I’m a big believer in using AI when it comes to making money online because I personally use it every single day with my online businesses and AI helps me when it comes to traveling around the world to various different amazing locations while still being able to earn a passive income from all of my different online businesses so stick around for this entire article from start to finish because you might just learn something that’s going to change your financial situation.

Now it’s actually quite simple, when people say AI bot or AI technology that could be a little bit intimidating especially when you’re new to this entire concept. All ChatGPT is is something that you’re going to be able to sign up to and you’re going to be able to have a conversation with it and it’s going to be able to give you a rapid response answer back within a few seconds.

How ChatGPT Works

So essentially ChatGPT is scanning the internet for a response for your question or whatever prompt that you typed in and the reason why this is so powerful is because you can use it when it comes to getting answers, you can use it when it comes to completing certain tasks and there’s ways that you can use it when it comes to to making money and of course I’m going to show you three different ways in this video. Now first things first when it comes to signing up for a ChatGPT account what you need to do is head over to open.com. OpenAI is the company that built ChatGPT so it’s one of their products so what you need to do is just come over to products just like this, you’re then going to see ChatGPT over here so what you need to do is just come over to pricing and as you can see over here GPT 4.0 is free for you to use, you don’t need to pay anything for you to create an account, all you need to do is just click on start now and follow through with the application and once you’ve logged in this is going to be the next page that you’re going to see.

Using ChatGPT for Product Research

So it’s a clean interface and the main thing that you’re going to focus on is this message box over here, this is where you’re going to type all of your prompts but this now brings me on to one of the first ways that you can use ChatGPT to assist you when it comes to making money online which is to help you find a winning product to sale if you’re thinking about building some sort of a Drop Shipping Store and it’s not only limited to helping you find winning products for a Drop Shipping Store just e-commerce in general but I’m going to walk you through it now. What you’re going to be able to do is enter a prompt something along the lines of this, I’m going to say that I want to sell products online can you tell me 10 winning products that meet this criteria: number one is that it needs to sell all year round, number two is that it can’t be competitive, number three people are always searching for it, number four it needs to be small and lightweight and number five it sells between $30 to around $100, this is a decent price point but once once you’ve typed in something along the lines of this what you need to do is just click on send and instantly as you can see it’s now come back with all of these 10 different products that I wouldn’t have been able to think of myself if I didn’t use something like ChatGPT you know products like travel sized humidifiers, LED therapy mask, portable massage guns, you know some of these products maybe I would have thought of them maybe I might have seen them but it’s just a useful tool when it comes to sparking some ideas.

So let’s use mini projectors as an example in this case and the tool that I’m going to use when it comes to double-checking if the item is selling well and how much money people are making from selling it is Zik analytics. Now Zik analytics is useful when it comes to doing eBay Drop Shipping, Shopify Drop Shipping or just doing e-commerce in general but if I wanted to spy on how much money a particular Shopify Drop Shipping Store was making from this product I’m going to be able to click on the left hand side on the product Explorer, paste the keyword of the product in there just like that, you can select any one of these different filters you know drop shipping stores, one product stores, print on demand you know what type of ads is the store running, what country is the store base language you know all of these different filters but I’m just going to type the item in there just like that and then click on search.

Analyzing Store Revenue

Then what I’m going to do is just sort the revenue from highest to to lowest by clicking on this column over here. Okay perfect so Zik analytics has now come back with all of these different Shopify drop shipping stores that are selling all of these different products and the reason why using something like Zik analytics is powerful in combination with ChatGPT is because there’s this store over here that’s selling this particular projector and I can see that they’ve made over $3,000 in the last 30 days by selling this product but if I want to see how much they’ve made in total with their store I’m going to be able to click on this icon over here so we can see with their store in the last 30 days they brought in over $33,000 and I’m going to be able to scroll down here and see all of the different items in their store and if I wanted to click into the link just like this it’s going to take me directly to the product page for the item that they’re selling, they seem to be Drop Shipping it based on the delivery time so this is their store over here we know that they’re generating over $30,000 from selling all of the products in their store so so far ChatGPT has pointed Us in the right direction but knowing that a store is making a certain amount of money and they’re selling a particular product is probably only half of it, we need to know if we can drop ship it ourselves so what you can do on Zik analytics is click on this icon and it’s going to take you over to a supplier that has the product available so as we can see right here there’s this product on AliExpress it’s currently available for us to buy at $33 and it comes with really fast shipping as well and on this particular Drop Shipping Store they’re selling it for $124 so the amount of profit that could be made with this item is really really high and bear in mind that the only reason why I know that this item is selling well is because of ChatGPT so that’s one of the first ways that you can use it to do product research and if you also wanted to go away and spy on any Shopify drop shippers stores you’re going to be able to use the link in my description down below sign up to a 7-Day trial with Zik analytics so that you can cross check the data and make sure that you’re selling a product that’s going to be able to make you money but this now brings me on to one of the second ways that you can utilize the power of ChatGPT 4.0 which is to assist you when it comes to making money with an affiliate marketing website.

