2 Foolproof Ways for Newbies to Make Money Online in 2024

Building Websites for Extra Income

So making the decision to start and grow a website can be a great way for you to earn an additional source of income from the comfort of your own home, and the reason why I believe that is because building websites definitely changed my financial situation in a number of different ways. So I thought you know what, let me make today’s article about the two best ways that a complete beginner can build a website in the easiest way and put themselves in a position where they could potentially grow that website to the point where it’s going to earn them an extra $1,000 per month, $2,000 per month, even as high as $5,000 per month if you’re able to follow the steps in the most effective way possible.

Why Start a Website?

But jumping straight into one of the first things that I want to talk about which is why exactly should you even consider starting a website over other online business models. Now the reason why I personally like building websites and the reason why I’ve been doing so now for the past 7-10 years is because when you build a website it’s something that you own and it’s something that you have full control over, and I’m not necessarily saying that using online platforms is a bad way to go but what I’m saying is that every single person that’s looking to build an additional stream of income using the internet should think about starting some sort of website.

Benefits of Website Ownership

So I’ll definitely say that that’s one of the biggest benefits of owning a website which is that it’s essentially an asset that’s going to be able to pay you every day, every week, every month, and depending on what type of website you’ve built and depending on how you’ve done it you’re also going to have the opportunity to sell that website in the future for lump sum. So generally speaking there’s so many different advantages and benefits when it comes to owning and building a website.

Two Types of Websites

But this now brings me on to the two different types of websites that you can build or the ones that I’ve built anyway which is either an e-commerce website or an information website. And what I want to quickly do is Define exactly what these type of websites are and the different pros and cons specifically with these two different options and I’m also going to explain exactly how you can build them in the easiest way possible.

E-commerce Websites

So let’s start off with one of the main Pros that I’ve personally noticed over my years of generating hundreds of thousands of dollars from Ecom websites which is that with the right product and the right marketing you can scale really quick. Now for those of you that are completely new to this concept and you’re not really sure of exactly what an Ecom website is, it’s literally a website that you’re going to build with the sole purpose of selling products directly to customers.

Types of E-commerce Websites

There’s so many different ways that you can build an e-commerce website, there’s so many different platforms that you can use. For example you can build an Ecom site where you’re going to be responsible for shipping out the products yourself, this is definitely something that I’ve done and it’s something that I still do till now which involves buying products from China in bulk, listing them on your website and whenever you make a sale you or your team are going to pick, pack and ship out the orders.

Dropshipping E-commerce

But you can also build an e-commerce website where you don’t necessarily have to do that, this is commonly known as a Drop Shipping website and it works in a very similar way. You’re going to build the website, you’re going to load it with winning products but instead of you having to ship out the orders yourself you’re going to go over to a Drop Shipping supplier where it’s going to be their responsibility to make sure that they ship out the orders to your customers on your behalf.

Shopify for E-commerce

So these are the two main ways that you can fulfill your orders and the two main ways that you can operate an e-commerce website. Now I would say that the best platform that you should consider using is Shopify and this is for a number of different reasons that I’m going to explain in a moment, but this is definitely one of the biggest advantages of building an Ecom website which is that if you know exactly how to find the best product that you know people are actively searching for right now and they’ve been searching for it for the past 5 years, for the past few years, and you also anticipate that they’re going to be searching for it over the foreseeable future and you combine that with really good marketing then being able to generate sales within the first week, first couple weeks isn’t going to be difficult.

Challenges of E-commerce Websites

But in saying all of that one of the main cons to building a e-commerce website is that it can be difficult to build the website yourself. So there’s a few different things that goes into building an e-commerce website, you’re going to have to make sure that the site has been built in the correct way that it’s been designed in the right way, you’re also going to have to make sure that the site is optimized and it’s working on both desktop and mobile phone and you also have to make sure that the product page has been done in the right way as well because if you make a mistake when it comes to the formatting of the product landing page then there’s a chance that you’re going to end up losing sales.

AI-Powered E-commerce Solutions

But the good news is that right now we actually live in amazing times because there’s AI Bots that you can use when it comes to getting a Shopify e-commerce Drop Shipping Store built within 5 to 10 minutes. For example there’s this AI bot over here that not that many people know about yet and it’s completely free for you to use, I’m going to leave it down below I’m going to leave a link to it anyone can use it and it’s pretty straightforward because as you can see on the homepage over here it’s going to be able to build a fully optimized Shopify store, you’re going to be able to load it with winning products and ready to sell pages.

Using AI Store Builder

So all you need to do is click on build my free store just like that then all you got to do is just type in your name, email address, password, you’re going to have to select the niche for the type of store that you looking to build. So of course at this stage you’ll need to know what product you’re going to sell, all I’m trying to do right now is show you how simple it can be when it comes time for you to build your website. So you’re just going to select the niche just like that you’re then going to have to select some images that you want the AI store Builder to put on your store of course you can change this in the future if you wanted to and simply follow through with the rest of the steps anyone can do it it’s very beginner friendly and you’re then going to have to pay a $1 Trial with Shopify and you’re going to be able to use Shopify for an entire month.

