3 Clever AI Tricks to Earn $150 Daily Online”

3 Clever AI Tricks to Earn

Making Money with AI: A Beginner’s Guide

Now most people out there are confused on the reality of what goes into making money with AI. And I’ve personally been making money with AI technology for the past year, maybe year and a half now. So I believe that I’m credible when it comes to writing this particular article because what I want to do is go through again the realistic ways that a beginner can use AI technology in a simplistic way when it comes to making money on the internet. Whether you’re someone that’s looking to start a side hustle or if you’re just someone that’s looking to make money online, this video is going to be perfect for you.

Using AI to Build Websites

So jumping straight into one of the first realistic ways that you can use AI when it comes to assisting you with making money on the internet, which is by using AI to build a website. So there’s various different websites out there that you can build, but when it comes to being able to use a website to make money as a beginner, I would say that it comes down to two different types. The first type is a Drop Shipping website and the second type is an affiliate income website. And depending on whichever direction that you’re looking to go down, you’re going to be able to use AI technology when it comes to assisting you.

AI Store Builder for Drop Shipping

Because for example if you was looking to start a Drop Shipping Store, there’s this AI store Builder that you’re going to be able to use for completely free. I’m going to link it down below so that you can check it out. As you can see you’re going to be able to use it when it comes to building a Shopify store in less than 2 minutes. Not only is it going to build the website for you, but it’s also going to load it with winning Drop Shipping products. It’s going to come with all of the pages and it’s also going to be optimized for both desktop and mobile phone. So all you got got to do is just click on build my free store, follow through the process, create your account, click on whatever type of store that you’re looking to build and again within 2 maybe 3 minutes you’re going to be able to get access to your fully built Drop Shipping website.

Hostinger AI Website Builder for Affiliate Income

Now on the other hand if you were someone that was looking to use AI when it comes to building an affiliate income website, the tool that you’re going to use is hostinger AI website builder. This also works in a very simple way because all you got to do is click on start creating, fill out all of these details for the brand name, the description, the website type and within a few seconds it’s going to come back with a fully built website that’s completely unique because it’s using AI to build it. It’s going to be able to create a unique website every single time which means you’re not going to have the same website as someone else.

The Efficiency of AI in Website Creation

And of course there is going to be some other work that you’re going to have to do once these AI Bots build these websites for you. I just wanted to give you one of the initial ways that you can use AI technology to help you when it comes to starting a side hustle because if you had to create these websites yourself, let’s say year ago, 2 years ago or even if you wanted to build these moneymaking websites today without using AI, it will definitely take you 3, 4, 5 days even a couple weeks if you’re a complete beginner that’s trying to do it.

Using AI for Service-Based Businesses

So I’d say that that’s one of the initial ways that you can use AI to help you make money online, but swiftly moving on to one of the second ways that you can use AI to start a side hustle from the comfort of your own home, which is to use it to help you start a service-based business. Now this might sound a little bit confusing and before you click off this video I would, I would say that this is potentially one of the easiest ways that you can start generating a source of income online because all you’re going to be doing is finding a business owner that needs a particular service done and then from there you’re going to use AI when it comes to assisting you with fulfilling that service.

Choosing a Service and Finding Leads

And there’s a couple different elements that goes into starting this side hustle and building up your service based business. I would say that one of the first things is of course deciding on what type of service you want to focus on. There’s a long list of different Services out there that you can choose from but for the purpose of today’s video, let’s stick with building websites for business owners that do not have a website using AI because I just showed you exactly how you can do it. And just generally speaking, this is one of the best service-based businesses that you can start because the internet is made up of websites and there’s so many business owners out there that want one but they don’t know how to do it and that’s where you’re going to be able to come in.

Using Google and AI for Lead Generation

But once you’ve decided on whatever service that you want to focus on, the next step after that is knowing exactly how to find leads. I’m, when I say leads what this means is knowing how to find the email addresses for the people that you’re going to contact to offer your services. And there’s a way that you can use Google in addition to Google Gemini which is the AI bot when it comes to building up a list of different leads and I’m going to show you exactly how it works.

Example: Finding Barbershop Leads

So sticking with the service of building websites for people that could benefit from one, I would say that if someone is currently selling on eBay that might be a idle client because they’re selling products on eBay but they might not have a website up and running. And, and of course you’re going to be able to then go and use the AI Builder to build the website for them. But what you would do on Google is type this in and this might look a little bit confusing but all I’m doing is asking Google to scan the instagram.com website and I want it to show me barbershops and I also want it to show me the profiles that have their Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail or Yahoo on their profile. And if you’re a little bit confused as to how you’re going to use this to start a service based business stick with me because it’s going to make sense.

Gathering and Formatting Lead Data

So once you’ve typed this in and you’ve also put whatever type of business that you want to reach out to over here, I’m going to use barar as an example, I’m just going to click on Google search. Okay perfect. So as you can see Google has now come back with all of these different results and at this present moment in time things might still be a little bit confusing but what you’re going to do is copy all of the information from page 1 to 3, 4 for as many pages that you can go and when I say copy all the information let me show you exactly what I’m talking about.

Using Google Gemini for Data Formatting

So what I would do is just copy it just like this even if it’s a little bit messy it’s fine you’re going to copy it just like that for every single page and then you’re going to paste all of the data into a blank document. So as you can see I’ve already done that and I’ve probably done it for about eight pages maybe 10 pages so it looks really messy as I said before but you’re just going to do it just like that and from here what you’re going to do is go over to Google Gemini. Google Gemini is completely free to use you just need a Gmail email address and what you’re going to do once you get here is just paste in this prompt that says format the data below into two columns with company name and email address.

