4 Lucrative Work-From-Home Gigs for 2024-Earn $90 an Hour

The DTI Method: A Beginner’s Gateway to Online Earnings

Now there’s so many different ways that a beginner can make money online, but in my personal opinion one of the easiest options out there is to start some sort of a work from home job using the DTI method. DTI for anyone out there that’s never heard of this stands for Direct To Inbox, and what this means is that instead of you going onto a freelancer website like Upwork.com or Fiverr, instead what you’re going to do is use the internet when it comes to finding an email address for someone that needs a particular service done. It’s going to be your job to now build up those email addresses and contact them for you to offer your services when it comes to being able to help them fulfill that service so that of course you can earn a source of income online.

Unleashing the Power of Direct Contact

The reason why the DTI method is so powerful is because instead of you going over to all of these different freelance websites, you’re going to be able to go directly to the person that needs a service done, offer the service in a professional way. You’re not going to have to compete with so many different people and it’s going to be a great way for you to increase your chances of being able to quickly earn some sort of money online. In this video what I want to do is go through five maybe six of the best online jobs that I would recommend that you think about starting using the DTI method, and I’m also going to show you exactly how you can find the email addresses for the person that you’re going to contact.

A Golden Opportunity: Building Websites for eBay Sellers

So make sure that you stick around for this entire video from start to finish because you might learn something that’s going to change your financial situation. But jumping straight into one of the first online jobs that I’m going to talk about, which is to build websites for eBay sellers that don’t have a website up and running. Now when it comes to eBay sellers most people believe that it’s a dead platform, there’s no one making money when that isn’t true. There’s hundreds of thousands of different sellers that are still making a lot of money till now, but what’s interesting about so many of these different sellers is that they’re just selling on eBay and they don’t have their own website.

Targeting eBay Sellers: Finding Your Potential Clients

This could be due to so many different reasons but it’s mainly due to the fact that they don’t have the time when it comes to building a website or they don’t know how to do it. This is where you’re going to be able to come in because you’re going to be able to offer them the service to build them an e-commerce website. The best part about it is that you don’t even have to build the site yourself, but I’m going to touch on that in a moment. But first things first what I want to do is show you how you can find the email address for these different eBay sellers.

Step-by-Step Guide: Locating eBay Seller Email Addresses

Now if I just jump onto ebay.co.uk what you’re going to do is just type in any random product so I’m just going to type in dog bed just like that and what you’re going to need to do from this point is Click into each of these different listings. Now bear in mind that not every single eBay seller is going to have their email address listed, but the way you’re going to be able to find it out is by clicking into their profile so I’m just going to click into this one over here. So let’s click into it just like that then what you need to do once you’re on the eBay listing is scroll down over here and it should say show contact information. Once you click on this you’re going to see their email address listed.

Identifying Potential Clients: The Gmail Clue

So this eBay seller has sold over 18,000 individual products but they still don’t have a website and the reason why I’m able to know that is because they’re still using at gmail. If they purchased a website domain they would probably be using it when it comes to having a personalized email, so that’s an indication that they don’t have a website and that’s where you’re going to be able to come in once again. Because what you’re going to have to do is reach out to them, email them in a professional way you know reach out to multiple different eBay sellers. Some may get back to you some may not get back to you and for the ones that do get back to you the way that you can build their website if you’ve never built an Ecom store before is by using this AI store Builder.

Leveraging AI for Website Building

Now I’m going to link it down below it’s completely free you’re going to be able to use it when it comes to building all of these different websites for all of these different eBay sellers. It’s not difficult to use, it’s going to be able to get the store optimized get everything up and running and there’s even way that you can copy and paste all of the products from the eBay seller store directly onto the Shopify store. And because I don’t want this video to be too long I’m going to move over to the next online work from home job, but if you wanted me to make a detailed step-by-step video showing you everything that goes into this from writing the emails structuring them sending the emails out in an automated way and everything that goes into collecting payment as well as building the website in detail then put in the comments down below “do the eBay seller website video” and I’ll get onto that ASAP.

YouTube Video Editing: A Lucrative Online Job Opportunity

But moving on to the next work from home job that I want to talk about that’ll be perfect when it comes to the DTI method which is to become a YouTube video editor and thumbnail maker. Now if you’re able to learn the skill of video editing you’re going to be in a great position when it comes to earning money from the comfort of your own home or anywhere around the world because there’s hundred hundreds of thousands of different YouTubers out there and a lot of them don’t have editors and they’re probably editing their videos themselves. But if you’re able to construct a really good email send it to them explain why you believe you’re going to be a great editor and you feel like you’re going to work well with them there’s a high chance that they’re going to open up your email and respond back to you.

The Demand for YouTube Editors: A Market Gap

And the reason for this is because when it comes to juggling everything that goes into a YouTube channel it could be a little bit of a headache and I know for a fact that there’s so many different YouTubers out there that are waiting for you to send them an email. Now when it comes to finding a YouTuber’s email address for those of you that don’t know it’s really easy what you’re going to do is just open up YouTube just like this and then all you got to do is just type in a YouTuber’s name you could type in any keyword just find any channel ideally you want to find a channel that is between I don’t know 100,000 subscribers. And then from here you can type in a specific YouTuber that you want to work with or what you can do is just type in a random keyword doesn’t really matter but you’re just going to find a YouTube channel there’s no real criteria when it comes to the type of YouTube channel that you should contact.

