4 Beginner-Friendly Online Moneymakers for 2024 -Cash In From Your Couch

Making Money Online: Smart vs. Dumb Options

So when it comes to making money online, I believe that there’s dumb options out there that’s ultimately going to waste your time, energy, and money, but on the flip side, I also think that there’s smart options that if you’re able to execute them effectively, not only are you going to be in a position where you’re making money today, but you’re going to be in a position where you’re going to be able to earn money tomorrow as well as far into the future.

Four Smart Ways for Beginners to Make Money Online

So that’s the reason why I decided to make this article today where I’m going to show you guys four of the smartest ways that I believe that any beginner out there should consider to venture into when it comes to building an online business and just generally earning money online. The four methods that I’m going to talk about in today’s article, I’m personally doing them myself, that’s the reason why I know that they work, that’s the reason why I’m sharing them with you, so just make sure that you stick around for this entire article from start to finish because you’re definitely going to learn something that’s going to change your financial situation.

E-commerce: A Smart Way to Make Money Online

So jumping straight into one of the first smartest ways of being able to make money on online, which is with e-commerce. Now I’m sure by now most of you know exactly what e-commerce is, it’s simply the process of selling products to people that want to buy those products on the internet. There’s a number of different ways that you can do it, some ways are harder than others, and I’m going to touch on that in a moment, but the reason why I like e-commerce isn’t only because it was the first online business model that enabled me to quit my 9 to 5 job maybe 8 years ago now, but I’m also a big believer in e-commerce businesses because they’re easy to scale, they’re easy to start, and just generally when it comes to making money from them, if you set things up right, you’re going to be able to make money from them on a day-to-day basis.

The Future of E-commerce Sales

And as I already mentioned earlier with the four different methods that I’m going to talk about including e-commerce, it’s not that it’s performing well today that’s the reason why I’m sharing it with you, I believe that it’s going to perform well far into the future because as you can see on this website over here from Statista, if I said that right, this is one of the biggest websites when it comes to data and you know analyzing trends. With the chart on the screen right now, this is for the retail e-commerce sales worldwide from 2014 and the estimated sales in e-commerce up to 2027. Just instantly by looking at the chart, you can see that these sales when it comes to people spending money on the internet on products has risen year after year after year and it’s only set to continue rising up until 2027.

Different Ways to Start an E-commerce Store

So this creates a great opportunity for those of you that want to sell products that you’re passionate about as well as building a brand that you’re passionate about in the process as well because with the times that we’re living in right now, there’s a number of different ways that you can start an Ecom store. Now of course you can go down the route of selling on a Marketplace e.g. eBay and Amazon, those are definitely great options because the customers are already there so all you need to do is list your products and as long as you list it right then there’s a high chance that you’re going to be able to start generating sales, but another option that I would personally take right now if I was looking to set up a brand new Ecom store and a brand new Ecom brand is to maybe build a Shopify website.

Setting Up an E-commerce Store with AI

I found it to be super helpful when it comes to being able to get a store set up for me to be able to test products really really quick because literally all you got to do is click on build my free store over here, fill out your name, email address, and password, and then it’s going to be a case of selecting whatever Niche you want the store to be centered around and then of course you do need to follow through with the rest of the steps when it comes to answering all of the questions. You’re also going to need to make sure that you sign up for a Shopify trial, all of this can be done from within the AI store Builder, but as long as you made sure to follow the steps accurately, it’s not going to take any more than 5 minutes, you’re going to see that you’ve got a fully built store that you’re going to be able to start selling from straight away.

E-commerce: A Smart Way to Make Money Online

And of course I just quickly went through this just to show you how easy it can be when it comes to setting up an e-commerce business. If you wanted a little bit more information on this then I’m going to link a completely free course down below, it should be the first link in the description, but whatever way that you decide to start your e-commerce business, I truly believe it to be one of the smartest ways of making money online today as well as tomorrow as well.

Building a Personal Brand

But moving on to the second smartest way of earning money online which is with a personal brand. Now a personal brand is something that I don’t really see that many people talking about on the internet and many of you might not even know exactly what it is and for those of you that don’t know what it is, it’s basically what I’m doing right now as I film this video and as I publish it on YouTube. I’m able to build up my personal brand which is Success With Sam and this isn’t the only personal brand that I’m building up at the moment.

Benefits of Building a Personal Brand

The benefit of building up a personal brand is that you’re going to be able to build up multiple different brands in multiple different niches but if we just stick with this one right now, Success With Sam, most people ask me why exactly do I put so much effort into building up my personal brand when I’ve got so many different online businesses that I’m running and there’s so many different reasons, there’s so many different benefits. Of course there’s the monetization side of it, I’m able to generate various different streams of Revenue, but besides all of that, the Partnerships, the business partners, the friendships that I’ve been able to get from putting out content just like this has been really valuable.