Affiliate Marketing Websites

Now in my personal opinion I would say that building up an affiliate marketing website is definitely a great way to go if you’re someone that wants to build a business that can give you the potential of running it anywhere around the world because you’re not restricted to a particular location and for those of you that’s never heard of an affiliate marketing website before and you want to know a little bit more information again it’s really simple, all it is is a site that you’re going to build with the intention of reviewing products on it you’re going to place something called affiliate links on the website and the way that an affiliate Link Works is that when someone clicks into it you’re going to be able to earn a affiliate commission. There’s so many different ways that you can build up an affiliate marketing website at the moment I’ve got around three and they help me earn a passive income but one of the easiest ways to do it is to review products that people actively searching for information about it and the way that this works let me quickly show you if I just jump onto Google what a normal consumer might do is search for an item that they’re thinking about buying so as an example let’s say that I wanted to search for a brand new mic what I might do is just type in best microphone to buy just like this and then click on search and then from here as you can see all of these different websites pop up but there’s this website over here where this person is actually paying for Google ads for them to be ranked on the first page so what the consumer might do from this point is just click into the link just like this from here it’s going to take me to a very simple site where this website owner is reviewing the best microphones from number one to the least and interestingly enough the microphone that I’m using is actually number one so what the reader or what the consumer might do from this point is Click into any one of these different links and as you can see it’s taking me directly to the Amazon product page and if I was thinking about buying a second mic or I just wanted to buy this item or any one of the products that’s on this website the person that owns the website is going to earn a portion of this Revenue so imagine how powerful this is when it comes to all of these different items that they’ve got on this page they’ve also got various different categories of various different products and there’s a way that ChatGPT is going to be able to assist you if you also wanted to do something similar.

Setting Up an Affiliate Website

Now of course first things first you need to head over to Amazon sign up to the Amazon Associates program get accepted and that’s going to give you the power to get affiliate links for any of the products that’s on Amazon then what you need to do is start the process of building your website which could be done fairly easily if you’re using an AI website builder I’m going to leave a link to one of the best AI website Builders down below all you got to do is just click on claim deal it’s then going to take you to this page over here where all you need to do is just fill out information and you’re going to be able to get your website built so I’m just going to quickly fill it out now I’m going to say that I want to build a Blog I’m going to call the website best product reviews with a zed just like that and for the description I’m just going to put something simple like this is is a product review website where I’ll be ranking products from best to least in various categories ranging from Tech laptops mobile phones household Home and Garden pets Etc you can add more information you can make it more simple if you want but I’m just going to leave it like this and then I’m just going to click on create a website and as you just saw it was able to build the website in a matter of seconds so this is the site over here I’m going to be able to make changes to it so I just wanted to show you that part of the process it’s not difficult when when it comes to building a website in this day and age but the way that ChatGPT is going to be able to help you is with the actual articles that you’re going to publish to the website and to show you what I mean if I just jump on to ChatGPT 4.0 and type in this prompt that says write a 1,000-word article for my blog website reviewing the top 10 laptops that have been sold on Amazon rank the laptops from best to least and leave a space after each laptop for me to insert a call to action button for each one once you’ve inserted a similar prompt to this all you’re going to do is click on send and straight away as you can see ChatGPT has gone to work to start writing this article in full so that I don’t have to do it myself.

Using ChatGPT for Content Creation

Now I would recommend that after it’s completed the article you go through it you read it you make sure that you’re completely happy with it you know maybe switch up a couple sentences maybe switch up a couple words but this definitely saves a lot of time because you’re going to be able to repeat this process over and over again for multiple different products but onto to the final way that I want to show you guys that you can use ChatGPT 4.0 to help you when it comes to earning money which is to use it to help you build a lead magnet that you’re going to use when it comes to growing a newsletter business. Now most of you have probably never heard of a newsletter business before but it’s one of my favorite ways of earning money online similar to an affiliate marketing website you can run a newsletter anywhere around the world whether I’m in Dubai whether I’m in the UK whatever it is I’m going to be able to run my newsletter businesses and still earn a decent amount of income from them. All a newsletter is is where someone is giving you their email address to receive emails once a week twice a week three times a week the frequency of emails that you send is completely up to you ideally you want to make sure that the newsletter is centered around a specific Niche and imagine if you’re able to build up a list of 5,000 people 10,000 people 20,000 people that are open in your emails every single time that you send one out the potential to make a lot of money is really high because you can Rec recommend products and services that you own yourself or you can also go down the route of doing affiliate marketing.

Creating a Lead Magnet with ChatGPT

Now of course when it comes to using ChatGPT you can use it when it comes to even writing the emails but you can also use it when it comes to building up a lead magnet and all a lead magnet is is something that you’re going to give someone in exchange for their email address. Now one of the best lead magnets that you can build and one of the easiest is an ebook and you can use ChatGPT to build an ebook within a matter of minutes so let’s assume that I wanted to start a brand new email newsletter that was going to send emails out about personal finance I can use ChatGPT to build an ebook around personal finance so the prompt that I might want to type in is write an ebook about personal finance for beginners this book will be used as a lead magnet to build a newsletter business so it can be brief and to the point with chapters so I’m just going to type that in and click on send it’s now come back with the outline for the book so I’m going to be able to go through it make sure that I’m completely happy with it if I am happy with anything all I’m going to need to do is say proceed with writing the ebook so I’m just going to do that and I’m going to let it go to work.

Designing an Ebook with Canva

Now when it comes to putting the ebook together what you’re going to use in this case is canva so I’ve just logged into my canva account and what I’m going to do is just click on create a design I’m going to type in ebook just like that and from here I’m going to be able to now select a template for the book that I’m looking to make since it’s a personal finance ebook I could just type in finance just like that see all of these different ebook covers the one that I’m going to use is this one over here and I’m going to be able to edit it so I’m just going to type in free ebook I’m going to type in personal finance and over here I’m going to say for beginners you know just something simple just to illustrate my point and when it comes to the actual ebook I can just add pages just like this and literally all I’m going to need to do is come back over to ChatGPT as you can see this is the book that it was able to make for me so I could just copy the entire book just like this come back over here and paste it in here just like this and then from here all I’m going to need to do is go through everything read through it make sure that I’m happy with it make sure that everything is formatted and I’m sure that you get the point when it comes to different ways that you can use ChatGPT if you wanted a little bit more information on how you can build a newsletter business.

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