Benefits of AI Store Builder

So that’s one of the main benefits to using this AI store Builder is because it’s directly connected to the biggest platform in the entire world when it comes to building e-commerce websites, it takes away a lot of the heavy lifting so that you don’t have to stress yourself out when it comes to building a website and once you have completed the entire process you’re going to see that you’ve got a fully built fully optimized store ready for you to use ASAP. And of course there is a lot more that goes into the process I kind of just skimmed through everything just so that I can give you the overview but if you wanted an actual step-by-step guide when it comes to using the AI store Builder what goes into finding the best winning product possible and just everything that you need to know generally speaking when it comes to getting the right customers that will buy your items onto your e-commerce website.

Free E-commerce Course

So if you want to check out that free course don’t forget it’s going to be the top link of the description. Now moving on to one of the second best websites that you can build that can help you earn money from your house which is an information website and this is probably the type of site that most of you have never heard of before but I would say that it’s one of the most passive ways of being able to earn money on the internet and there’s so many different examples of an information website eg it can be a Blog, it can be a product review website and it generally comes down to it being an affiliate marketing website.

Introduction to Affiliate Marketing

And affiliate marketing for those of you that’s never heard of it before is simply a site where you’re going to publish articles on your website and within those articles you’re going to provide value in the form of information but you’re also going to put various different affiliate links within those articles so that when someone clicks on one of those links you’re going to be able to to earn something called a commission. So you don’t have to own the product you don’t have to build the product it’s not like an e-commerce website because you’re not responsible for making sure that the product gets to the customer that’s going to be the responsibility of the companies that you’re promoting.

Pros and Cons of Information Websites

So depending on whatever type of website you want to build both of these two different options are great ways to go but moving on to some of the different pros and cons that goes into an information website let’s start off with one of the pros which is that there’s low startup costs. So one of the things that I love about building affiliate marketing websites is that it’s minimal startup cost but if you’re able to do it in the right way then you’re going to be able to earn a decent amount of income because you don’t really need to spend money on ads and you don’t really need to buy any sort of inventory or anything like that the upside for you to be able to make money is definitely there of course depending on how you do things and depending on how you structure your website.

Challenges of Information Websites

But in saying all of that the main con to starting this type of website is that it can be quite difficult for you to stand out initially. So you definitely need a a little bit more strategy when it comes to getting traffic onto your website but it’s not really difficult it’s just going to take time when it comes to doing the right SEO which is search engine optimization. This is simply where you’re going to get your articles ranked on Google, I’ve been able to do it a number of different times and it’s not difficult it just comes down to having the right knowledge and it’s also going to come down to using social media platforms when it comes to publishing content on platforms like YouTube, Tik Tok, Instagram, Facebook and then leading those people back to your information website where you’re going to be able to monetize in a number of different ways.

Hosting for Information Websites

And when it comes to starting an information website I wouldn’t recommend to use Shopify I would recommend to use something like hosting guard, this is what I’ve personally used myself with the different blog websites different product review websites that I’ve built and the reason why I like it is for so many different reasons because if you click the link in my description that’s going to take you directly to hosting guard you’re going to notice that with that link you’re going to be able to save 75%, you’re also going to be able to get a completely free domain and you don’t really need any sort of technical skills skills because you’re also going to be able to use the AI website builder and the best part about it is that it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.

Setting Up with Hostinger

So if you don’t like it for whatever reason within the first 30 days you’re going to be able to get a full refund. So all you got to do is just click on claim deal and create your hostinger account and once you have created your account it’s then going to take you to your dashboard and one of the first things that you’re going to be able to do with hostinger is claim that free domain. Now what I’m going to do as an example just to show you exactly how easy it is to use is I’m going to create an information website specifically a tech product review website and I’m going to be able to do all of this within a matter of minutes.

Creating a Tech Review Website

So first things first let me just click on claim domain and I’m just going to type in a random domain name for a tech review website I’m just going to call it unbox tech review.com let’s see if it’s available okay perfect it is available so if I wanted it which I don’t necessarily want it I’m only showing it as an example but if I did want it I’m going to be able to click on claim domain from that point I’m now going to be able to use the AI website builder. So all I got to do is click on start creating and literally all I got to do is just fill out these three different sections over here so the brand name which is unbox tech review I’m just going to select blog for this example and I’m just going to write this short description you can pause the video now read it if you want to but it’s just a couple sentences just to explain what the website is about then I’m just going to click on create a website.

AI-Generated Website in Seconds

And just like that within 30 seconds or so it was able to build this unique website that no one else is going to be able to have and it was able to do this within a matter of seconds which I find really amazing. So there’s no real excuse when it comes to procrastinating getting started with an information website because the hardest part is kind of out of the way now all I got to do from this point is sign up to something like the Amazon Associates Program start writing articles and be consistent with it when it comes to publishing those articles on a weekly basis and the more consistent that you are when it comes to doing this side hustle before you know it you’re going to be able to get hundreds of people coming onto your website every single week and you’re going to start to see some clicks coming through and of course some affiliate commissions coming through as well.

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