Networking Through Personal Branding

I’ve been able to build friendships with multi-millionaires, people that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars simply because of the videos that I’m putting out and of course from these friendships I’ve been able to learn various different things that’s allowed me to take my online businesses even further. So that’s one of the main reasons why I’d recommend anyone out there to build a personal brand because you’re going to be able to put your personality out there, you’re going to be able to put your interest, your values, your morals, whatever it is and if you’re able to be consistent with that again, you’re going to be able to get a lot of Revenue coming your way if you’re able to do things right but you’re also able to get a lot of friendships and business Partnerships coming your way as well.

Different Ways to Build a Personal Brand

And similar to what I said before when it comes to starting an e-commerce business, there’s multiple different ways that you can start a personal brand. You don’t necessarily need to start a YouTube channel, of course that’s my recommended way, but we’ve got other social media platforms out there, there’s people that have hundreds of thousands of followers on TikTok, Instagram and they never even uploaded a YouTube video so it really just depends on what method is suitable for you, how you want to do it, but from my own personal opinion I don’t see any negative in building up a personal brand and putting video content out there on the internet for people to see because all you’re going to be able to do from that is attract like-minded people.

Leveraging Your Personal Brand

For example right now if I wanted to start a brand new e-commerce business selling a particular product that I may even be working on, I’m going to be able to use my personal brand to promote that business, I’m going to be able to get instant traffic going towards it so again there’s no real negative when it comes to putting your time and energy into building up a personal brand because it’s something that is always going to be with you, it’s something that’s always going to follow you and it’s something that you’re always going to be able to benefit from in one way shape or form.

Taking the First Step in Personal Branding

But my advice to anyone out there that wants a start but is on the fence is to just do it and take the first step, isn’t going to be easy but when you take that first step and publish that first bit of content, content from there it’s going to be much easier. It took about 2 years for me to take the first step and upload my first bit of content and since then I’ve uploaded over 1,200 full length videos on the internet and I’m still consistent and still going, but swiftly moving on to the third smartest way of making money online that I would recommend everyone to educate themselves on ASAP which is to start investment portfolios.

Building Investment Portfolios

So building up investment portfolios is definitely a long-term strategy when it comes to Building Wealth instead of wasting your money on useless things that isn’t going to bring you money into the future. I would recommend investing your money in specific assets so that you know a year from now, 2 years from now, 5 years from now, you’re going to be able to benefit from all of the profits and all of the dividends over that time. So I’ve currently got maybe three to four different investment portfolios that I’m building up and the main way that I like to invest is with something called Index Fund investing.

Index Fund Investing

I truly believe this to be one of the smartest ways to build up an Investment Portfolio because instead of you putting your money into an individual company and now you’re going to have to monitor what that company does, the financials, the balance sheet, the profit and loss statements, earning reports and things like that, instead of you having to do all of that work, when you do index fund investing instead all you’re going to do is buy into an index fund and you’re not going to have to really monitor anything, you’re going to be able to somewhat earn a passive source of income because the fund is going to do all of the work for you essentially.

S&P 500 as an Example

And to give you an example of what I’m talking about, a popular Index Fund out there you probably heard of it is the S&P 500, it’s made up of the top 500 maybe 56 different companies in the United States and even if one of the companies, two of the companies in the S&P 500 go bankrupt, they don’t do well whatever it is then they’re going to get automatically removed and replaced with a different company so there’s not really that much work on your part and I’m not saying that everything is always going to be perfect and everything is always going to be roses because even as I’m recording this right now many of my investment portfolios are down from crypto to stocks to index funds whatever it is but because I’ve got a long-term mindset when it comes to all of the Investments that are made, I’m not emotional, I’m not worried, all I’m going to do is continue to dollar cost average into them because my aim is to be able to benefit from them far into the future and that’s something that I would advise that you do as well but I’ve been considering to make full length videos when it comes to how you can build up an Investment Portfolio so if you wanted me to make a detailed video on this topic then put in the comments down below “do the Investment Portfolio video” and I’ll get on to a ASAP but moving on to the fourth and final smartest way of being able to make money online which is to become an affiliate.

Becoming an Affiliate

So what exactly does it mean to become an affiliate? So essentially what this means is you’re going to become an affiliate for a company or a product that already exists and the reason why I believe it to be a smart way of being able to make money online is because you’re not responsible for building a product, you’re not responsible for building a service, your only job is going to be to promote it and you’re going to be able to earn a portion of the revenue also known as an affiliate commission. This is a method of making money online that I wasn’t familiar with maybe 6, 7 years ago, I was always confused about it but I found it to be one of the easiest and simplistic ways of being able to start an online business.

Benefits of Affiliate Marketing

As I already said, you’re not responsible for building a product, investing into it, buying inventory or anything like that, your only job is going to be to drive traffic to your affiliate links. It’s a great way to earn a passive source of income, it’s a great way for you to build a long-term business because even if you’re promoting a particular product or company and something changes, maybe they change the structure of the payout, maybe they don’t even operate anymore, you’re going to be able to easily switch that product with a different one and just generally speaking you’re not limited when it comes to the amount of products that you can promote because right now I’m an affiliate for maybe 30, 40, 50 different companies right now as we speak.


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