Targeting the Right YouTubers: Size Matters

I would say maybe to stay away from channels that have over a million subscribers reason being is because they probably got a big team of editors already so maybe 500,000 subscribers and Below but in saying that there’s probably Channels with a lot more subscribers that still need editors so it might be worth your while to just reach out to as many channels as possible. But to show you exactly how you’re going to find the email address I’m just going to type in Ali Abdaal just like that search for his channel click into his profile then what you’re going to do is click on more over here scroll down and it’s going to ask you to sign in if you want to see the email address and as you can see I’ve just logged in and it’s showing me his email address.

Building Your YouTuber Contact List

And I’m going to do the exact same thing for as many YouTube channels as possible build up a list of 1,000 2,000 10,000 different YouTubers that I’m going to contact when it comes to either doing video editing thumbnail making or whatever other service that a YouTube channel needs. But swiftly moving on to the next work from home job that I want to talk about which is to become a article writer and email writer for successful Shopify sellers. Now there’s so many different Shopify website owners out there that maybe have an email list that they’re building up but they’re not really active when it comes to sending out emails which is really really important when it comes to growing an e-commerce business.

Content Creation for Shopify Sellers: A Niche Opportunity

This might be due to the fact that that they’re really busy and they just don’t have the time when it comes to constructing emails and sending them out and the same thing goes with writing articles and Publishing them on their Shopify store. This is also important but it takes up so much time and I know for a fact as a Shopify seller myself that if someone reaches out to all of these different business owners that I’m talking about again in a professional way then they’re most likely going to take your email serious as long as you’re able to express why you’re the best person to do the job. Now when it comes to finding emails for all of these different successful Shopify sellers I would say that the best way to do it is by using this tool over here called Zeke analytics.

Zeke Analytics: Your Gateway to Successful Shopify Sellers

Now Zeke analytics is mainly used when it comes to people that are looking to build e-commerce businesses themselves but they’ve got this useful spy tool that you’re going to be able to see exactly how much money Shopify sellers are making. So essentially you’re going to be able to use Zeke analytics as a directory when it comes to getting email addes for successful Shopify sellers that are bringing in thousands of dollars every single week. So what you can do is click the link in my description down below sign up to a 7-Day trial once you log into your account what you’re going to need to do first and foremost is come to the leftand side click on storefinder then click on search. It’s then going to show you all of these different Shopify stores and you’re also going to be able to see the money that they’re bringing in as you can see this store brought in over 400,000 500,000 91,000 so on and so forth but the one that I’m going to click into let me just click into a random one let’s click into this one that generated over $400,000.

Identifying Content Gaps in Shopify Stores

Okay so this is their store as you can see now when it comes to knowing if they need articles written straight away I can tell that this one might be up for it because they don’t even have any blogs that are being published. If I was to click on find and then search for blog as you can see nothing comes up so they’re not even utilizing blogs which again is really really important to do as a website owner it’s going to help you when it comes to getting ranked on Google is going to help you when it comes to generating sales. So it’s something that they’ll definitely be interested in if you’re able to approach them in a professional way and they’ve also got an email newsletter by the looks of it let me check yep as you can see there’s this popup that just came up that’s asking for my email address which means that they’re building up an email list.

Reaching Out to Shopify Store Owners

So this is a strong indication that you can also reach out to them and ask them if they need a new email marketer and it goes about saying that when it comes to finding their email address it’s not difficult to do as you can see they’ve got it listed right here on their homepage. So you’re going to do the exact same thing on zek analytics you’re going to go through all of these different Shopify stores build up all of their different emails and send them an email one by one. But this now brings me on to one of the final work from home jobs that I want to talk about that you’re going to be able to use DTI with which is to find local small businesses big businesses doesn’t really matter but you’re just going to find businesses that are opened and operating but they don’t have a website up and running.

Google Maps: A Tool for Finding Local Business Opportunities

So this is similar to what I showed you earlier with the eBay sellers but instead in this case what you’re going to do is go over to Google Maps and you’re going to search for a particular type of business in a specific location. So let me just search for barber in kent so Kent is a city town in the United Kingdom and the way that you’re going to be able to figure out which ones have a website and which ones don’t is by clicking into them as you can see if I click into this one they have a website as you can see it’s listed right there this one also has a website as well but you’re going to come across ones like this that do not have a website and there’s a specific way that you’re going to be able to find that email address for you to contact them.

AI-Powered Website Building for Local Businesses

And again you don’t even need to build the website yourself from scratch there’s another AI tool that you’re going to be able to use when it comes to building websites for businesses like barber shops mechanics or any other type of local business and as I said before I don’t want this video to be too long. So if you want to watch a recent YouTube video that I made not too long ago where I walk you through the entire process of how to use Google Maps how to use Google when it comes to finding email addresses how to use AI when it comes to building the website and just everything that goes into the process then click the link over there I’ve gotten so much good feedback from that article people seem to really like it and they’ve already started benefiting from it so make sure you check it out straight after this article.


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