Obtaining Contact Details for Potential Clients

So I’m just going to do it like that and then I’m going to come back over to my Google doc, I’m going to click on command a select all of it then command C to copy and then come back over here and click on command V to paste and then click on submit. And just like that it was able to come back with all of the data cleaned up with the barber name as well as the email addresses and instantly I’ve now got the contact details for potential clients. Again if I haven’t mentioned it already for these different barers to be using at Gmail and all of these different generic email addresses, there’s a high chance that they don’t have a custom domain which means that they don’t have a website. And of course if they don’t have a website you’re going to be able to reach out to them directly into their email inbox offering them the service to build the website to which you’re going to use AI to do it for you.

Using AI for Video Production

But this now brings me on to the final way that I believe that you can use the power of AI when it comes to helping you make money on the internet which is with video production. Now I’m sure that it’s no surprise to you that the potential of making money with video is increasing year after year with platforms like YouTube. There’s so many different opportunities when it comes to being able to make multiple streams of income and the best thing about the times that we’re living in right now is that you don’t even need to show your face on camera or use your own voice when it comes to benefiting from platforms like YouTube because there’s a way that you can use AI when it comes to making videos where you don’t need to edit them, you don’t need to script them, the only thing that you need to do is come up with the video idea and as long as you know exactly what goes into doing research to find videos that you know people want to watch, there’s an AI bot that you can use when it comes to taking care of the rest.

Using Vid IQ for Video Ideas

Now the software that you can use when it comes to coming up with video ideas is vid IQ. I’m going to leave a 30-day trial link to vid IQ in my description down below it’s completely free for you to use and once you’ve created your account what you’re going to do is click on this new feature over here called outliers and this feature is amazing and it’s definitely gamechanging because you’re going to be able to use it when it comes to finding videos that have done well on smaller channels similar to your one.

Finding Successful Video Ideas

So if you start a channel today let’s say around the travel Niche what you’re going to do is type in travel just like that then you’re going to click on filters and what I’ would recommend that you do is come over here to where it says subscribers and you want to filter it down so that it shows you channels that have less than let’s say 1,000 subscribers and then what you’re going to do is change this one to the last 3 months and then click on apply. Okay perfect. So it’s come back with a whole bunch of different videos but I’m just going to stick with these ones at the top over here. Let’s focus on this one. This channel only has 1,000 subscribers of course because that’s what we put in the filters and this particular video that was uploaded 20 days ago was able to get 14,000 views.

Analyzing Successful AI-Generated Videos

So if we just click into this video I’m just going to open it just like, like this. So this is the video on YouTube if I just scan through it you can see that there’s no one showing their face it’s just video overlays you know image stock footage and stuff like that and I’m just going to play a little bit for you just so that you can hear that it’s an AI generated voice. “Welcome to our journey through the wonders of China a land of vast Landscapes and ancient history from towering mountains to Serene Rivers China’s beauty is as diverse as its people” and there you go guys that’s definitely an AI generated voice. Again 14,000 views in Just 2 weeks and now their channel is eligible to be monetized and you could do the exact same thing yourself by using this AI bot over here called nid AI.

Using Nid AI for Video Generation

All you need to do is just enter a prompt into this box over here and it’s going to be able to generate a fully edited video for you in a matter of minutes and I’m going to show you exactly how it works. Now let’s assume that I wanted to recreate this video over here but instead of making it about China which is obviously what I should do because this is the video that did well, I’m going to recreate it and do something about Africa. So I’m just going to come back over to nid Ai and this is the prompt that I’m going to type in create a video about the 10 mustsee locations in Africa make it fun make it educational literally you could just type in something as easy as that then click on generate a video and it should come up with a couple other questions.

Generating a Video with Nid AI

Okay so these are the final choices that you need to select before it shows you the video it’s asking me who is the audience I’m just going to leave it on travel Enthusiast and then I’m going to say for the look and feel you know make it clean and for the platform I want it to go onto YouTube then I’m going to click on continue and just like that within a couple minutes it was able to come back with this fully edited YouTube video that I’m going to be able to download straight away. It’s going to have watermarks on it during the preview but when I download it export it there’s not going to be any watermarks there’s not going to be any limitations whatsoever. So let me just play a couple seconds of this video so that you can see how similar it is to the video that did well on YouTube.

Preview of AI-Generated Video

“Hey everyone today I’m taking you on an exhilarating journey to uncover 10 of Africa’s most mysterious and all inspiring locations that you probably haven’t heard of yet so grab your passports and let’s dive into the unknown first up is the enchanting corbus archipelago in” so I’m sure that you guys are was blown away as I am because for you to be able to use AI to do something like this it didn’t exist a few months back a year ago you would have had to have spent hours and hours to piece all of these different pieces together and if you wanted to get a voice over you would have had to have hired someone or gone to a separate software to do it but everything’s all in one place and it’s just really really easy.

Conclusion and Future Content

So using AI to produce videos like this is definitely something that you should consider doing and there’s a big opportunity when it comes to putting yourself in a position of generating a passive source of income. Now of course in this article I just wanted to give you the broad old overview of what goes into all of these different side hustles. I do have more articles coming out real soon.

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