say that you should just copy and paste an article from AI, you want to switch things up, but when you do build your website, which you can do using something like Hostinger, they’ve got so many different tools that you can use when it comes to getting your website up and running.

Using Hostinger for Website Creation

So I’m going to link them down below, but once you have built your website using Hostinger, you’re going to be able to create all of your articles using AI from within your Hostinger account. So for example, if I wanted to publish a brand new article on my website and I wanted it to be about Upwork, I can type in a prompt like this: “Write an article for a beginner that is searching for steps on how to use Upwork to help them with their online business. Be sure to put a CTA (call to action) for someone looking to sign up to Upwork.”

Generating Content with AI

I’m going to make it so that the content length is medium in this case. You can do it long, but I just want it to be really quick. Tone of voice, I’m going to say that I want it to be neutral, and then all you need to do is simply click on create content. And literally within 15 seconds or so, as you can see, it’s now come back with this fully written article that I’m going to be able to publish directly onto my website straight away.

The Power of Consistent Content Creation

And that’s literally all it comes down to, just putting in a prompt, producing an article, making sure that you’ve put some sort of affiliate product in the article and repeating that process over and over again. But this now brings me on to the fourth and final side hustle that I want to talk about, which is to start a DTI service business. And before you click off this video, that might sound a little bit confusing, but it’s really, really easy.

Introducing DTI: Direct to Inbox Service Business

Now DTI stands for direct to inbox, and what this means is you’re going to find someone out there, a local business, an individual that needs a service done, and instead of you signing up to a freelance website like Fiverr or even Upwork, what you’re going to do is go directly into the inbox, use AI to write a professional email, offer a service and try and build up as many clients as possible.

The Benefits of a DTI Service Business

And the best thing about starting this particular side hustle is that it’s a low-cost one and it’s also really easy to do if the service that you’re completing, you’re going to be able to use AI to assist you. And this is something that I’ve been talking about a lot on this channel recently, which is using AI when it comes to building up a list of different emails and then using AI when it comes to reaching out to those businesses and ultimately using AI to complete the service.

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